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Afghan goons attacking Pakistani Embassy in London.

Wtf is this all about? I can't tell the timeline as masks have been worn for quite some time. At least many of them were telling these morons to stop throwing stuff, which seems to be coming from off camera.
Pakistan or not Pakistan

Afghanistan would always remain a sh!thole of the world. And the reason is this uncivilized behavior that has got engrained in the psyche of this nation

Following laws, living like an obedient citizen, not behaving like monkeys is something impossible for this nation

Only Taliban can keep this uncouth herd in control whether people accept it or not
When the folks are losers they lose their minds too....

The NA thugs have lost to the Paks, as usual! Now, their leaders will be hanging from the poles....

The USA has again outsourced their fates to Pak...

The Afghans will give their Biat to the Taliban, or die....

No “surprise” here.....

*Dear Afghans in the Western countries:

Please don’t burden and tire your brains beyond making good Kebabs and Bolani! The geo-political staffs are well beyond your pay grade.

Best wishes,

Your Ottoman Brother
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