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A tribute to Air Cdr Sattar Alvi

In a midst of what is happening with Gaza these days. Let's not forget once upon a time there were Pakistani heroes who flew thousands of kilometers away from Pakistan just to give a bloody nose to Israel.

F you---they are killing tghousands of muslims and you are strutting around about a bloody nose---.

despicable---dancing over the dead bodies of muslims---only a pakistani can---.
F you---they are killing tghousands of muslims and you are strutting around about a bloody nose---.

despicable---dancing over the dead bodies of muslims---only a pakistani can---.
What? What are you talking about?

I'm sure the OP posted this with no means of harm. He is simply just reminding us that Israel can bleed.
What? What are you talking about?

I'm sure the OP posted this with no means of harm. He is simply just reminding us that Israel can bleed.

Bleed you thoughtless person---they have killed over 100 thousand palestinians---stolen their land and enslaved them---.

And you are strutting around over a little BLEED---.

Sometimes I wish that my motherland was as destroyed and shattered & decimated as afghanistan---Iraq or Palestine---totally annihilated---then I would ask you the meanaing of "bleed"---maybe then you kids and your Abbaajis and Nanna Jis and Baray Abbajis might learn not to poke the monsters.
Bleed you thoughtless person---they have killed over 100 thousand palestinians---stolen their land and enslaved them---.

And you are strutting around over a little BLEED---.

Sometimes I wish that my motherland was as destroyed and shattered & decimated as afghanistan---Iraq or Palestine---totally annihilated---then I would ask you the meanaing of "bleed"---maybe then you kids and your Abbaajis and Nanna Jis and Baray Abbajis might learn not to poke the monsters.
You are overreacting.

I know about the plight of the Palestinians, but does that mean we aren't allowed to reminisce about the times when our nation did something to Inflict pain onto their military?

Us doing what we did in both 67 and 73 clearly shows we can cut, hurt and make Israel bleed. And Israel knows this.

This fear is what makes them mad with rage. And with it they will be careless. We can easily beat Israel in a war by ourselves. We can save the Palestinians and by Allah's will we will save them and take back the land that was stolen from them/us.

There is no need to be upset regarding this thread. Rather happy. Happy because we kicked their ***. And we will do it again.
F you---they are killing tghousands of muslims and you are strutting around about a bloody nose---.

despicable---dancing over the dead bodies of muslims---only a pakistani can---.

You know your Tax money (If you pay it) a Portion of it goes to Military Aid of Israel with which they buy weapons that killed Palestinians, So I guess Fuq you, me and every American who pay taxes as well? Question is what are you doing?
You know your Tax money (If you pay it) a Portion of it goes to Military Aid of Israel with which they buy weapons that killed Palestinians, So I guess Fuq you, me and every American who pay taxes as well? Question is what are you doing?
Ranting and raving old senile man style - mastery since 2014.
You know your Tax money (If you pay it) a Portion of it goes to Military Aid of Israel with which they buy weapons that killed Palestinians, So I guess Fuq you, me and every American who pay taxes as well? Question is what are you doing?


Indeed---and when the PAF bought the parts on the black market from israel for their F16's and goodies that helped substantially in the murder of the palestinians---because it was a large amount----.

Son---don't cut your nose to spite your face---.

Indeed---and when the PAF bought the parts on the black market from israel for their F16's and goodies that helped substantially in the murder of the palestinians---because it was a large amount----.

Son---don't cut your nose to spite your face---.

You know funny thing is I was responding to your old message, which you edited but i would say that the numbers you mentioned are way over-exaggerated, for someone to claim to hold the Alm of Truth you should be careful with lies.

Now, Yes Pakistan may/may not have bought spare parts from Israel through the black market so what? How much you think these Spare parts would've cost? 10 Million? 20? 50 Million at most right?

Thing is that you and I live in a country that our Govt does not just Pay Israel to slaughter Palestinians but you and I actually elect such officials who openly talk about supporting a genocidal regime. But here is you who are getting all riled up and calling people specially Pakistani's over their inability to do anything, while you among many will be the first one to joke about if Pakistan ever even decide to confront Israel militarily, thing is that Pakistan was/is/will be in no position to fight Israel for as long as America and EU militaries are backing them up, because you don't fight Israel you fight the Yankee's and Europeans as well, and that would not end up good for any nation on this earth today, Not for Pakistan, Not even China or Russia can fight the combined power of US/NATO.

If you use offensive language against Pakistani's for letting Americans or how you say it, Christian Crusaders slaughter Millions, then what Part is you playing for your Muslaman Brothers? because According to the Concept of Ummah of Prophet, You and a Random Rickshaw Driver in Pakistan is same in the eyes of State and Allah, but thing is that you as you claim to know entire GHQ and Pentagon are in a better position to do something rather than cussing at others?

As I said to @SQ8 the false sense of righteousness has corrupted your mind.
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