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A Gay Bar To Open Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To “Islamic Gay Men."

No, Mosques can be built any where in USA, but in NYC its pretty sensitive dude. I live here. If some radical Hindus or Christian or whatever destroyed a great Mosque or something very important like the TT in Bangladesh do you want to see a gigantic temple right next where many died? If the Jews did this to some important place in Palestinian, you think Muslims world wide want see a gigantic synagogue next to it? :no:


I cant believe all the regular every day Muslims I see on the train, street, etc are not against this more..Only some of my Muslim friends are.

What the hell you are talking about... that no mosque can be built in NYC cause of 9/11... then where I have said anything wrong when I said no church can be built in the middle east... iraq war and killing of its more than 1 million people is 300 times... if you consider in terms of population ratio 30000 times bigger tragedy than 9/11... does it mean that cause of iraq war all the middle eastern christians need to be accused... n need to stop building any church on the purchased property.

N regarding 9/11 it is still bnot fully solved issue... just believing 19 haijakers came out of cave and carried out this attack is nothing but oxymoron... bush completely stopped exploring all other option saying either you are with us or against us.... 22 country warned usa months befire that any attack may happen.... n despite all these us was not aware of these attacks is nothing but funny.
makes me sick..:hang2:

Ya sure lets make a 13 story mosque RIGHT next to ground zero.. If it was the other way around it would be totally foul play. Thats like if some Jews destroyed Mecca and built a gigantic synagogue right next to it. :hitwall:

Or like Muslims (babar and fellows) destroyed Ram Janm Bhoomi Temple and built Babri Masjid over it in 16th Century.

Pathetic. Thankfully we are rid of it now.
What the hell you are talking about... that no mosque can be built in NYC cause of 9/11... then where I have said anything wrong when I said no church can be built in the middle east... iraq war and killing of its more than 1 million people is 300 times... if you consider in terms of population ratio 30000 times bigger tragedy than 9/11... does it mean that cause of iraq war all the middle eastern christians need to be accused... n need to stop building any church on the purchased property.

I meant right at GZ, because there are already Mosques in the city. We do not want to see a 13 story mosque in front of DZ. And I agree Muslims in M.E. should stop buy American products, weapons, etc if you dont like U.S.A's government politics and killings.. Its fair game, but you know that's not going to happen. Because in reality for most of the Muslim nations(and mostly all nations) money,temptation>religion..
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I suppose you are right. Maybe we should take a page out of ye olde caste system instruction manual to figure out how to really structure our society.

We are at least open to renovation of our social system. We admitt there were some mistakes in medivial times. Social injustices are gone 95%.

On the other hand, can you claim to be like us? Open to change and opposed to intolerance?

Coz I am sure, Islamic systems are allergic to change. That is why all the shariya and stuff makes countries go back 1400 years, in terms of social and economic dimensions.

Someone somewhere makes a painting and all of people start creating nasty mess and burning their own civil properties. And noone offers regrets for destroying Buddhist statues that dates back to time even before Islam existed. In fact the only countries that backed Talibunnys and thier intolerant and medival policies, were the ones that claim to be truly champion islamic countries, aka, Saudi and pakistan.
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Or like Muslims (babar and fellows) destroyed Ram Janm Bhoomi Temple and built Babri Masjid over it in 16th Century.

Pathetic. Thankfully we are rid of it now.

Or the Qutub Minar which is made out of many Hindu, Buddhist, Jain temples. I think India is to tolerant sometimes...Lets act like China for a minute and slowly get ride of religion.. :tup:

:devil: What every way possible..... :china::sniper: :hang2:

JK. Ok that was to much lmao!:rofl:
Sound like a hate monger for a minute.

I meant right at GZ, because there are already Mosques in the city. We do not want to see a 13 story mosque in front of DZ. And I agree Muslims in M.E. should stop buy American products, weapons, etc if you dont like U.S.A's government politics and killings.. Its fair game, but you know that's not going to happen. Because in reality for most of the Muslim nations(and mostly all nations) money,temptation>religion..

1st make thing straight.. i did not talked about america or american... i talked about arab christian... I guess you do not know that 12-15% arab population in the middle east are christian.... do you think muslims need to accuse arab christians for the act and crime and genocide commited by america and stop them from building any church????

N that 13 story building will be a community center not a mosque... only 1 floor will be used as mosque.

Because of 9/11 all the muslim will be accused and held responsible and no mosque can be built on that basis is nothing but racism and act of hete in other words hate crime... muslims are building this center on their own land... n it is more than 2 block away than ground zero... so, stopping building this mosque means giving a blank check to the right winger chriswtian zionists and some republicans those who are protesting about it....

If they are really concered about 9/11 and its victim they should open up the inquiary again and should try to find out all the unanswered question which was skipped by buch and co. and its possible like with "Project of new american century" and israeli project "A clean break"
sami6108, it's pointless to talk to those who have fallen flat on their faces after the approval for the construction of mosque/community center, its typical rant which is highly expected of religious bigots especially from some of the indians, So don't bother wasting your energy by arguing with them.
sami6108, it's pointless to talk to those who have fallen flat on their faces after the approval for the construction of mosque/community center, its typical rant which is highly expected of religious bigots especially from some of the indians, So don't bother wasting your energy by arguing with them.

I know about it.. but the guy seems to me still young... as a indian american christian he may have fall victim of the brain washing preaching of any right winger church... anyway that was my point... thanks for likeing this.
I am willing to change my mind so its never a good thing to say its"pointless to talk".. I have Muslim friends so I am not the regular Indian bigot. I dont hate any religion.

"N that 13 story building will be a community center not a mosque..."

I'll visit this community center I live in Queens close to Manhattan..:devil:

If I dont see some Indians, Pakistanis, Guyanese, Trinis, Russians, Polish, Koreans, Chinese, Haitians, Dominicans, Irish, Italian,etc and not just Muslims but of all religions then it is not no community center in New York City my friend.
We are at least open to renovation of our social system. We admitt there were some mistakes in medivial times. Social injustices are gone 95%.

On the other hand, can you claim to be like us? Open to change and opposed to intolerance?

Coz I am sure, Islamic systems are allergic to change. That is why all the shariya and stuff makes countries go back 1400 years, in terms of social and economic dimensions.

Someone somewhere makes a painting and all of people start creating nasty mess and burning their own civil properties. And noone offers regrets for destroying Buddhist statues that dates back to time even before Islam existed. In fact the only countries that backed Talibunnys and thier intolerant and medival policies, were the ones that claim to be truly champion islamic countries, aka, Saudi and pakistan.

We have no intention to be like India

a) We do not believe in destroying mosques just because a pundit
hid a old statue underground

b) We don't have any intention of being like India becasue we are
not interested

c) When you allow homosexuals in your mundir , you can come and
post back , fruity friend. We can discuss why hinduism has issues
with homosexuality.

d) War in afghanistan was illegel, is illegal and will always be illegal
so there was no ground for any nation to break diplomatic
relations with no justifiable cause.

e.g Even US maintains contacts with taliabans, or North Korea or even libya etc
Infact ... there were open negotiations between US/Taliabans many time
prior to illegal war
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I am willing to change my mind so its never a good thing to say its"pointless to talk".. I have Muslim friends so I am not the regular Indian bigot. I dont hate any religion.

"N that 13 story building will be a community center not a mosque..."

I'll visit this community center I live in Queens close to Manhattan..:devil:

If I dont see some Indians, Pakistanis, Guyanese, Trinis, Russians, Polish, Koreans, Chinese, Haitians, Dominicans, Irish, Italian,etc and not just Muslims but of all religions then it is not no community center in New York City my friend.

Well to make a simple point to you , its a place for business ppl in Manhatten to go offer their prayers, since its in downtown , its easier for ppl to do that.

The island is so small that does not matters which neighbourhood you will own a land , it will always be close to some significant location of interest to someone.

Community center is there for ppl to come and learn , its open house, if ppl want to come attend seminars great

As for the muslim friends

A muslim is defined as someone who actually follows some elements of religion

1Shahadah (Acceptance of allah and acceptance of last prophethood for Mohammad)
2Salah (Prayers)
3Zakāt (Donations for poor)
4Sawm (fasting)

(Yes night clubs , or partying is not part of that ) :)

You might really not actually know any muslims in reality

>You may have some friends who may not follow the religion closely
they are merely citizens , if they don't practice , I hope that
clearifies the confusion

So yes you may have some citizen friends who were perhaps born muslim at some stage

In case if you don't like the community center , its ok its only there for educational purpose
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We are at least open to renovation of our social system. We admitt there were some mistakes in medivial times. Social injustices are gone 95%.

On the other hand, can you claim to be like us? Open to change and opposed to intolerance?

Coz I am sure, Islamic systems are allergic to change. That is why all the shariya and stuff makes countries go back 1400 years, in terms of social and economic dimensions.

Someone somewhere makes a painting and all of people start creating nasty mess and burning their own civil properties. And noone offers regrets for destroying Buddhist statues that dates back to time even before Islam existed. In fact the only countries that backed Talibunnys and thier intolerant and medival policies, were the ones that claim to be truly champion islamic countries, aka, Saudi and pakistan.

Kya BUSY PANDEY...aap to aate hi suru ho gaye...Is tarah se likhiyega to ban ho jayiyega...

Coming back to topic..No one has the right to object to a Gay bar being built near the community center...
What about a strip joint? I don't see this irking the Muslims so much, and ultimately they'll give up on the idea then.
Kya BUSY PANDEY...aap to aate hi suru ho gaye...Is tarah se likhiyega to ban ho jayiyega...

Coming back to topic..No one has the right to object to a Gay bar being built near the community center...

I agree I suggest opening a gay bar next to a mundir , we want India to set up a new precedence , once you achieve 50 historic buildings in India gay bar and Mundir , please come back and suggest more bright ideas. While you are at it prehaps also add some more entertainment cinemas , meet someone at bar get married in mundir and watch bollywood movies

But a bar , next to a cemetary (symbolic cemeratary) is a bit idiotic and disrespectful , a religious/community center on other hand is not becuase muslims also died in the incident

Also the building of community center also proves US is open to Muslims , weather indians like it or not

I personally think its a great gesture by US to allow muslim mosque to operate , unlike some so called dumb democracies where mosques are destroyed or grave yards destroyed for muslims US is actually a very solid country ...

I think Muslims should invest more in US then russia, as for india it will eventually be taken over by religious extremist hindus down the road, they are already in their armed units & political structure
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