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Advanced techniques for solving tough Sudoku

Bharat Muslim

Aug 7, 2010
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Advanced techniques for solving tough Sudoku. You know some mathematical formula or something.

If anybody knows, please post it here. I Googled but all I found were the 'elimination methods' I had guessed by myself or techniques having at least a slight element of partial trial-and-error. Not techniques or tricks in real sense.
Advanced techniques for solving tough Sudoku. You know some mathematical formula or something.

If anybody knows, please post it here. I Googled but all I found were the 'elimination methods' I had guessed by myself or techniques having at least a slight element of partial trial-and-error. Not techniques or tricks in real sense.
Don't know what you mean by tough Sudoku. My father is fond of Sudoku which involves symbols <> , havn't tried it myself though but it seems tough. Simple sudoku even 9x9 is fairly easy but only very experienced can solve it quickly. I would say scan in numerical order, first lines, then blocks, repeat :p:

Off topic, if you need tips in othello/reversi i can help :D have played that game countless times.
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