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A Prime Minister must have immunity


Jan 20, 2013
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The prime minister of Pakistan is elected by millions of people (not talking about the imported ones here).

It is extremely difficult to become a Prime Minister, unlike becoming a Justice (which is just elevated from Bar councils with no accountability)

The prime minister, no matter who he is, PPP, PML, PTI... whoever MUST have immunity before these kangaroo courts as long as he/she is a prime minister.

These KALA coats sitting in that building, start behaving like monkeys with a blade once they sit in that building. And start summoning the prime minister in person for any small shyt.

Prime minister is an extremely busy person to serve his/her nation and answerable to people and does not have time for patting KALA coat small egos.

So I say, the prime minister, just like the president must be protected against this mafia.

Do you agree?
The prime minister of Pakistan is elected by millions of people (not talking about the imported ones here).

The prime minister, no matter who he is, PPP, PML, PTI... whoever MUST have immunity before these kangaroo courts as long as he/she is a prime minister.

These KALA coats sitting in that building, start behaving like monkeys with a blade once they sit in that building. And start summoning the prime minister in person for any small shyt.

Prime minister is an extremely busy person to serve his/her nation and answerable to people and does not have time for patting KALA coat small egos.

So I say, the prime minister, just like the president must be protected against this mafia.

Do you agree?
No it is not the right way ... However judges should be accountable including the chief justice as well as establishment ...

Nobody should be above the law not the other way around ...
And The nation also wants that the judges are appointed by the parliament by going through a proper selection process.

They must pass exams just like CSS etc. These are the people who are supposed to decide our "fates" on earth after Allah.

So we can not accept that the corrupt crooks from bar councils who are involved in open terrorism against civilians and police alike can ever be made judges.
No it is not the right way ... However judges should be accountable including the chief justice as well as establishment ...

Nobody should be above the law not the other way around ...

I disagree.

A judge has a power to just tell the prime minister to stand 5 minutes as a punishment and he is removed from his office.

That is a joke!

Just imagine a leader of people is disqualified for a small violation. This does not even happen in the most civilized nations.

PM/Presidents must be protected. Once they leave office, they could face law or whatever. Or if it is required, they should be removed first by impeachment.

KALA coats MUST NOT have this power!
The fiasco , done by KALA coat proven to be a National Security threat

A man with 170 + seats , 155 seats of his own party with Millions of votes was told to step down by some random Guy wearing a cheap , 5 dollar KALA coat
  • Many Private channels carried this act of treason and celebrated as a elected government of Pakistan was brought down (This needs review as well)

Discussion need to happen frankly after elections why the Federal Institutes did not protect President and Prime Minister from Abuse of KALA coat

Perhaps after Elections this needs to be discussed

I view KALA coat actions as Treason my own personal opinion

Typically in cases of Emergency , special provisions protect a Prime Minister and President

It is a National Security threat that 4-5 people can be bought for Dollars and a Pupet Government can come and sell off Nuke Assets overseas

Choor ke Peche , Aek KALA coat ka support hota hai
Actions : Support Corrupt Mafia
Persona : Bearded and clean cut
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The prime minister of Pakistan is elected by millions of people (not talking about the imported ones here).

It is extremely difficult to become a Prime Minister, unlike becoming a Justice (which is just elevated from Bar councils with no accountability)

The prime minister, no matter who he is, PPP, PML, PTI... whoever MUST have immunity before these kangaroo courts as long as he/she is a prime minister.

These KALA coats sitting in that building, start behaving like monkeys with a blade once they sit in that building. And start summoning the prime minister in person for any small shyt.

Prime minister is an extremely busy person to serve his/her nation and answerable to people and does not have time for patting KALA coat small egos.

So I say, the prime minister, just like the president must be protected against this mafia.

Do you agree?

Prime Minister is first responsible person in the country and responsibility comes with accountability. If you eliminate accountability, responsibility becomes an optional joy-ride.
Well Enemy can lock down our local system , and then engage in Warfare while our institutes are busy , that is why
The right fix is to reform the judiciary and make sure the system automatically filters out the sh!tty scums so only the competent people excel to top positions on merit.

And then a higher body that can do the accountability of judges (including CJ) if they go out of the way to accommodate the criminals.
Prime Minister is first responsible person in the country and responsibility comes with accountability. If you eliminate accountability, responsibility becomes an optional joy-ride.

Accountability by these crooks?

First make an impartial strong judiciary and then we can talk about it. The KALA coats (borrowed from @AZADPAKISTAN2009 ) are good only to giving relief to their own and Sharifs. Otherwise they are as useless as hair on my butt.

PM/Presidents should be protected to work for people without worrying that every step they take for the betterment of their people can be considered "contempt of court".
Accountability by these crooks?

First make an impartial strong judiciary and then we can talk about it. The KALA coats (borrowed from @AZADPAKISTAN2009 ) are good only to giving relief to their own and Sharifs. Otherwise they are as useless as hair on my butt.

PM/Presidents should be protected to work for people without worrying that every step they take for the betterment of their people can be considered "contempt of court".

Fix what is broken instead of mending what is not.

A system is made up of multiple parts. If one part if faulty (Judiciary), you should fix that. By modifying the other components that were working fine, you'll create anomalies that didn't exist before.
Limited immunity Yes

Complete immunity definitely not… imagine he can kill anyone he likes whilst he is in the office… there must be someone to nab him however I do agree that immunity of corruption charges from the past cases should be allowed
No it is not the right way ... However judges should be accountable including the chief justice as well as establishment ...

Nobody should be above the law not the other way around ...

If it is any consolation, the Supreme Court judges' appointments in America is even worse than in Pakistan! Whoever is in the majority in the Senate gets to pick one of the most powerful persons in the entire American political system! Look at how blatantly both Republicans and Democrats appoint their own favorites!
But the difference between America and Pakistan is, of course, America has infinitely deeper pockets compared with Pakistan and can absorb--at least as of now--political shocks from the judges' decision. Pakistan has suffered very adverse affects of its Supreme Court Judges' decisions, going all the way back to Justice Munir Case (late 1950s?).

But coming to the topic, yes, Prime Ministers should be and I believe are protected from day to day litigations to some extent in Pakistan, otherwise the govt won't function.

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