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A documentary on Discovery of Hazrat Nooh (A.S.)'s ark

The fact of the matter is it did happen. Now since thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of years passed so it is hard to imagine if such an object would exist in today's era. People are free to assume about the ark of Prophet Noah still having the signs of it but I don't think it is possible anymore
Science doesn't; psuedoscience does.

And even if there was a flood, so what? Is there any part on earth that hasn't been flooded one time or another? Does that prove any of the childishly simplistic fairytales about boats and species?

Take it for what it is - yet another creation myth like thousands of other myths around the globe made up by every primitive society that didn't know to conduct scientific investigations, but wanted to satisfy their curiosity about their origins.
Amazing how such a myth is presented in almost every religion

Also amazing how the rocks tell their story...the documentary was by discovery with scientists talking about it...amazing science is used when you want it and shunned otherwise as pseudoscience :unsure:
Amazing how such a myth is presented in almost every religion

Also amazing how the rocks tell their story...the documentary was by discovery with scientists talking about it...amazing science is used when you want it and shunned otherwise as pseudoscience :unsure:
The neighbors fear that if any of the Monotheist religion proves their histories then the Polytheists would have to close there business down, so they are in a constant battle to prove it wrong.
I,since my childhood days was quite fascinated by the strange similarities amongst ancient religions. The story of Manu/Noah and its diffusion world wide from Japan,China to distant Africa and Greece are quite mind boggling. The absence of archeological evidence will keep these myths unsolved forever but at the same point of time the peculiarity of the thought provoking resemblance among different religions will always have monumental importance in the history of mankind.
The fact of the matter is it did happen. Now since thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of years passed so it is hard to imagine if such an object would exist in today's era. People are free to assume about the ark of Prophet Noah still having the signs of it but I don't think it is possible anymore

Just like Zaboor, Tawrah, Injeel...
The fact of the matter is it did happen. Now since thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of years passed so it is hard to imagine if such an object would exist in today's era. People are free to assume about the ark of Prophet Noah still having the signs of it but I don't think it is possible anymore
Research about this object found on top of MT Arafat in Turkey, They say it might be Hazrat Nooh A.S's Ark and I also read that its forbidden for anyone to go up there
This is old story-
Wondering what stops archeologists from further excavation-
The fact of the matter is it did happen. Now since thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of years passed so it is hard to imagine if such an object would exist in today's era. People are free to assume about the ark of Prophet Noah still having the signs of it but I don't think it is possible anymore
lolz... how do you know its a fact? o_O

I,since my childhood days was quite fascinated by the strange similarities amongst ancient religions. The story of Manu/Noah and its diffusion world wide from Japan,China to distant Africa and Greece are quite mind boggling. The absence of archeological evidence will keep these myths unsolved forever but at the same point of time the peculiarity of the thought provoking resemblance among different religions will always have monumental importance in the history of mankind.
some say the hindu story might have come from sumerian original story of great flood. Judaism/christianity/islam came from same area one after other so each carry previous story and add their own.
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lolz... how do you know its a fact? o_O

some say the hindu story might have come from sumerian original story of great flood. Judaism/christianity/islam came from same area one after other so each carry previous story and add their own.
Its mentioned in Quran, the whole incident of flood and Noahs Arc, Every Muslim has to believe that it happened.
Its mentioned in Quran, the whole incident of flood and Noahs Arc, Every Muslim has to believe that it happened.
yes.. I know. Its a belief. There are similar hindu belief too regarding flood.
The neighbors fear that if any of the Monotheist religion proves their histories then the Polytheists would have to close there business down, so they are in a constant battle to prove it wrong.
Even hinduism has similar story... sorry to burst your bubble....

Its mentioned in Quran, the whole incident of flood and Noahs Arc, Every Muslim has to believe that it happened.

This explains all. Has to believe - whether true or not, possible or not, ridiculous or not, one has to believe. I would not mind blind believes that don't directly harm other but unfortunately, this mentality extends to other, more troublesome, aspects. A religious militant has to kill people who don't hold same faith, even same interpretation, as his leader. He does not listen to reason...
The flood definitely happened but I doubt it was world wide. Maybe it covered a huge area of land but the story of Bible which says all of the earth was under water is unbelievable.
The flood definitely happened but I doubt it was world wide. Maybe it covered a huge area of land but the story of Bible which says all of the earth was under water is unbelievable.
which period are we talking about?
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