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A Muslim majority Indus Valley Civilization?

Wow!!! You guys will claim each and every Islamic history from our present geographical area and teaching us to follow opposite of that.


According to your logic how every Sindhis can claim Gandhara.

Check the post again, I modified it in to this:

"Sindhis & Balochis can claim the Gandhara civilization as a part of the history of their country, but they can not claim it as their own."
No. Neither did the British 100 years ago. Around the time of WW1 [1914-18] they did not go around spouting their Saxon link with the Germans - Saxons were a Germanic tribe. It comes with maturity. Even now amongst thye educated [minus the religious fanatics] most Pakistan will acept the Mauryas and Guptas. After they only occupied a very small space in the 5,000 years time continuum.

There are many Empires like this Mauryas, Nandas,Guptas, Palas etc. Even Arabs ruled over Sindh and South Punjab for a small period after that local Muslim rulers came to area. Mauryas ruled the area for 150 years.

Somebody mentioned about Tipu sultan etc. I would agree 100% about this. When I first found out that Tipu was from Mysore I thought what in god's name has he got do with Pakistan. The guy never sat his foot in Pakistan. I think Tipu etc ended up in Pakistan via the 'Mohajir' community who of course came from all over India.

Even now despite their minority staus weild significant influence but in the formative years of Pakistan, 1947-57 the Mohajir's almost had total monopoly and it was during this time Tipu etc ended up in Pakistan history books.

From South India mainly Hyderabadi and few Mappilas migrated to Pakistan and nobody migrated to Pakistan from Mysore or Arcot. Mappilas could not speak Urdu properly with different food culture and not accepted in local population, so majority of Mappilas returned back to Kerala and you can hardly find Muhajirs from South India apart from Hyderabadis.

Logic is what your whole nation thinks. Every Pakistanis think Mir Qasim of Bengal or Mir Sadiq of Mysore are greatest traitors in Pakistani history.

Check the post again, I modified it in to this:

"Sindhis & Balochis can claim the Gandhara civilization as a part of the history of their country, but they can not claim it as their own."

why can't this be applied to Indians.
Logic is what your whole nation thinks. Every Pakistanis think Mir Qasim of Bengal or Mir Sadiq of Mysore are greatest traitors in Pakistani history.

why can't this be applied to Indians when you will claim every Islamic history from India including your national language.
There are many Empires like this Mauryas, Nandas,Guptas, Palas etc. Even Arabs ruled over Sindh and South Punjab for a small period after that local Muslim rulers came to area. Mauryas ruled the area for 150 years.

From South India mainly Hyderabadi and few Mappilas migrated to Pakistan and nobody migrated to Pakistan from Mysore or Arcot. Mappilas could not speak Urdu properly with different food culture and not accepted in local population, so majority of Mappilas returned back to Kerala and you can hardly find Muhajirs from South India apart from Hyderabadis.

Thank you. I am aware of Pakistan history. Over 5,000 years the tide of history has washed all sort of sediment in the plains of the Indus Valley. Yes, like any other place, in particular on the frontiers of South Asia it was subjected to rule from empires from the east [modern India] the west Iran/Persia, the Greeks and Central Asia. In addition even from the south via Arab invasion of Sindh. Many countries in the world have this mixed chequered history.

I suspect it was migrants from the South who had infused the lore of a Muslim hero into pre 1947 Muslim elite many of who migrated to Pakistan in 1947. Do have a look at the questions I poised in the previous posts. I think you will find in those anwers that there is nothing contradictory or unique about Pakistan embracing the Indus Valley at a geographic level and at a historical level. In fact the cries of our forefathers demands us to stand up and take ownership of their legacy.

"why can't it be applied to Indian's" @Gigawat

Because you are not Pakistani's. Your Indians ... simple.
Logic is what your whole nation thinks. Every Pakistanis think Mir Qasim of Bengal or Mir Sadiq of Mysore are greatest traitors in Pakistani history.

Huh? What are you talking about? I don't care about Mir Qasim of Bengal & nor do I care about Mir Sadiq of Mysore. Take up this issue with those Pakistanis that do care.

why can't this be applied to Indians when you will claim every Islamic history from India including your national language.

I repeated it earlier, I do not claim any Islamic history from India. In fact most of the Pakistanis I know only consider Islamic history from India as part of the history of Islam in the Sub-Continent. They do not associate it with Pakistan. Once again take up this issue with those Pakistanis who do claim India's portion of Islamic history.

As for the language, anyone can adopt a language as their own similar to how the USA adopted English even though many people in the USA do not have English roots. Yet they can still consider it their first language. If you have such a problem with it, go speak about this issue with a psychiatrist.

Our discussion is over, don't bother replying to me.
Thank you. I am aware of Pakistan history. Over 5,000 years the tide of history has washed all sort of sediment in the plains of the Indus Valley. Yes, like any other place, in particular on the frontiers of South Asia it was subjected to rule from empires from the east [modern India] the west Iran/Persia, the Greeks and Central Asia. In addition even from the south via Arab invasion of Sindh. Many countries in the world have this mixed chequered history.

I suspect it was migrants from the South who had infused the lore of a Muslim hero into pre 1947 Muslim elite many of who migrated to Pakistan in 1947. Do have a look at the questions I poised in the previous posts. I think you will find in those anwers that there is nothing contradictory or unique about Pakistan embracing the Indus Valley at a geographic level and at a historical level. In fact the cries of our forefathers demands us to stand up and take ownership of their legacy.

"why can't it be applied to Indian's" @Gigawat

Because you are not Pakistani's. Your Indians ... simple.

I saw your question, you will see either British or French or Spanish all claim and take pride in Roman Empire.

I repeated it earlier, I do not claim any Islamic history from India. In fact most of the Pakistanis I know only consider Islamic history from India as part of the history of Islam in the Sub-Continent.

Good to know that but I see IVC as the part of Indian history.
Good to know that but I see IVC as the part of Indian history.

You may continue to do so, I don't care. The north western portion of India bordering Pakistan indeed does have some claim to the IVC.
I saw your question, you will see either British or French or Spanish all claim and take pride in Roman Empire.

Good to know that but I see IVC as the part of Indian history.

Yes, including Palestine, Tunisia the whole of North Africa, most of Anatolia and Western Europe because they [Spain/Portugal were Iberia] France [was Gaul] etc were Roman colonies and subject to Roman Rule so they can take pride of being ruled by a external people, thier rulers were modern day Italians.

All of France [ Gaul ] was a Roman colony for 100s of years but I don't think India fell under IVC rule. Only the a tiny fraction of modern India right next to Pakistan border had IVC overspill similiar to overspill into Iran, Afghanistan etc.
You may continue to do so, I don't care. The north western portion of India bordering Pakistan indeed does have some claim to the IVC.

Ok, its time to end the conversation, bye.
I saw your question, you will see either British or French or Spanish all claim and take pride in Roman Empire.

Good to know that but I see IVC as the part of Indian history.

Fine, if you insist in sticking your snout into our backside go ahead, on second thoughts you can only take wiff of the smell ...... like it?

You guy's must be busting yourself that Mohenjo Daro is in Pakistan. I don't know which part of India you are from but I bet if you got a chance you would benmd geography that Mohenjo rolls over into your India. This is bizzare !!!

Now I am off, adios.
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