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Acts of Terrorism in pakistan I

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Now all of u think abt what i m going to say:

Few days ago there was a blast in Pindi and the target was ISI personnal. This time the attack was on SSG. now if it was only a random suicide bomber he must have atacked the soldiers who r petrolling the roads..But the attack on ISI and SSG are quite strange...in pindi attack the suicide bomber knows that everyday a bus picks up ISI men from their homes and takes them to headquarters and he targeted them. and now most probably an attacker went inside the dining room of soldiers and targeted them..my point basically is that someone from the army is helping the militants.it cant be a junior rank soldier and it cant be someone from one particular regiment...i think some senior officers within ISI or MI are helping the militants.and we cant just say that this is because they have sympathy with the militants in waziristan but there can b many other reasons for e.g. may be they r getting against musharraf?( its just my personal opinion may be i m wrong)..plz guys do tell me abt ur opinions
how do we know only alqeada is involved another countries intellegence agency might also be invovled in this just to make the pakistan army look bad. but i do agree that this is gettiong out of habd something must be done to handle this.

the dilema for the whole situation is that, since operations have been started off in waziristan some of the militants in NWFP are being heavily supported and funded and informed by RAW agents who sneak in to the border passing through Afghanistan.

The situation RAW is creating very crucial. Now RAW is to my analysis is giving clear indications to ISI for something that ISI has been upto for some long time and guess thats what KASHMIR offcourse.

I think these mullah and self proclaimed mujahideens against PA should stop this non sense and get some reallization that for money they are being funded by RAW, they brain wash kids and use them as bomb bags against PA and other civillians.

Now for resolving this issue, to me best thing would be for ISI to infiltrate into militant secretly rather then carrying out some broad based army operatiopns. Just get there sites and locations and start infiltrating there positions as well. As soon as you buy people wihtin militants or infiltrate ur agents in to thru bam bam bam........mission accomplished.

Currently its been quite stupid mix at tribal areas how, ISI and CIA cathching pro or talibans itself and yet other side ISI maintaining there covert support to them as well. And on other hand RAW providing them with some fundings and intel informations has made this situation an absolute mess.

Its not a big thing to deal with, why do u need to send your people to carry out operation in mountainous region theres no point of it. Get some of your political agents into militants and thats it!!!! Capture or kill there leader would finish everything....

And yea, i think Pakistan should now take this thing openly to announce that RAW is doing it openly and tell people rather then just using word "FOREIGN FORCES" which creates ambiguity.

These militants have been our right hand and they should not be directing there guns towards us.
Situation should be analyzed critically.

looking for your replies
Attack on the SSG?
The pride of Pakistan!!!!

The average Pakistani should understand, War on Terror, is not an American War, but rather Pakistani War. Its vision of Jinnah's Pakistan against the Vision of Osama's Pakistan. He should choose.

No government should play with or arm extra consitutional elements. They always bite back. always.
There is a severe security breach within the army itself that has to be addressed.
There are too many deficiencies from the force protection standpoint. There has been either a lot of apathy, or a severe underestimation of the threat that the country, and specifically the military, face from this enemy. The initial incidents - ambushes with troops traveling in hostile territory in soft top vehicles with no air support, and the repeated suicide bombings on troop caravans - we adapted to some extent - but it seems that no one was expecting events like these. Why I do not know, considering the first attack on the troops under training, the attack at the stadium where police were being recruited, the attacks in the cantonment areas. This enemy cares not who is killed and how. Pakistan needs to face the truth - this enemy knows who its biggest threat is, and it is going to spare no effort to hurt it. In this type of warfare it is almost impossible to tell friend from foe until its too late - the military needs to therefore function as if it is operating in a hostile state and protect its assets accordingly.
On second thought, the military may be know quite well what the threat is, and that it needs to beef up security around its assets, but that cannot be an easy or quick task for an organization the size of the PA. I imagine new procedures and equipment will have to be vetted and approved, budgets allocated, contracts issued, construction and installations initiated - might take several months? I hope they have a plan, and its just a matter of time.....
Ps : I just posted this on the SSG thread also but maybe someone can start a new thread for this story itself.[/QUOTE]

What a sad way to start the month of Ramadan. The freqeuency of these suicide mobms on security forces is so increased that i would suggest mods to start dedicated section/forum for this so every time bomb blows, we dont have to start a new thresd.

And people, do you believe this guy DG ISPR, they think it might have been a Gas cylinder accident. Its in today's Jang paper.
we already have a thread called "acts of terrorism in Pakistan"
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