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A Goat Arrested, Then Gets Bail In Chhattisgarh.


Sep 20, 2014
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The goats owner, Abdul Hassan, has also been arrested

KOREA, CHHATTISHGARH: A goat arrested yesterday for raiding a senior bureaucrat's garden in Chhattisgarh was granted a bail today. Along with its owner, it has been booked under charges that carry a two to seven year prison term and a fine.

The police arrested the goat, whose name is not known, and its owner Abdul Hassan, in Korea, about 350 km from state capital Raipur, on the complaint of district magistrate Hemant Ratre's gardener.

The goat, the police said, was a repeat offender. "The judge's bungalow has an iron gate and the goat used to jump over it and enter," said Assistant Sub Inspector R P Srivastava.

"The peon who maintains the garden had warned the owner of the goat many times. So today he filed a complaint and we arrested the goat and its owner," the policeman added.

Among the goat's criminal activities the police have listed grazing in the garden and eating plants and vegetables. They said the magistrate had called up senior police officers to complain about the errant animal.

Abdul Hassan, who faces charges of criminal trespass and mischief causing damage along with his goat, is now awaiting the court's decision this afternoon.

"My goat scaled the boundary wall again and ate flowers and vegetables from the garden. It was taken to the police station and then the police also brought me in," Mr Hassan reported.

No, Seriously. A Goat Arrested, Then Gets Bail In Chhattisgarh.


The goats owner, Abdul Hassan, has also been arrested

KOREA, CHHATTISHGARH: A goat arrested yesterday for raiding a senior bureaucrat's garden in Chhattisgarh was granted a bail today. Along with its owner, it has been booked under charges that carry a two to seven year prison term and a fine.

The police arrested the goat, whose name is not known, and its owner Abdul Hassan, in Korea, about 350 km from state capital Raipur, on the complaint of district magistrate Hemant Ratre's gardener.

The goat, the police said, was a repeat offender. "The judge's bungalow has an iron gate and the goat used to jump over it and enter," said Assistant Sub Inspector R P Srivastava.

"The peon who maintains the garden had warned the owner of the goat many times. So today he filed a complaint and we arrested the goat and its owner," the policeman added.

Among the goat's criminal activities the police have listed grazing in the garden and eating plants and vegetables. They said the magistrate had called up senior police officers to complain about the errant animal.

Abdul Hassan, who faces charges of criminal trespass and mischief causing damage along with his goat, is now awaiting the court's decision this afternoon.

"My goat scaled the boundary wall again and ate flowers and vegetables from the garden. It was taken to the police station and then the police also brought me in," Mr Hassan reported.

No, Seriously. A Goat Arrested, Then Gets Bail In Chhattisgarh.

This shit can happen only in India :-|
That goat looks like a criminal, you see the nasty looks it's giving?

I feel safer now that it is behind bars.
WTF mate! I can quote and post way better and weirder FAILS from the annals of UK, or Lungiland for that matter (assuming you still hold your origins dear) .. :victory:

I would be equally scathing should it happen in either place
Ok, just buy it and have a feast.....Game over. Itni si baat ke liye itna lafda??

And BTW @ganesh623 , see OP's another post!!
All I can say is Baaaaaaaaahd luck to the poor goat.

Btw Chattisgarh should promote this place in their products...so they can say its made in Korea :D.
Probably a biased news report, Goat was confiscate to find out owner and when owner was come to take his goat they put charges of negligence.


The goats owner, Abdul Hassan, has also been arrested

KOREA, CHHATTISHGARH: A goat arrested yesterday for raiding a senior bureaucrat's garden in Chhattisgarh was granted a bail today. Along with its owner, it has been booked under charges that carry a two to seven year prison term and a fine.

The police arrested the goat, whose name is not known, and its owner Abdul Hassan, in Korea, about 350 km from state capital Raipur, on the complaint of district magistrate Hemant Ratre's gardener.

The goat, the police said, was a repeat offender. "The judge's bungalow has an iron gate and the goat used to jump over it and enter," said Assistant Sub Inspector R P Srivastava.

"The peon who maintains the garden had warned the owner of the goat many times. So today he filed a complaint and we arrested the goat and its owner," the policeman added.

Among the goat's criminal activities the police have listed grazing in the garden and eating plants and vegetables. They said the magistrate had called up senior police officers to complain about the errant animal.

Abdul Hassan, who faces charges of criminal trespass and mischief causing damage along with his goat, is now awaiting the court's decision this afternoon.

"My goat scaled the boundary wall again and ate flowers and vegetables from the garden. It was taken to the police station and then the police also brought me in," Mr Hassan reported.

No, Seriously. A Goat Arrested, Then Gets Bail In Chhattisgarh.
is this even true?
High time the goat gets a capital punishment! i mean, grazing...that's worse than rape and blasphemy together, specially for a black goat (goat being incarnation of devil, and this one is black-moar evil :D)
i don't suppose dogs in ranchi will be arrested, much less shot dead, for attacking or killing people.

and there was a particular terror campaign by "bajrang dal" in ranchi some years ago, with posters stuck to outsides of cafes and colleges, warning ladies not to wear "western wear" like jeans, otherwise that would invite full-of-sanskaar acid attacks... and that idiot cricket player, mahendra singh dhoni, belongs to ranchi... i never heard of him acting against this terror campaign... dhoni can only chant vulgar nationalism and wave india flag... he does not have the courage to attack the ills within india.

also, i suppose chattishgarh police would have tortured 20 more people for the "grave crime of sympathizing with naxalites".

India is definitely a very strange country.

the entire subcontinent is a strange place... the strangest of strange. :)

High time the goat gets a capital punishment! i mean, grazing...that's worse than rape and blasphemy together, specially for a black goat (goat being incarnation of devil, and this one is black-moar evil :D)

grazing in a judge's compound is 100 times worse than "honor killing", according to indian traditional society.
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