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99.99% of the world is wajib-ul-qatal for insulting the Prophet

first improve your ideology about your jewish land and let palestinians live in peace...
Do you have anything to contribute to the thread topic, and if not, why should your fellow Pakistanis listen to you?
Oh dear Asim dont get emotinal , Muslim or non muslim nobody has a right to act upon vetican , or western influence to talk rubbish like black law to such a law which protects the sanctity and honour of our holy prophet . A cristian woman Aasia was convicted of insulting our prophet by a court of law . She had a right to go to the high court , but , Salman Taseer tried to give her Presidential pardon. Remember ,a presidential pardon to a proven case of blasphemy. Taseer tried to buldose the court of law , he had more soft corner for a convict of blasphemy rather than the law and feelings of local people. If law should have made to be prevailed rather than his illegal interfearance , it would not have happened . Qadri is a killer of protector of people who are proven to be guilty of insulting our prophet . However law will also deal with Qadri and will be treated according to law . It is fair enough.

When the Holy Prophet was in Makkah in the early days of Islam, he never was angry on people insulting him.
When did our Prophet said to kill people if they insult him. He even forgive people of Ta'if when he had the option of Azab e Allahi on them.
But the Suhabas including the very first man who became a Muslim on his hand, and the first teenager who became Muslim on his hand, asks for the blasphemous to be killed. Were theirs interpretations wrong?

I think it was for people who were naming them as holy Prophet after him at that time.
Ibn ‘Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah Mohammed PBUH

“If anybody sees in his Ameer something which displeases him, he
should remain patient, for he who separates himself from the
authority of Islam (Sultan) by even so much as a hand span and
dies thereupon, he would die the death of the days of ignorance.”
When the Holy Prophet was in Makkah in the early days of Islam, he never was angry on people insulting him.
When did our Prophet said to kill people if they insult him. He even forgive people of Ta'if when he had the option of Azab e Allahi on them.
He forgave them for insulting himself but it does not prove that we should give pardon to each and every person insulting our beloved Prophet (p.b.u.h). We should certify that every body can make blasphemous cartoons and make verbal insult openly , because everybody will be pardoned . In Quran/ hadiht it is written that a man can only be killed for two reasons i.e murder and fasad (anarchy). By insulting our prophet (p.b.u.h)hits the feelings of muslims and creats fasad. So it is very islamic to kill the person involved in blasphemy (by the state and court of law).
Taseer's death is not 'significant' because of who he was or what he did, but because of WHY he was killed.

He was killed because of intolerance and bigotry, killed because all he did was believe in the innocence of a woman accused of Blasphemy, killed because all he did was oppose the draconian laws that make it possible to incarcerate and punish people over someone's say so and someones opinions.
Not to mention the sub-human behavior exhibited after his death by many of our fellow countrymen.
When the Holy Prophet was in Makkah in the early days of Islam, he never was angry on people insulting him.
When did our Prophet said to kill people if they insult him. He even forgive people of Ta'if when he had the option of Azab e Allahi on them.
What you talking about? Don't you know the latest excuse? The Holy Prophet had the power to forgive people at his own discretion on abuses against him, but we won't, we will kill em all!
Asim... I'm worried. You haven't acted like this before. You have a good message and all, but you seem a bit too energetic.
Not to mention the sub-human behavior exhibited after his death by many of our fellow countrymen.

Its the illetrate people :hitwall:
Only 48% population of Pakistan, has been to school (School means passing 5th standard). You may see the literacy ratio.
Its the illetrate people :hitwall:
Only 48% population of Pakistan, has been to school (School means passing 5th standard). You may see the literacy ratio.

Unfortunately it's not the illiterate people that everyone is concerned about. It's guys like you that make the situation scary. You are still in school but passing moral judgments about girls(ST's daughters) in mini skirts:hitwall:. You preface your arguments with "I don't support the murder.........and then you add a "but". One can only hope that as you grow older, you will mellow down because if you don't, Pakistan is in a lot more trouble.
Not to mention the sub-human behavior exhibited after his death by many of our fellow countrymen.

the behavior of majority of our fellow countrymen was quite normal, the reason, majority don't see events from the eyes of secular/liberal viewpoint.

i saw your final words in Salman Taseer's thread, i wish you the very best of luck in your struggle for the abolishment of blasphemy law. i'll happily wait for the day when our secular/liberal section show some balls and lead a massive demonstration~ Remember, no gain without pain! :coffee:
Mullahs love to use the "What if your mother is insulted" argument, won't you fight back then? Lets use the same...

A father's insult is not just he who curses his father, it is equally insulting if he is not followed or disobeyed - at least in the prevalent culture, in Muslim countries.

By the same count its not just an insult when you swear at the Prophet, it is also insulting when the Prophet is not followed. Who here can say they have ALWAYS followed the Prophet.

Ok the game, set, match boys. Kill everyone. Then shoot yourself.

Is there any word you know other than Mullah?
OP and a lot of other members here ... I am speechless ...

If liberal secularists Pakistanis like you had put this much effort in fighting corruption & injustice practiced by our democracy preaching leaders, than these illiterate, extremists Mullah's won't be able to take advantage of suffering of poor & unfortunate people and brainwash them to carry out mass killings on the name of religion .... These things happen where injustice prevails and injustice prevails where leaders are corrupt ..

Extremists exist in every religion ... I personally believe that many of today's maulvis are the furthest thing from Islam and a major cause for all this bad image of Islam being portrayed .... but calling all Mullah's extremists ??? ... Do you even know the place of "mufti" in Islam ??? or could you perhaps define Mullah for me ???

Asia is as much a Pakistani as any other Muslim living in Pakistan and deserves same treatment in every aspect ... It is very possible that she was framed and that the trial was unfair ... How many of poor people in Pakistan really get a fair treatment or fair trial ??? Yes, it does not mean that she should have been just ignored but quote me some other case where our late governer or any other politician have stood up to give justice to some other poor or unfortunate .... Why only the issues which are bound to flame religious tensions ???

What Hussain Qadri did was a murder ... an individual action ..
What our politicians and many Mullahs (as you like to call them) are doing directly and indirectly by their actions and policies is anarchy (Fasad / Chaos) ... So many times in Quran are we asked to fight against those who spread anarchy ...

Stop debating on Islam, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) or Sahaba (R.A) because clearly none of you here including me have much idea about any of them nor do we practice what they preached .....

Unless you have peanuts in your heads, it is very clear that there are some hidden elements hell bent on destabilizing Pakistan and judging from comments on this forum and everyday news, i must admit that they are doing hell of a good job ....

I am disappointed to see the childish behavior of so many senior members especially some moderators in last few days ....

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