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A heartbreaking murdering: 17 year old Nicoletta, murdered by her 22-year-old Pakistani refugee boyfriend

except usa since usa fcuked these countries up.
They don't have a right to be in Europe. Look how Asian and African countries have no courage to make excuses against the GCC. If these countries of origin refuse to take back a deported person, the Gulf state will simply suspend visas from that country, so all are quietly returned home.
Consider this,
Uneducated men spend all their time on women, trying to impress them, flirt with them, and get with them. A lot of guys like this focus on women as their main objective in life. This overbearing tends to push women away Because he’s a self-absorbed asshole. He’ was offended she had the “audacity” to reject him so he killed her. Impossible understand thus sick mindset to take life
I propose collective punishments. The whole village or town of these individuals should be put through some rigorous punishments. These people are incorrigible
They don't have a right to be in Europe. Look how Asian and African countries have no courage to make excuses against the GCC. If these countries of origin refuse to take back a deported person, the Gulf state will simply suspend visas from that country, so all are quietly returned home.

read read wat i wrote. they dont have right you say then tell france, usa the rest of the nato invader tramps stop plundering those countries so no refugees are created.

your are over there, that's why they over here.

an example gaddafi's libya - he rightfully creates gold dinar and asks african countries unite under one union. next thing you know libya is getting bombed and gaddafi murdered and influx of refugees. then big mouth europeans say oh these refugees are cowards they should fight the isis but when they do they are called terrorist.
i am against these illegals but it is the root cause, for me the problem.
I am talking about on Pakistan's end.

Greece should deport them all, their ideals and values to do not align and the type that come over illegally are usually the criminal types. The backwater types in our community are mentally retarded and take everything to extreme, be it religion, jealousy etc. They are damaged beyond repair.
Where to deported them?
Neither their country accepts them, nor Turkey from which they entered illegally. Both countries do not even help in their identification.

Saudi Arabia alone deported hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis over five years.
Gulf Arab states combined would have deported easily over a million Asians, Africans and Arabs in that period. Europe must do the same.
Why don't you tell me to do what your country does?

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I propose collective punishments. The whole village or town of these individuals should be put through some rigorous punishments. These people are incorrigible
But we should start with your village first :omghaha:

Everyone in Greece is talking about the murder of 17-year-old Nicoletta by her 22-year-old Pakistani refugee boyfriend.

The Pakistani, who fled but was caught after the murder, says he killed Nicoletta "because she insulted the Qur'an and wanted her to become a Christian".

This strange prosecution statement was naturally met with a great reaction in some circles in Greece. However, the truth of the matter seems to be different.

There seems to be non-religious reasons behind the murder of a young girl in Greece by her Pakistani boyfriend:

A 17-year-old Greek girl and a 22-year-old Pakistani have been together for 10 months. The Pakistani young man (Ahsan) has been staying at the girl's house for a while with the girl's mother and sister.


Greek girl wants to break up with her Pakistani boyfriend and says "give me back the house keys". But Pakistani Ahsan reacts very harshly to this. In the investigations made by the police, threatening messages from Ahsan were found on the girl's phone.

On the day of the murder, there is a fierce argument between the Greek Nicoletta, who wants to leave Pakistani Ahsan. It is estimated that Ahsan then strangled the 17-year-old girl to death. The young girl's body is found by her sister, who came to the house. Even though the Pakistani man escaped, he was caught later.

The first statements of Pakistani Ahsan, the murder suspect who killed his Greek lover, are religious-oriented: "Nicoletta insulted the Qur'an, she wanted me to become a Christian," he says. However, these explanations are nothing but an effort to base a cowardly murder on religious/ideological reasons.

Greek public opinion is very sensitive about religious-oriented issues. If you combine this with such a brutal murder, even if the truth comes out, it will cause some people to be stuck in an understanding that you cannot convince.

As a matter of fact, from what I've seen on social media, people trapped in this comfortable space of thought are experiencing a wholesale outburst of anger and hatred towards Pakistanis and Asian Muslims more generally.

There have been many sensational events that have damaged the image of the Pakistani state and people and discredited its people. And now, We experienced another one in Greece. Pakistani government agencies and NGOs now need to pursue a proactive policy about its abroad citizens. When I shared my warnings and advice on this subject months ago, some members did not fully understand what I meant. This is not about us, it's about your reputation guys.

PDF's Asia Minor correspondent reported from Istanbul.
You Turks need to stop projecting Pakistanis as sexual deviants by posting stories like these. Yes we've got an eye for the ladies, God has given us eyes that can see beauty. Like the rest of the world. I cannot believe the outrage in Turkey with state run brothels is over Pakistanis ogling Turkish girls, these scumbags can really hurt dignity of turkish gyals by visiting one of those brothels. Do you see Pakistanis posting about Turkish sex offenders in Europe which is far worse then ogling half naked women?

Pakistanis should demand such exaggerated stories by Turks not be given space on this forum. They and Indians have already littered reddit with this shit.
EU nations should stop providing refugee status to Pakistanis.. Pakistan is not at war nor starving
Human trafficking is a big business now in Pakistan and Many families have been ripped apart from agents
It is good thing turkey started building a wall at iran border to stop the inflow of illegal

Most people on refugee claim remain in a queue for their case to be adjudged for several years. The due process that is expected from international rules on how a refugee claim is to be processed will always allow for a window that refugee applicants can exploit.

No,they would mention it,trust me.

@dBSPL I was going to post this,but then I thought some people here would think I only post bad things about Pakistan.

The guy had some 4 IDs with him and gave the authorities 4 different names when he got in Greece. That's what the news said.

They said,he had requested asylum but was rejected. He went to tell her that he wanted to leave the country,they had some fight,I think he said she said something bad about a friend of his,he killed her,took his stuff,took her phone and went north. Another Pakistani identified him and called the police and they arrested him in FYROM.

Lets have a look at the other side of the refugee story,
I am in no way covering up for the murder.

There is a massive business of illegal human migration from Pakistan, Indian and BD, as well as north africa and Syria etc to Europe.
The route taken is Iran , Turkey, Greece , Bosnia, and then to the destination which maybe Italy, Spain, Austria or Hungry.
The reason people are migrating is because Europeans hire them at less than the hourly wage to work farms.
Europeans have been able to cultivate land which was formerly thought to be not suitable or not profitable because they are getting lots of cheap labor.

The border police knows very well what is going on, and they look the other way,
these people spend a lot of money to land in europe and avail these low paying jobs.
they walk their way from Turkey,serbia etc,
I know afghans who froze to death in winter trying to cross the border.

This process is called Dunkey.

So long as the new papers are not telling this side of the story, I have a problem with them.
You Turks need to stop projecting Pakistanis as sexual deviants by posting stories like these. Yes we've got an eye for the ladies, God has given us eyes that can see beauty. Like the rest of the world. I cannot believe the outrage in Turkey with state run brothels is over Pakistanis ogling Turkish girls, these scumbags can really hurt dignity of turkish gyals by visiting one of those brothels. Do you see Pakistanis posting about Turkish sex offenders in Europe which is far worse then ogling half naked women?

Pakistanis should demand such exaggerated stories by Turks not be given space on this forum. They and Indians have already littered reddit with this shit.
Months and years before that PSYOP in Turkiye you mentioned, I am someone trying to explain the damage done to the image of the Pakistani people, especially by the Afghans walking around with fake Pakistani passports. I have a lot of detailed posts on this forum as well. You would be ashamed of what you wrote if you had the slightest idea of my efforts and discussions with people around me.

It is extremely stupid of you to accuse me of things that I have never written. Your wholesale view of 90 million Turks is just as retarded as some Turkish idiots trying to classify Pakistanis as a whole. Your obsession with brothels or your subconscious perverted dreams are none of my business, but try to be Individual. Neither you alone represent the nation of Pakistan, nor do I represent a nation alone.

Let's put things in their place and not as the Turk @dBSPL translated them. ...
The Pakistani was involved in gangs, his application for asylum had been rejected because he was not a refugee but an economic illegal immigrant, he was registered under 2 different names and 4 different ages.
He could not be deported to Pakistan because, quite simply, Pakistan does not accept its nationals back.

The story with the Koran and the change of religion, came to the surface after the teaching of his lawyers, who are lawyers and members of a well-known NGO that has contracted the rights of foreigners.
The Pakistani killed her because the 17-year-old girl asked for a break up. He was waiting to marry her, in order to obtain Greek citizenship.

Finally, Pakistanis have been living in Greece since the 1970s. It is well known that some people want to create problems where there are none, they have a name and are called Islamic Fundamentalists as well as Western Rightists.
This is already written in my first message. This issue has no religious connection. The perpetrator of the murder makes such a foolish claim in his statement. All these things are things written in the Greek media. You don't even read the message but you're attacking me with a stupid obsession just because I'm Turkish. What does my being Turkish have to do with this?
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This harami was defending Islam whist having sex with a Greek woman .... oh the irony.
I am not anyone to judge but...
I just don't buy the angle of ' He killed her because she wasn't coverting to Islam.'.

Just doesn't add up.
In that case he could be an Afghan who have fraudulently obtained Pakistani Identity Card, it is quite normal for Afghan Refugees to have 2-3 different National Identity Cards
This could have been done 15 years ago, now the Greek and European security authorities have the know-how and experience to recognize where someone comes from.
Age is an issue, especially when Turkey and Pakistan are not cooperating with European authorities.
These fellows are not refugees, these are illegal immigrants. And almost all of them, at least in Serbia, are males 20-30+ years old. And they are getting increasingly violent. There are already gangs with immigrants from Morocco, or Afghanistan, which are taking part in organizing immigration routes, trafficking narcotics and arms… Just recently on border with Hungary they had a shootout between these gangs, with one murdered and 6 wounded. And this is not the first case of something like this. But for some the issue is that our interior minister called them bandits and scum:

And all these who come from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

pakistan and bengladesh should be stopped there is no war, just want to take advantage.

but dont forget when european goes to dubai for that money they are called a civilized name "expat" but if dark perspn they are called economic migrant.

see the word play.

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