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Afghan response to removal of " refugees' from Pakistan ..?

Pakistan was thinking if they support the Talibans to come to power again in Afghanistan, they will forget about the Durand Line :lol:
Pakistan supported Taliban to kick out Indians from Afghanistan which has worked. Durand line is also less porous than ever.
LOL I am loving it how the United States is remaining dead silent on this one. Are the Americans and Europeans going to save their translators? Remember that the US promised many of these Afghan refugees citizenship in their own country. Pakistan was supposed to be a temporary station. After all this time these Afghans thought that Pakistan was going to be their new home. I don't think so.
UN should step up and ensure deportation of bihari stranded in bangladeshi camps and Indian muslim to pakistan who demanded pakistan in 1947 .
UN should step up and ensure deportation of bihari stranded in bangladeshi camps and muslim who demanded pakistan in 1947 .

You should first help Israel against Palestine.
All our wheat, sugar, dollars, cooking oil and much more are smuggled to Afghanistan with help of those we all know and then they create these dramas. These mullahs are their B team and both have destroyed our country.
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