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Afghan-Pak Trade Drops 40 Percent in Three Months: PAJCCI

There is no downside accepting the truth (underlined above)
Durand line is nothing but an artificial line on map drawn by then Britishers for their own comfort and it has nothing to do with historical facts of regional inhabitants. Just like Chinese disregard MacMahon line on historical ground. So called NDS-ISI mou was immature misadventure of Ashraf Ghani without the confidence of Afghan establishments. He was warned on every account, then left on his own to learn some lessons. and later he learned well. Zarb-e- azb is cleaning your own mess, at least you accepted you gotta cancer.

if you really want peace and tranquility in region, better leave us on our own. There is nothing left for you in Afghanistan. Young generation is growing with deep hatred for you guys. Still you can manage it, but time is short.

Buddy entire International community accepts Durand Line as International border, your opinion doesn't change the reality, you can keep on claiming what you want, Pakistan and its Pushtuns (thrice the times the number of Pushtuns in Afghanistan) don't care, minority can never claim majority, its the opposite. By your reasoning, Tajik and Uzbek areas of Afghanistan should go to Tajkistan and Uzbekistan. Look at Switzerland, 60% people are of German background and speak German, 20% are French, should Germany and France claim those areas of Switzerland. In Belgium, 59% speak Dutch, 40% are French, should France and Netherlands claim those areas of Belgium. The claim of successive regimes in Kabul is something beyond the realm of imagination !!!
Stop swearing in your posts. Speak with respect please.

@Ghatti was a Indian troll pretending to be an Afghan.....:crazy:
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