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Advanced aliens could 'conquer and colonise' our planet, warns Stephen Hawking

Ali Sinan

Aug 16, 2016
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Stephen Hawking has tackled the mysteries of the universe his entire life.

Now the world-renowned scientist has some new things to say about a potential alien invasion .

"If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans," Professor Hawking told El País .

© Getty Images Stephen Hawking has admitted that if aliens came to visit Earth, the outcome might not be a positive one. "Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach," he said.

The physicist, who has suffered from motor neurone disease since his twenties, explained that the existence of aliens is beyond doubt.

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

He also explained that the best chances for the survival of the human race is to find a new home on another planet.

"There's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy Earth," Prof Hawking explains.

15 Stephen Hawking quotes that will change your life "I therefore want to raise public awareness about the importance of space flight. I have learnt not to look too far ahead, but to concentrate on the present.

"I have so much more I want to do."

In July, Britain's most famous scientist helped to launch Breakthrough Listen , a 10-year, £64million project funded by US-based Russian billionaire Yuri Milner.

Mr Milner’s team will scan the skies for alien broadcast signals, searching the entire Milky Way and 100 nearby galaxies.

Professor Hawking, 73, said at the Royal Society in London: “Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours aware of what they mean.”
Dear mr/dr/sir Stephen Hawkings, you are not the only one worrying about such things.
And yes, there are litteraly more than millions of humans on the case to make sure we never end up in a invasion-by-aliens scenario.
And we all agree on the need for humanity to be a multi-planet, multi-solar-system species of intelligent and emotional beings. :)

That is unfortunately all i can say about it. Well, except for : we don't see immediate threats from UFOs or Asteroids/etc on a collision course with Earth. I personally have had this topic under my 'intellectual microscope' for about 4 years now at least.
I thank you for your works, mr/dr/sir Stephen Hawkings :)
I tried reading your famous book about Astronomy but i'm not enough of an advanced Math-geek to ever understand it (in this lifetime).. :)
Keep up the good work, mr/dr/sir Hawkings :)
China boast the better chance of finding alien with commission of new giant telescope this month.
what if aliens catch you watching them and get more angry....

we watch them, they watch us, they give us fly-by's and cropcircles, and they're very unlikely to ever bomb our cities or take over even 1 of our governments :)

i can deduct that from the UFO niche media outlets and the Science-Fiction movies like 'Independence Day' (part 2 war released recently) and 'District 9' which is a bit more intense so i would let young children see that one.. :)

some chill music to go along with this discussion.. ignore the name of the instrument and just play it for relaxation in the background while you explore new "dimensions" of intellectual and philosophical thinking ok :)

think "how on Earth are we going to build Churches and Mosques and other places of worship, on our Moon and on Mars.. or.. "would a hovering Church spaceship be safe to let rest on the outer layers of our Gas-Giant Planets in our solar system?" :) These are fun questions and should never be scary to *anyone* *anywhere*. :)

Stephen Hawking has tackled the mysteries of the universe his entire life.

Now the world-renowned scientist has some new things to say about a potential alien invasion .

"If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans," Professor Hawking told El País .

© Getty Images Stephen Hawking has admitted that if aliens came to visit Earth, the outcome might not be a positive one. "Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach," he said.

The physicist, who has suffered from motor neurone disease since his twenties, explained that the existence of aliens is beyond doubt.

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

He also explained that the best chances for the survival of the human race is to find a new home on another planet.

"There's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy Earth," Prof Hawking explains.

15 Stephen Hawking quotes that will change your life "I therefore want to raise public awareness about the importance of space flight. I have learnt not to look too far ahead, but to concentrate on the present.

"I have so much more I want to do."

In July, Britain's most famous scientist helped to launch Breakthrough Listen , a 10-year, £64million project funded by US-based Russian billionaire Yuri Milner.

Mr Milner’s team will scan the skies for alien broadcast signals, searching the entire Milky Way and 100 nearby galaxies.

Professor Hawking, 73, said at the Royal Society in London: “Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours aware of what they mean.”


Aliens conquer Earth, and discover that may have been a big mistake.

In a nut shell- aliens have invaded the Earth and while they clearly won the war, they keep losing the cultural battles after the war and just can't seem to figure out why. Victory is supposed to be a lot easier than this, isn't it? The problem is they got to the stars through a slow steady climb. We couldn't get it together enough to make it to the stars, or even stop fighting with each other long enough to kick them off our world, but we have one thing they don't have- absolutely brilliant con men who can skim them out of their spaceships then go convert whole planets to follow their crazy philosophies or buy into their get rich quick schemes. Told from the viewpoint of the bewildered general who won the war, this is one hilarious romp through the essence of human nature as seen from the outside.

I remember a discussion similar to:

Starship Admiral: I hear everything is going according to plan.
General: Yes, unfortunately not according to our plan.
They are smarter than we are.
The only reason we manage to land was that the two major powers had just fought
a total nuclear war.
We picked up a drunk hobo and had our top scientists examine him.
He kept pointing out their "stupid" behaviour,
until they all had nervous breakdowns.

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Stephen Hawking has tackled the mysteries of the universe his entire life.

Now the world-renowned scientist has some new things to say about a potential alien invasion .

"If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans," Professor Hawking told El País .

© Getty Images Stephen Hawking has admitted that if aliens came to visit Earth, the outcome might not be a positive one. "Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach," he said.

The physicist, who has suffered from motor neurone disease since his twenties, explained that the existence of aliens is beyond doubt.

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

He also explained that the best chances for the survival of the human race is to find a new home on another planet.

"There's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy Earth," Prof Hawking explains.

15 Stephen Hawking quotes that will change your life "I therefore want to raise public awareness about the importance of space flight. I have learnt not to look too far ahead, but to concentrate on the present.

"I have so much more I want to do."

In July, Britain's most famous scientist helped to launch Breakthrough Listen , a 10-year, £64million project funded by US-based Russian billionaire Yuri Milner.

Mr Milner’s team will scan the skies for alien broadcast signals, searching the entire Milky Way and 100 nearby galaxies.

Professor Hawking, 73, said at the Royal Society in London: “Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours aware of what they mean.”
Very true, they have already abducted @isro2222 to research on Humans before final invasion.

Ever heard about 'cow mutilations'? Apparently they've opened a butcher shop on their motherships or something, coz when i grew up i kept hearing the UFO "nut-case community" complain about UFO abductions and cow-mutilations lol :)

With all due respect for any humans who suffered at the hands beings in UFO's, there are many other ways in which life on Earth can be Hell on Earth for a short or years-long or even life-long time.

Let's respect all the dead and suffering of all lifeforms at the hands any actual alien people(s) in UFOs that might hover in our solar-system.

We can have fun discussing the UFO's and our own plans to build a city (or multiple cities) on our Moon and on Mars and later on other planets and moons in our solar system, that's useful.. How the hell are we going to make it very sturdy, and what kind of artwork do we allow in our shoppingmalls, parks and Churches on our Moon and our neighbor planet Mars..

But if i suspect those who suffered being ridiculed, i am going to speak up as to not do that.
You do not make fun of those who suffer, i hope everyone agrees with that.

And indeed, i've never ever laughed about Muslims dying in the war on terror, or people of any skin-color or (religious) ethnicity or tribe, even if they died in militarily-stupid ways..

The only lifeforms that i can even laugh a little bit on how silly they entered their afterlife, are on the website 'the darwin awards' (google it). And even their deaths serve to demonstrate what is just too suicidally-dangerous to do as a human without a LOT of practice..
For me the biggest problem is
We humans are stuck at our short sightnes
Becuase average human life is 70 80 years and we really are just to busy in enjoying or providing for us
And so many countries , divided groups and so on just doesn't want to support each for now
Us , Russia, china , India and few small countries are searching or progressing in space on very small pace because earths resources will finish and this beautiful will become mars

For humans to survive they need to make colonies on other planets to achieve all that space progrems need major backing

If there is one System or Government for whole planet running properly for the benefits of all human race unlike just the benefits of it's 1 state
Many things can be cured , we can control food problem , develop undeveloped states , use all the resources to develop everyone not just few
Same laws and protection being provided to everyone
Collective goals , no more wars , it will change the face of the earth
We need at the very least James Tiberius Kirk level of technology to hopefully stave off conquerors.

Jean-Luc Picard and Kathryn Janeway level would be much more appreciated though.
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