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Afghan and Pakistani Mercenaries Fighting for Assad Regime in Syria

Iranian intel is recruiting shia youth from Parachinar area, Saudis and Iranians have devastated the entire Middle East , they tried to do the same in Pak, but Pakistan's civil and military institutions are too strong !!!
I wouldn't say they're too strong, rather they're strengthening. The PA and gov knows full well what will happen, if it decides to pick a side, which is why they're trying to increase nationalism, and decrease sectarianism. Haven't you noticed how all the sectarian groups, and idiotic leaders are suddenly getting all anti-gov and anti-army recently?

Why not we cancel the citizenship of these mercenaries and their family and send them to Iran?
International law.
I wouldn't say they're too strong, rather they're strengthening. The PA and gov knows full well what will happen, if it decides to pick a side, which is why they're trying to increase nationalism, and decrease sectarianism. Haven't you noticed how all the sectarian groups, and idiotic leaders are suddenly getting all anti-gov and anti-army recently?

International law.

Not only that since ZarbeAzb was launched, the nationalism has increased and no one takes the hue and cry of mullahs seriously. Nawaz said Pak is going to become a liberal country, mullahs cried and no one gave a hoot !!!
I don't know can you explain?
why a country can't cancel the citizenship of its citizen if they want to die for the interests of another country?
The citizen has only one nationality, taking it away would make the person in question, stateless. Of course, this causes a huge number of problems, as this person would have no way of being extradited, and the state where this person resides, would have no choice but to take care of this person.This would cause unnecessary strain between nations, thus it's pretty much against international law. Only in the event of a person having nationality of two nations or more, is a nation allowed to revoke his or her citizenship.

It's never as easy as it seems.

Now, of course, it's a lot more complicated than this, but hopefully this gives you an idea.

Not only that since ZarbeAzb was launched, the nationalism has increased and no one takes the hue and cry of mullahs seriously. Nawaz said Pak is going to become a liberal country, mullahs cried and no one gave a hoot !!!
Pakistan will become a liberal country, it's inevitable. Islam will always remain central to Pakistan, and it will always be an Islamic republic, but that doesn't mean liberalism and Islam are opposites.

Parties like JUI and JI will have no choice but to adapt.
Perfectly acceptable. Iran can import as many brainwashed young and unemployed Shi'ite men into Syria as it wants as it is battling against the Great Satan and the Little Satan.
pakistanis have become largely irreligious. sectarian conflict is not a possibility in pakistan anymore. religion cant motivate them anymore for extreme actions.
on another note mercenaries are one of the oldest professionals. this job pays well. even who die enjoy a bit of wildness during their fighting days.
recruits are mostly young hazara shia who are refugee in Iran. persian mad mullah should pay for their crimes

The Hazaras are not Persian :laugh:

I think you need to pick up a book or attend school, young brother

There are Hazaras in Turkiye, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan - now even in Australia apparently. People like you probably celebrated when hundreds of them were killed by LeJ scum bags. Wouldnt surprise me at least, given your tone
The Hazaras are not Persian :laugh:]
quite angry young man,
did i say hazara are persian? do you understand english?
from persian i am referring to current iran regime who recruit vulnerable Afghan hazara shia who are are refugee in iran.
There are Hazaras in Turkiye, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan - now even in Australia apparently.
i knew it thanks for no thanks.

People like you probably celebrated when hundreds of them were killed by LeJ scum bags. Wouldnt surprise me at least, given your tone
No i did not, how can you say some thing when you don't even know me. as far as i know LEJ was in bed with pakistan establishment, they were given free hand by government that's why they would kill hundred by day and the next day photos will appear on social media, police giving security to LEJ personal in Baluchistan.
government used them to counter baloch nationalist narrative and to reshape the baloch social structure where islamist narrative can take place of that of nationalist.
if there is any one who would chill for Lej then they will be from punjab the breeding ground for hatred against minorities, Lej sits in your parliament,

I think you need to pick up a book or attend school, young brother
you really need your advice now.

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