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Afghan Govt claims Pak Army Captain, suicide bombers arrested in Afghanistan

You seriously think that's india's primary aim there? Do you think it has billions to waste just to help the Afghans (that too for a poor country) or there are bigger interests at stake there?

No only to help but to get goodwill of people and the government who if sensitive to the concerns of Indians can help prevent another Kandahar. Sanctuaries for terrorists against Indian interests is something that India wants to eliminate in Afghanistan.
No, India does not want or need a subservient Afghanistan, and that is what scares Pakistan even more. India wants an independent, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan.

That is exactly what the Afghans themselves want.

The fight is not really between India and Pakistan.

In this conflict, there is freedom and independence on one side, against fanaticism and colonial aggression on the other side.

India and Afghanistan are together on one side, and unfortunately Pakistan chooses to be on the opposing side.

Unfortuantely you're being too simplistic here. Would India would an independent, democractic, prosperous Afghanistan that favours Pakistan (theoretically)? No, of course not. It can claim to be wanting such and such but deep down in wants nothing less than an Afghan government that is Indian puppet.
Well you seem to be picking on ISI solely. ISI is like any other intelligence. You can point out the problem with supporting terrorists but all intelligence agencies do it, not just ISI.

Thats your take on intelligence agencies as your simplistic way of saying because ISI do it, everyone else should be doing the same is beyond comprehension. Anyway you have not said anything about the dangers this will pose to Pakistan as unstable and dangerous suicide bombers are not a recipe for stable Pakistan.
so no one do that free of cost they want to do it because...
1: afganistan is one of the biggest home of terrorist (in past " taliban")
so then can harm india.
2: afganisan will become gud market for indian products . but

pakistan dont want to see that
they dont want afganistan to impove

You're using indian citizens POV.

You're talking about Taliban. What about NA? India supports it since they work in India's interests. The same applies for current Afghan government.

From our angle, India wants to use Afghanistan to ease pressure on our eastern border. Pakistan has not or at least very rarely used Afghanistan against India so those kinds of arguments won't work. There is something bigger at work here.
Even the Afghan News wrote about Indian causing problems for Pakistan in 2006, when we were friends and working on peace. The indian establishment, is always working to destabilize Pakistan. You say that about us and we say that about you.


This is why Pakistan reacted in such a harsh manner. This game will go on, lets see who comes out on top.
Of course not. India wants to exercise its influence on the Afghan govt. and the people through humanitarian means. Its just that you guys dont want to see that happening and are hell bent on using your terrorists to remove Indian presence.

If you would have used all this energy and resources to rebuild and help Afghanistan instead of controlling it through Taliban, you wouldn't have seen any Indians there. You guys gave us the opportunity to enter Afghanistan.

Again simplistic argument. You sure we don't want India in Afghanistan for those reasons or is it for other reasons? Look at it from intelligence perspectives. Intelligence agencies do what is in their state's interests. Would ISI care if India does development work? Not at all. Would it care if India does development work as a smokescreen for something bigger? You betcha.

In other words, Pakistan wouldn't talk about Indian presence just because India is doing development work. It has nothing to gain or lose from that. It feels there's something bigger at work here.
You're using indian citizens POV.

You're talking about Taliban. What about NA? India supports it since they work in India's interests. The same applies for current Afghan government.

From our angle, India wants to use Afghanistan to ease pressure on our eastern border. Pakistan has not or at least very rarely used Afghanistan against India so those kinds of arguments won't work. There is something bigger at work here.

What about the hijacking of Air India that flew all the way to Afghanistan and we had to release terrorists of Pakistani origin belonging to LeT for the safety of the passengers. Was Afghan not a lawless terror state that was favored by Pakistan as that was one of the few countries that recognized its legitimacy ?

Even the Afghan News wrote about Indian causing problems for Pakistan in 2006, when we were friends and working on peace. The indian establishment, is always working to destabilize Pakistan. You say that about us and we say that about you.


This is why Pakistan reacted in such a harsh manner. This game will go on, lets see who comes out on top.

thats why whole world hits u ...
ur statement says all
well no wonder why! ISI is qualified in dealing with terrorists and suicide bombers. They will do a great job with Taliban. I am convinced too.

RAW is also qualified in dealing with terrorists such as Mukti Bahini, Tamil Tigers, Balochistan Liberation Army.

But they do not do a great job because that are just subpar, no wonder their plans are not working. US is using Pakistan's ISI, instead of them.
Unfortuantely you're being too simplistic here. Would India would an independent, democractic, prosperous Afghanistan that favours Pakistan (theoretically)? No, of course not. It can claim to be wanting such and such but deep down in wants nothing less than an Afghan government that is Indian puppet.

A free, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan could not favour Pakistan unless Pakistan shared those values.

Unfortunately, what Pakistan stands for today is religious aggression, as exemplified by the suicide bombers and the Pakistan army captain.

However, if Pakistan were to reinvent itself, then there is no reason why there could not be a harmonious relationship between all three nations.
thats why whole world hits u ...
ur statement says all

First of all, learn English. Its your RAW that started this and they will get what they deserve.

And why are you getting personal moron, relax. I am going now, you should go and cool off too.
This is why Pakistan reacted in such a harsh manner. This game will go on, lets see who comes out on top.

At the current rate, the locals favor Indian presence and that is an important element irrespective of Pakistan's use of terror as state policy. ISI will alienate Pakistan in the eyes of Afghans if it continues to ferment trouble.

Yes, let us see and time will tell. India if it loses will lose nothing much but influence but if it wins, Pakistan will have a tough time with growing influence of India in its backyard.
No only to help but to get goodwill of people and the government who if sensitive to the concerns of Indians can help prevent another Kandahar. Sanctuaries for terrorists against Indian interests is something that India wants to eliminate in Afghanistan.

The amount of indian intelligence presence in Afghanistan makes indian intent questionable. That is exactly why Pakistan is concerned.

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