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Featured Afghan Fighter Pilot Scared of Taliban Escapes to US

Don't we hate pseudo patriotism in Indians too? Isn't Indian society destroyed because of it? What I'm trying to tell you is don't judge too quickly. And learn to have an ear for other's grievances too. I am with Pakistan and my people too. There are plenty of dumb Pakistanis who are worse than any enemy.

I don't care about Indians enough to build my belief system completely in opposition to them. And Indian society is primarily messed up because they've got an apartheid system in place for their own citizens.

ou can't defend swearing at a whole nation because there are some bad people in them.

It's not "some bad people" who are opposed to us in Afghanistan. The Afghan body politic despises us and seeks to eradicate Pakistan.

Islam teaches us to look beyond race & ethnicity.

Islam also teaches us the importance of race, ethnicity and nations.

Indian lobbying and funding over decades has successfully brought us down to this low.

What Indian lobbying? Awghan raids and oppression in Pakistan date back several centuries. This is just another iteration of Awghan hatred.
Afghan Fighter Pilot, Facing Taliban Death Threats, Arrives in the U.S.
The U.S.-trained aviator had last year been denied safe passage in a case that drew ire from inside U.S. military ranks
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Maj. Asadi left Kabul on Tuesday after the U.S. last month granted him a temporary protection status for noncitizens in the country.

What are these coward monkeys when their American daddy ran back to America?
Why dont these "brave" soldiers of northern alliance stay put and fight the Taliban, protect the "democracy" , " women rights" and what not. Lol
You can keep the the apologetic attitude for yourself - but if common Beghairat is so ungrateful that we fed and clothed him - when he uses Pakistani passport to gain refugee status in Western countries and then bad mouth Pakistan.

By we I mean Pakistan - the state of Pakistan - I totally and wholeheartedly support Pakistan's stance.

You're implying that we destroyed their country - whereas we protected and trained them against the reds back in 80s and against the blue in early 2001.

You can keep denying what they did to our previous generation that doesn't change reality one bit - if it were not for us no Kunduz airlift would have happened and aFaghan resistance would have evaporated in thin air- if common afghani cant see this- thats because he has no TV in his house thats because his country is backward and his people ungrateful - nothing to do with racism or anything -

we have lost thousand because of war in Afghan - we have had this Kalashnikov culture introduced to Pakistan because of then, they can keep jerking over durand line but the fact remains when youre ungrateful to those who asissted you then nature itself abandons you

so you may owe personally something to Aghanis - but we dont owe them anything.

perhaps you need to see a good eye doctor then

Respectfully sir, you need to get out of the world you live in and see things properly. You are trying to fit humans into your preconceived boxes. You can keep your views but try to zoom out and look at things neutrally. There's no point discussing more because you do not seem to be a suitable candidate for an academic discussion. You are a Pakistani, a product of Pakistani media, Pakistani society, Pakistani literature you are biased because of those. In academics, biases ruin the discussion. I respect your views, but these won't hold on any international level. Anyways, good day.
I don't care about Indians enough to build my belief system completely in opposition to them. And Indian society is primarily messed up because they've got an apartheid system in place for their own citizens.

It's not "some bad people" who are opposed to us in Afghanistan. The Afghan body politic despises us and seeks to eradicate Pakistan.

Islam also teaches us the importance of race, ethnicity and nations.

What Indian lobbying? Awghan raids and oppression in Pakistan date back several centuries. This is just another iteration of Awghan hatred.

1. I am not willing to discuss your personal views. I am giving an objective analysis based on ground facts. I oppose hatred towards any race, religion, ethnicity or country. Germans have fixed relations with the world, Japan has fixed relations with USA, world goes on. People learn from past, avoid unnecessary jingoism and it helps the whole region. Respectfully, if thinking like yours lingers on in our rulers and army decision makers. We will always remain on the lower end of human civilization. They will keep making F35s, we will keep making their socks, footballs, mangoes and T shirts (that too on machines made and sold by them). As our DG ISPR has been saying, war is failure of dialogue. And in the end, war comes down to a dialogue again. I hope you can realise. Afghanistan or India. Senseless hatred is no good for anyone.

2. Afghan's political body has been hand picked by USA to serve their interests. They will do and say things which pleases them. If you get easily triggered, you have no place as an analyst/ strategist/ opinion maker. Pakistan accepts Taliban as an Afghan struggle movement. Pakistan encourages Taliban to join politics formally. Pakistan would accept results of a free and fair election. Pakistan opposes handing down of power to cherry picked people.

3. What is the last Khutba of Rasul S.A.W. again?

4. Then is it fair for Indian to hate Muslims if they feel Mughal rulers treated them like shit? If you hold current Afghan people responsible? Do you take responsibility of your ancestors? Can you even clearly trace back your ancestry properly?
USA should get ready for the flood of Afghans trying to get visas.
There is going to be an Afghan colony springing up in the US now. They can live happily with their Indian counterparts.
Soon ghani will pack his bags too and run away.
This pilot is a helicopter pilot, he could have just as easily been that helicopter pilot that was shot down (probably by an Iranian supplied Manpad) in Bamiyan a few months ago. If the war ends up going that way, more and more manpads, which maybe what the west fears, the war is as good as lost for the Kabul regime, similar to the Russian efforts after 1986 when the Stinger was introduced.

A lot of these systems are out of government hands due to corrupt officials selling them to anyone who has money.

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Respectfully sir, you need to get out of the world you live in and see things properly. You are trying to fit humans into your preconceived boxes. You can keep your views but try to zoom out and look at things neutrally. There's no point discussing more because you do not seem to be a suitable candidate for an academic discussion. You are a Pakistani, a product of Pakistani media, Pakistani society, Pakistani literature you are biased because of those. In academics, biases ruin the discussion. I respect your views, but these won't hold on any international level. Anyways, good day.
lol, you contradict yourself - you state that we cant hold Afgnai accountable for what their govt or rules did in past -----> Kicking out khilafat movement, Afghanistan rejecting us in UN vote, Pushtunistan movement . As if their govt or leaders are alien to local afgani people or in anyway do not share their view - and now then you go on to blame Pakistan govt for actually in assisting Afghanis to kick out red hordes coming from north in 80s and blues from US - both of which also happened in past - so asking us Pakistani to reject what they did in past to us and being totally ignorant in their part -- and i am being biased here lol.

I am not bran dead maniac or hateful kind like how afganis are when they in the UK were leaping to injure or kill Pakistani fans( showing their true beastily mentality ) I am sorry if I look out for my country- there is no if or buts here. First and foremost is Pakistan p you can keep your Gandhian pacifist and apologetic idealogy-

In the international level what works is interest - we have seen how ISrael survives and thrives and How US to protect its interest does - there are no morals in international diplomacy - perhaps you really need to attend classes for international relations and put away your apologetic spectacles
lol, you contradict yourself - you state that we cant hold Afgnai accountable for what their govt or rules did in past -----> Kicking out khilafat movement, Afghanistan rejecting us in UN vote, Pushtunistan movement . As if their govt or leaders are alien to local afgani people or in anyway do not share their view - and now then you go on to blame Pakistan govt for actually in assisting Afghanis to kick out red hordes coming from north in 80s and blues from US - both of which also happened in past - so asking us Pakistani to reject what they did in past to us and being totally ignorant in their part -- and i am being biased here lol.

I am not bran dead maniac or hateful kind like how afganis are when they in the UK were leaping to injure or kill Pakistani fans( showing their true beastily mentality ) I am sorry if I look out for my country- there is no if or buts here. First and foremost is Pakistan p you can keep your Gandhian pacifist and apologetic idealogy-

In the international level what works is interest - we have seen how ISrael survives and thrives and How US to protect its interest does - there are no morals in international diplomacy - perhaps you really need to attend classes for international relations and put away your apologetic spectacles

Hahaha... gentleman its easy to hate and paint everyone the same when you are hiding behind a computer desk and haven't lived with people of other nationalities. Lack of exposure that is. Try to get some exposure and your views will surely become more balanced. You are doing no service to Pakistan atm despite you seeing yourself as highly patriotic. Anyways I have made myself clear and I won't repeat myself, cheers. Have a good day!
This might be related to the pilots decision. He is looking for his and his family's safety first. Besides, he would have been out of a job soon anyways with their helicopters and aircraft being grounded sooner than later.

Also, he’s been hiding for months now from not only the Taliban but also the Afghan military.

Also, there are legitimate reasons/fears which necessitate the need to properly vet these pilots and translators before bring them over.
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Hahaha... gentleman its easy to hate and paint everyone the same when you are hiding behind a computer desk and haven't lived with people of other nationalities. Lack of exposure that is. Try to get some exposure and your views will surely become more balanced. You are doing no service to Pakistan atm despite you seeing yourself as highly patriotic. Anyways I have made myself clear and I won't repeat myself, cheers. Have a good day!

You're saying this to a person who has lived and worked with 30-40 different nationalities for more than half of his life - son just by living in far away at the corner of the early and acting all too apologetic to get validation from Gora isn't helping- you can continue to live in denial - because you have not lost your relatives in WOT - you have to accept afhnai/indian narrative otherwise you will be not be accepted in gora society- well aware of this dilemma.

You have as i was aware failed to address your contradictions too- it doesnt make any different the reality is already painted and how now matter how much you try to brush it to get the validation isn't going to change anything

You're saying this to a person who has lived and worked with 30-40 different nationalities for more than half of his life - son just by living in far away at the corner of the early and acting all too apologetic to get validation from Gora isn't helping- you can continue to live in denial - because you have not lost your relatives in WOT - you have to accept afhnai/indian narrative otherwise you will be not be accepted in gora society- well aware of this dilemma.

You have as i was aware failed to address your contradictions too- it doesnt make any different the reality is already painted and how now matter how much you try to brush it to get the validation isn't going to change anything

Hahaha... son? Ok old hag! It must have helped you feel better about your sorry self! Get a life!

You have lived under 30-40 rocks grandma! Nothing else. You learnt shit from life.
Hahaha... son? Ok old hag! It must have helped you feel better about your sorry self! Get a life!

You have lived under 30-40 rocks grandma! Nothing else. You learnt shit from life.
Your signature exactly describes yourself- an apologetic loser who seeks validation from Gora. LOl

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