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Afghan military calls for Pakistan to launch operations on ‘terrorist centers’ throughout country

Pakistan has clearly conveyed to Americans by being blunt, that Haqqanis are a major player in Afghanistan whether Kabul likes it or not. Pakistan has clearly told ,that it is not our duty to bring peace in Afghanistan, which can only come through dialogue -
Problem is that the Haqqani group are considered terrorists and under UNSCR 1373 Pakistan has the binding sovereign obligation to deny them sanctuary, training, and financial support.
Problem is that the Haqqani group are considered terrorists and under UNSCR 1373 Pakistan has the binding sovereign obligation to deny them sanctuary, training, and financial support.

Problem is US been Caught Supporting Rebels aka Future Terrorists on numerous occasions .
Problem is US is been a Invading force which will withdraw someday, leaving Pakistan to deal with mess .
Problem is ISIS has established their Strong hold in Afghanistan under US presences .
Problem is Indian Spy is caught supporting Organizations like TTP which is direct alliance with ISIS .
Problem is Afghanistan NDS is caught Red handed Transporting a TTP leader .
Problem is Haqqani Group wont be end by just Pakistan as their Network spread across the Durand line .
Problem is Taliban is Gaining ground in Afghanistan where Pakistan has no Access or control but US has .
Problem is Baluch leaders are enjoying a peaceful life in West while they order their soldiers to kill Pakistani innocent Civilians .
Problem is US has no clue what Problem is .
Problem is US want Pakistan as escape Goat to put the blame on , as they show in past .
Problem is i know you will run with your tails between your legs, instead of answering anything .

Good day
Problem is US -
Problem is US -
Problem is ISIS -
Problem is Indian -
Problem is -
etc., etc. NONE of the items listed is anything that serves to justify Pakistan's continued and willful violations of CVII-UNSCR 1373.

The job of the military is to identify and pursue threats, yet everything outside military control can be deemed such, so everyone else is either an enemy, suspected enemy, or potential enemy. So the fact that Pakistan's military controls foreign policy, rather than Pakistan's politicians, quickly leads to the conclusion that everything outside of Pakistan must either be controlled or destroyed to the greatest ability of the State. The fallacy is that this ends up destroying trade and friendly relations both within the state and without, and thus Pakistan's people aren't protected from their livelihoods being destroyed or diminished as a result.
Half their country is under taliban rule they should look inward for their problems
Problem is that the Haqqani group are considered terrorists and under UNSCR 1373 Pakistan has the binding sovereign obligation to deny them sanctuary, training, and financial support.

Hmm, Al-Nusra Front was also recognized as a terrorist entity by UN yet Israel provided them support, even treated its wounded on its soil.
Here is UN list, which includes Al Nusra Front in it https://www.un.org/press/en/2013/sc11019.doc.htm

Here is Former Mossad Chief accepting that Al Nusra terrorists were provided help by Israel and treated on Israeli soil.
We're already doing that since 2014 and now Raddul Fassad is going on to cleanup our cities you better plan on taking back half of your country from talibans dear "Afghan military" (if there is any).
etc., etc. NONE of the items listed is anything that serves to justify Pakistan's continued and willful violations of CVII-UNSCR 1373.

The job of the military is to identify and pursue threats, yet everything outside military control can be deemed such, so everyone else is either an enemy, suspected enemy, or potential enemy. So the fact that Pakistan's military controls foreign policy, rather than Pakistan's politicians, quickly leads to the conclusion that everything outside of Pakistan must either be controlled or destroyed to the greatest ability of the State. The fallacy is that this ends up destroying trade and friendly relations both within the state and without, and thus Pakistan's people aren't protected from their livelihoods being destroyed or diminished as a result.

as Expected :)
Those who harbor terrorists cant take action against terrorist centers.
Problem is that the Haqqani group are considered terrorists and under UNSCR 1373 Pakistan has the binding sovereign obligation to deny them sanctuary, training, and financial support.


UNSCR 1373 doesn't mention Haqqanis nor am I aware of any evidence that they had a role in the 9/11 attacks. The problem with declaring someone 'terrorist' is that there is no venue left for settlement or peace, war becomes the default and only option. Afghanistan needs peace, not war.

etc., etc. NONE of the items listed is anything that serves to justify Pakistan's continued and willful violations of CVII-UNSCR 1373.

The job of the military is to identify and pursue threats, yet everything outside military control can be deemed such, so everyone else is either an enemy, suspected enemy, or potential enemy. So the fact that Pakistan's military controls foreign policy, rather than Pakistan's politicians, quickly leads to the conclusion that everything outside of Pakistan must either be controlled or destroyed to the greatest ability of the State. The fallacy is that this ends up destroying trade and friendly relations both within the state and without, and thus Pakistan's people aren't protected from their livelihoods being destroyed or diminished as a result.

This doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Where do your loyalties lie, mister?

Why is it a question of loyalty? I don't have to like/support Taliban, Haqqanis, BLA, TTP, etc. to know that eventually we need to make peace however we can. You make peace with your enemies, not your friends.

UNSCR 1373 doesn't mention Haqqanis nor am I aware of any evidence that they had a role in the 9/11 attacks.

The problem with declaring someone 'terrorist' is that there is no venue left for settlement or peace, war becomes the default and only option. Afghanistan needs peace, not war.
Better. But bottom line is that HQN-Taliban still seen as Pakistan-created and -supported outfit bent on violence against civilian targets. That's terrorism. When the targets are civilians rather than gov't or military then you have a terrorist outfit, not a guerrilla.

This doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Be specific.

Why is it a question of loyalty -
Let him answer himself.

what do you mean ?
What is your highest loyalty?

Afghan military calls for Pakistan to launch operations on ‘terrorist centers’ throughout country
BY BILL ROGGIO | July 19, 2017 | admin@longwarjournal.org | @billroggio

The Pakistan military recoiled after Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense called on Pakistan to launched operations against “terrorist centers” throughout the country, including in the Pakistani cities of Quetta and Peshawar.

Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations branch said that Afghan Ministry of Defense spokesman’s comments that Pakistan is a hub for terrorist activity “is unwarranted and runs counter to Pakistan Army’s efforts for better Pak-Afghan coordination and cooperation.”

“Pakistan Army looks forward for trust based security coordination and cooperation for fight against common enemy,” the ISPR statement continued. “Rhetoric of blames and suggestive allegations are agenda of forces working against order and peace in the region which should be avoided.”

The ISPR responded to comments made by Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Dawlat Waziri, who responded to Pakistan’s announcement of Khyber 4, an operation in Pakistan’s Khyber tribal agency.

“Military operations need to be launched in [sic] both sides of the Durand Line. Everyone understand [sic] the terrorist centers are located in Pakistan; Quetta Council, Peshawar Council and Miranshah Council that are Taliban groups,” Waziri said, according to ATN News. Waziri made the comments after ISPR spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor suggested that the Afghan military launch an operation on its side of the border to support Khyber 4.

The three councils mentioned by Waziri refer to Afghan Taliban’s command structure that is based inside Pakistan. The Quetta Shura, the Taliban’s main decision body, is based in the city of Quetta in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province. Additionally, the Taliban operates four regional military councils in Quetta, Peshawar, Miramsha, and Gerdi Jangal.

The Taliban’s top leadership has been based inside Pakistan for decades, with the knowledge, approval and support of the military and its Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate. The Taliban’s first two emirs died while in Pakistan. Mullah Omar, the Taliban’s founder and first emir, died in a Pakistani hospital near Quetta in April 2013. His successor, Mullah Mansour, was killed by the US in a drone strike in Baluchistan in May 2016. They and other senior, middle and lower level leaders have operated inside Pakistan without consequence.

In order to justify its policy of support to jihadist groups, Pakistani elites have attempted to distinguish between what are referred to as “good Taliban” and “bad Taliban.” The so-called “good Taliban” are groups that advance Pakistan’s foreign policy goals and do not threaten the state or wage war within its borders. “Good Taliban” and other groups deemed acceptable by the Pakistani establishment include the Afghan Taliban and its subgroups, the Haqqani Network, the Mullah Nazir Group, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Harakat-ul-Mujahideen, and Jaish-e-Mohammed. These groups conduct numerous heinous acts of terrorism in the region, and are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and civilians, and yet are supported by the Pakistani state.

“Bad Taliban” are any jihadist faction that challenges the primacy of the Pakistani state. These groups include the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, the Turkistan Islamic Party, and the weakened Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. The Pakistani military has pursued these groups in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province with some success. However, when targeting these groups, the military has avoided pursuing groups such as the Haqqani Network, which provided shelter and support for the “bad Taliban.”

Pakistani officials have denied that it pursues a policy of strategic depth and differentiates between “good and bad Taliban,” or alternatively, have claimed it will no longer differentiate between the two. However, these claims are false. This is demonstrated in Pakistan’s continuing support for the aforementioned groups and others, as well as an unwillingness to round up leaders and key operatives.

First learn your self and then we talk. US is inside Afghanistan because you guys are not capable to handle and you guys trying to teach us LAMO. Don't teach father how to make sons
What is your highest loyalty?

it depends on what circumstance you ask , I am Loyal to Islam but wont hurt anyone in Islam's name, I am loyal to Pakistan, but that does not mean that will support anything wrong done by Pakistan .. I am loyal to every Human as i will support all sort of Equal rights for all of them ..
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