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Afghan Special Forces

it just goes to show, firearms, uniforms, and equipment, don't make the soldier. I'm aware many in the ANA weren't paid in months and meals were in short-supply and they were fighting Taliban months ago but how they ended was pitiful. Many literally fled despite having more than adequate arsenal to fight. I wonder what role did the ANA leadership play in this mess.
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All these weapons they are flaunting ...they have sold it to the Talebans...Very soon we will see in Peshawar the influx of weapons in local market and I just can't wait for it.

@Sher Malang mashaallah bro
mashaallah , they don't talk sh!t and they just do their job ..... thats why at least their borders are much more secure than certain psycho countries :D

@Sher Malang mashaallah bro

Lol isn't Iran is one much psycho country itself.. No wonder Iranians were so fond of ANA and now crying after talibans complete take over
Lot of Afghans are passing out from Indian military institutions some of them are prestgious like CIWS.
Iraq Army ,though have enormous personal reinforcments deserted their posts.But Afghanis are entire different they are known for their will power and courage.
Yeah right. Prestigious military institute like CIWS really now require a revamp. Must be really embarrassing for CIWS.
from this this 👇 👇 👇









to this 👇 👇 👇 in a few short years:
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to Other

my my my, how fast times change...wonder how many of the ana special forces in the first post are alive today and how many surrendered and joined the Taliban's Badri 313 Special Forces battalion?
my favorite special forces
They are not really a special force - they look great but what combat capability do they bring to the table? HAHO/HALO, Amphibious assault? Underwater Demolitions and the list goes on. These are just Taliban in shiny new uniforms. They are NOT special forces.
All these weapons they are flaunting ...they have sold it to the Talebans...Very soon we will see in Peshawar the influx of weapons in local market and I just can't wait for it.
That is right, many of those weapons are already in the hands of the TTP.
They are not really a special force - they look great but what combat capability do they bring to the table? HAHO/HALO, Amphibious assault? Underwater Demolitions and the list goes on. These are just Taliban in shiny new uniforms. They are NOT special forces.
The Taliban will have a very tough time from now on. It was easy for them to make explosions , cause death and destruction, but now things are different and they have alreay started to feel the heat. Armed resistence which is sending Taliban's coffins to their families, hunger, mismanagement, growing corruption, luxurious lifestyle by their commanders, and completely ignoring the will of people. All of these will seal their fate.

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