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ADB finds power from India beneficial for Pakistan

A study carried out by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) finds that an electricity link between Pakistan and India will result in huge savings for Pakistan as the fuel cost savings per year will justify the total interconnection investment.

The report says even after allowing for a significant allowance for other costs that may be incurred in upgrading the internal transmission systems on both sides, the interconnection costs should not exceed $ 50 million. Therefore, benefits of the 250MW transfer for a single year would be 6-7 times higher than the costs.

In short-term, 250 MW power transfer between Pakistan and India is possible with the transfer over 220 KV lines. The fuel cost savings amounts to $ 122 million for this level of transfer. The reduction in unserved energy benefits in Pakistan however is much more significant because it reduces 385 GWh of unserved energy that adds more than $ 200 million to the benefits.

It shows the tremendous potential for the link not only to reduce unserved energy but also to reduce consumption of expensive and limited fuel in Pakistan. The fuel cost savings alone for a single year in this case would justify the total interconnection investment.

The total benefit for a 500 MW transfer rises to $ 491 million for this scenario and the level of transfer rises to 3,129 GWh. The total benefit comprises of fuel cost savings of $ 163 million, USE reduction related savings of $ 302 million and capacity deferral related savings of $ 26 million.

Pakistan’s peak-energy shortage is likely to continue in the short- to medium-term till at least 2020. Apart from a shortage of capacity, high cost of fossil fuel fired power generation in Pakistan is also an issue that can justify interconnection projects. This is particularly true because many of the thermal plants in Pakistan are old and inefficient.


Rather jump off a cliff
A study carried out by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) finds that an electricity link between Pakistan and India will result in huge savings for Pakistan as the fuel cost savings per year will justify the total interconnection investment.

:rofl: :omghaha: Did the author care to say that 80% of the South Asian directors in ADB are Indian? This is just a pure attempt to gain serious leverage over Pakistan, call that ADB's blackmail scheme sponsored by India !! How about Pakistanis just wait till the end of 2017 and the results will start to show? And by Mid 2018, there should be enough new energy being produced that that power outages would've been reduced by 80-90%? I am all for it. This here is a mouse trap. Don't be a mouse!
What is the current energy production in Pakistan (real generation not capacity)

Do you follow and share this among yourself too, or is ALL Holly in the Holly Hindu Land? (HHL is India's new name). By the way show this to Modi "Dangers of having unreal expectations of turning India into ONE Hindu nation!!!! He needs to understand that.


I 200% agree. How about you guys let go of Pakistani related obsession and Modi can skip tours planned for Pakistan hatred. Why does big daddy USA has to come in all the time? They just told both India and Pakistan two days ago to "MUST" diffuse tensions and make sure the PM's meet in their US visit. So you are seeing immediate results. So if Modi and his other friends from extremist parties let go of Pakistani related obsession, you two can create peace yourself!!! Beat that!!

‘Pakistan schools teach Hindu hatred’ - Pakistan - DAWN.COM10 things Pakistanis hate to hear – The Express Tribune Blog

You'll write this.....ever been to Madras, Andhra, Lucknow and many other parts of India??? Muslims have their own areas and Hindus have their own communities. They don't cross over.......

I actually know many schools and have seen their curriculum, the kids watch Indian movies and grow up on Indian music. They aren't taught to hate you. They learn to hate you even after so much media influence because what you try to do inside their country.
By the way......what are the Indian children starting age 4 learning now? The VEDIC times....the Hindu nationalistic views being put into these children's head to produce an ultra-nationalistic next generation of Hindu supremacists, which would think (due to brain washing), that Muslims are to be hated against (which already happens in India and is taught well), and the weird stories of the Vedic times where Ferrari's would go inter-galaxy to Mars and stuff, running on Terminator 4 movie's Robot liquid fuel that can never end and takes shape of everything. And that Indian's 6000 years ago, built Transformers and the story was revealed to the West 5900 years after that!!! How cool. The Captain America was an Indian first in the Vedic times and he'd be call Captain Hind back in the Vedic times.

You call this content to teach to kids ages 4 in Indian schools? I call this bull shiit and total brainwashing where kids would be embarrassed forever when their friends would make fun of them, specially outside of India!!

What if India's outstanding issue is that Pak's existence is an anathema to World peace!

Let's not talk about the world peace. At this point, with hundreds getting killed in India from her minorities, India has become Maha-Anathama for her own minorities and her own citizen's peace!!!! Let's solve your own issues, before you point to the world. Your world standing isn't that strong, no matter how you imagine life on the planet call India where everyone is like a character in Disney-land, always happy, cheerful and happy. When the guy takes down the Micky Mouse costume, ask him how much he makes and his worries of paying off their bills. Similarly, India has over 600 million poor people. How about you handle the largest poorest population on the planet first, before you become SO peace loving to talk about the world peace. Peace starts from home, at home, you kill your minorities for Hindu religion's supremacy, how is it that your world peace would make any sense here???? Create peace at home first!!!
India itself is power deficit. I don't support this proposal.
Never gonna happen. Mark my words on great wall of China.
ADB can give a soft loan to Pakistan for that...
Will be win win for all parties
Do you follow and share this among yourself too, or is ALL Holly in the Holly Hindu Land? (HHL is India's new name). By the way show this to Modi "Dangers of having unreal expectations of turning India into ONE Hindu nation!!!! He needs to understand that.

I 200% agree. How about you guys let go of Pakistani related obsession and Modi can skip tours planned for Pakistan hatred. Why does big daddy USA has to come in all the time? They just told both India and Pakistan two days ago to "MUST" diffuse tensions and make sure the PM's meet in their US visit. So you are seeing immediate results. So if Modi and his other friends from extremist parties let go of Pakistani related obsession, you two can create peace yourself!!! Beat that!!

You'll write this.....ever been to Madras, Andhra, Lucknow and many other parts of India??? Muslims have their own areas and Hindus have their own communities. They don't cross over.......

I actually know many schools and have seen their curriculum, the kids watch Indian movies and grow up on Indian music. They aren't taught to hate you. They learn to hate you even after so much media influence because what you try to do inside their country.
By the way......what are the Indian children starting age 4 learning now? The VEDIC times....the Hindu nationalistic views being put into these children's head to produce an ultra-nationalistic next generation of Hindu supremacists, which would think (due to brain washing), that Muslims are to be hated against (which already happens in India and is taught well), and the weird stories of the Vedic times where Ferrari's would go inter-galaxy to Mars and stuff, running on Terminator 4 movie's Robot liquid fuel that can never end and takes shape of everything. And that Indian's 6000 years ago, built Transformers and the story was revealed to the West 5900 years after that!!! How cool. The Captain America was an Indian first in the Vedic times and he'd be call Captain Hind back in the Vedic times.

You call this content to teach to kids ages 4 in Indian schools? I call this bull shiit and total brainwashing where kids would be embarrassed forever when their friends would make fun of them, specially outside of India!!

Let's not talk about the world peace. At this point, with hundreds getting killed in India from her minorities, India has become Maha-Anathama for her own minorities and her own citizen's peace!!!! Let's solve your own issues, before you point to the world. Your world standing isn't that strong, no matter how you imagine life on the planet call India where everyone is like a character in Disney-land, always happy, cheerful and happy. When the guy takes down the Micky Mouse costume, ask him how much he makes and his worries of paying off their bills. Similarly, India has over 600 million poor people. How about you handle the largest poorest population on the planet first, before you become SO peace loving to talk about the world peace. Peace starts from home, at home, you kill your minorities for Hindu religion's supremacy, how is it that your world peace would make any sense here???? Create peace at home first!!!

I wish I could respond point by point. But it will be useless. I can see the impact of the "indoctrination" that takes place in Pakistan from around the time a toddler becomes a "kid." Google Groups

Don't try to pass it off as isolated incident. The malaise is much deeper
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Never trust Indians for anything that helps our economy. No we don't want to give india control over our power source. Expensive but reliable is better than cheaper but untrustworthy,

A study carried out by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) finds that an electricity link between Pakistan and India will result in huge savings for Pakistan as the fuel cost savings per year will justify the total interconnection investment.

The report says even after allowing for a significant allowance for other costs that may be incurred in upgrading the internal transmission systems on both sides, the interconnection costs should not exceed $ 50 million. Therefore, benefits of the 250MW transfer for a single year would be 6-7 times higher than the costs.

In short-term, 250 MW power transfer between Pakistan and India is possible with the transfer over 220 KV lines. The fuel cost savings amounts to $ 122 million for this level of transfer. The reduction in unserved energy benefits in Pakistan however is much more significant because it reduces 385 GWh of unserved energy that adds more than $ 200 million to the benefits.

It shows the tremendous potential for the link not only to reduce unserved energy but also to reduce consumption of expensive and limited fuel in Pakistan. The fuel cost savings alone for a single year in this case would justify the total interconnection investment.

The total benefit for a 500 MW transfer rises to $ 491 million for this scenario and the level of transfer rises to 3,129 GWh. The total benefit comprises of fuel cost savings of $ 163 million, USE reduction related savings of $ 302 million and capacity deferral related savings of $ 26 million.

Pakistan’s peak-energy shortage is likely to continue in the short- to medium-term till at least 2020. Apart from a shortage of capacity, high cost of fossil fuel fired power generation in Pakistan is also an issue that can justify interconnection projects. This is particularly true because many of the thermal plants in Pakistan are old and inefficient.

Never trust Indians for anything that helps our economy. No we don't want to give india control over our power source. Expensive but reliable is better than cheaper but untrustworthy,
The Arabs are taking over your power sector anyways. Nowadays, they are running Pakistani power companies, from Pakistani resources only, for which it is Pakistan that pays.
:rofl: :omghaha: Did the author care to say that 80% of the South Asian directors in ADB are Indian? This is just a pure attempt to gain serious leverage over Pakistan, call that ADB's blackmail scheme sponsored by India !! How about Pakistanis just wait till the end of 2017 and the results will start to show? And by Mid 2018, there should be enough new energy being produced that that power outages would've been reduced by 80-90%? I am all for it. This here is a mouse trap. Don't be a mouse!


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