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A nation Hangs between religion and secularism !


Sep 18, 2013
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Pakistan and Pakistani are suffering from last few decade to be secularism and religion . A very large percentage of Pakistani who believe in religion and its pure dominance are struggling to implement the islamic law in Pakistan , while on the other hand a grow rate of peoples who want this country to secularize so we can talk and put our self alive in this westernize world . here i want to mention one thing that i dont consider taliban and other religious parties as true representatives of islam and islamic shariya , but i believe in the shariya which was in hadith (authenticated Hadith ) . and i also dont like our country to be completely modernize like other Europeans and Asian countries , this is not the part of our culture . every country has its of culture and traditional values and some dedicated their culture values to religions as well, been secular in a sense where we start saying that we dont want religions supremacy in Pakistan is unfair , we have to put one thing in mind that this country Pakistan was created in the name of Islam , if we want our country to be like secular state than i dont find a solid reason to get separated from india . now a days what i notice in media, PDF many peoples are becoming a lot more secular that start having a mind set that religion is the cause of problems in Pakistan , which is not true . girls and womens comes on media and openly say that why should we cover our heads , its our life and only we are accountable to Allah not any religious party , they are right in sense of argument , but in reality its the duty of state to make sure to implement the true islamic laws , from poor to rich , from karachi to gilgit . here is another issue which stand ups and i also hear in many news anchors pointing out that if we agreed to have islamic law in pakistan but which firqa version will it be ? either it will be shia or sunni ? i have a question to all them who have this question that when we created this country in name of islam did anyone mention that its will be " shia islamic republic of pakistan or Sunni republic of pakistan ? the answer comes from neighbors iran is shia majority state they have their laws according to shia islamic rules . here i want to mention on more important thing that some peoples in pakistan says we cant live in law which make in stone ages , for those i want to tell you one thing that " shariya law " was not made by any human or khalifa or imam , it was from Allah , so either we like it or dont like we have to accept it , same like Salat (namaz) either you sick, in bed , or etc its a must do thing you can not give any excuse about namaz . for peoples and a little even for me its hard to accept the hard rules and regulation of islamic laws in today's world , many NGO's are working in pakistan who try to show to peoples that they love and care for humanity more than the creator of all world , there is a strong logic and reason behind every hard punishment in shariya law , which mostly peoples believe to be brutal . every single islamic law or punishment is not based on a single person but the whole of society . and if you try think for second you will find your answers that what is the reason of Allah the creator of this humanity to put some very hard punishment to those human to which he love more than 70 mothers . honestly i am also confused about shariya in pakistan , but i want a balance and good islamic laws in pakistan , a true islamic law which has nothing to do with taliban and religious leader and parties .
today a new year is about to begin , and yet our nation is confused to make their country as a secular or a religion state . answer is not simple even the journey to make our country on the bases of any of about states , there are many barriers . but there is nothing which is impossible in this world , I wish that soon some good leader amongst us will come out to serve their country according to the will of the peoples of " Islamic Republic of Pakistan " . May Allah protect Our country from every possible threat and disaster and his rage and anger . And May Allah give us ability to us ( pakistani ) to choose what is right for us . May Allah bless you all and our country .

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:
like turkey?

Turkey is more like India. They've not stated Islam as the State Religion. But Pakistan, a Nation created solely to safeguard Islam on the subcontinent, cannot run away from declaring Islam as their State Religion. But they'll do well to promote it in a liberal manner.

I was hinting more towards Sri Lanka, which, though it does not place Buddhism as the State Religion, nevertheless goes on to proclaim that Buddhism and it's interests shall be given prominence.

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In Pakistan, religion is being used/abused as the biggest fraud possible ever.

So many are willing to jump up and down in the name of religion.


in reality no one gives a $hit.

Because if we ever did, our country would be known for the most truthful, honest, and humble country in the world.

But it isn't.

Lie, as a country we do, and we do it with straight face, through our teeth.

Honesty? we won't touch with 10 foot pole.

Humility? what the fork is that. Let's kill a hindu or two, a Pakistani Christian, or preferably a Shia or two.

Oh wait let's declare them as Kafir first, that way it will not be too much for our forked up concious. Then kill the SOB.

Our religion is in fact a slave mentality that reflects either Saudi Mullahs or Iranian Ayatullahs or worse North Korean Kim Jung.

Yeah that SOB just hanged his unlce, we do that daily. We hang our countrymen daily

we give their sacrificies

so some Mullah sitting in Saudi gives us a ticket to Jannat, or an Irani Ayatullah confirms our Islam.

So yeah. If this is the religion we follow, then we do not need secular mumbo jumbo

We just need God's punishment, so one day we may respect humanity, and treat our fellow countrymen as humans.

So fork this religious mumbo jumbo, and doubly fork this secularist mumbo jumbo, if we are not willing to be better than stray dogs and other lowly animals (the names of which must remain anonymous, in order to protect their animal-ness).

Peace to every one

and a very happy new year but on a very sad note.
India as a nation state is secular already, and was so from the beginning.
Trying to appease minorities is not secular!!!
Secular means everyone is equal irrespective of religion...
I dont think india is in that stage...
Secular Islamic Republic? That's like trying to draw a square circle!

A liberal Islamic Republic, if that sounds more politically correct.

What I meant was that the Government must have a secular culture, but it can promote the interests of Islam, like subsidizing Hajj pilgrimages, organizing more discourses on Islam, supervizing the content taught in Madrasas, incorporating limited aspects of Sharia that are in tune with modern values etc.
@rockstar08 : It is a good debate to have, but you are making many fallacious claims. You are 'poisoning the well' even before the debate takes place, by several false choices and assertions.

The reason many pakistanis want secularism is not to bring in 'western culture', which btw is itself not monolithic. The reason is that it is only fair for the state to let everybody choose and practice their religion freely. Whenever the govt imposes something, it is through force. And imposing religious practices by force is not an ethical thing to do, whether from a secular or religious or philosophical point of view.

In a secular state it is perfectly possible for somebody to be very deeply islamic or hindu or christian in their lives, and indeed, most people are. India is a secular nation, but Indians are by and large very very religious people, at least when compared to Europe. Americans are also much more religious than Europeans, although USA is constitutionally secular, but many european countries are not.
A liberal Islamic Republic, if that sounds more politically correct.

What I meant was that the Government must have a secular culture, but it can promote the interests of Islam, like subsidizing Hajj pilgrimages, organizing more discourses on Islam, supervizing the content taught in Madrasas, incorporating limited aspects of Sharia that are in tune with modern values etc.
Then they can join india...No need to have seperate country...
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