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Man 'o man! It is a proven fact that half the world's people are of below median intelligence.
That "gose"? Is that like a Canada goose or maybe a Mallard duck? :lol:

My mind is as sharply critical and analytical as they come, thank you very much.

On a serious note, what is the point that you appear to be trying to make?

:D hehehe ... my point was to expel your point:rofl:
No...We do not 'all know' that 9/11 was an 'inside job'. And it has been ten years. The reality is that the loony 9/11 conspiracy theories movement is not gaining any ground but the public is actually losing interest for lack of credible evidences and arguments.

say this to all the profs at my university that studyied wtc and found out sir that in no way wtc could collaps soo fast and with such pinpoint collapsing methods like controaled demolition . more and more people are finding out the truth you sir ignor it beacuse the way you where brought up to belive that the goverment loves and cares for you. tell me you would be still here when the cuban missel chrises your goverment had no seconds thoughts to nuke one of its own major cities . ww3? you would be here defending without knowing the truth ? correct?
lack of evidence ,have you seen the new video footage of building 7 how is it possible for a 47 story building to fall on its on footprint when theres hardly any damage to it ,its called control demolition ,any fool can see that .:sniper:

You are correct Sir.

Only fools can see that Building 7 was a controlled demolition! :lol:
"But... but... a jet fuel fire can't melt steel! That's a scientific fact!"

It's also a scientific fact that normal steel structural beams will lose almost 80% of their strength at a measly 700 degrees. That is why you can bend a solid steel rod with your bare hands after a middle section is heated dull red. You don't need to melt steel to have a building collapse.

They pancaked because the load-bearing vertical columns were primarily on the outside of the buildings. It was an architectural oddity in that sense.

Take a look at any documentary on controlled demolition. The experts often take weeks to implode a building. They have to remove walls, partially cut or drill through the steel, and then lay their explosives, along with vast lengths of detcord to daisy-chain the explosions. Google "Detcord" if you don't know what it is.

When they throw the switch, the explosions are staggered, sequenced, as the detcord transmits the explosion from cluster to cluster. Powerful bursts of debris are ejected outwards from the base of the structure.

The amount of explosives to implode those buildings would have been dozens of tons. How did they get it in there and set it up in broad daylight, in a highly secured area? No one noticed guys taking out walls and drilling structural steel? Laying tons of high explosives? :undecided:

And the big question... if "they" wanted to attack, why implode? For maximum destruction, they'd want the buildings to tip over.

Now someone is going to say, "They did it that way to limit the damage." As if limiting damage was on the agenda that day. :blink:
oh please thermite cut thru steel like a hot knife through butter

Then kindly educate us on why thermite isn't used by experts doing controlled demolitions. Have you used thermite? Tell us how much thermite is needed to cut through a 1/2 meter structural steel I-beam.

Didn't think so.
I was a chemist once and worked with thermite as well as explosives. Thermite is hopelessly inept at cutting steel on this scale. Have you ever seen thermite work? It takes a long time, emits vast quantities of smoke at the base of the building (which would be seen many minutes before any collapse), and it would have required tens of tons of the material.

Professional demolitions men use explosives and detcord, installed into drilled and prepared structural steel load-bearing beams; they do not use thermite. There is no magical pixie nano-thermite that is going to bring down two titanic buildings.

even professors from American universities have taged it as a controlled collapse
the phenomena in which building falls to ground by a plan hit at the top voilates many laws of physics
When do I start passing out tin-foil hats as awards for some posts here? :lol:
Really guys there was no need to revive this thing,the whole thing was a good lunchtime joke for me,conspiracy theories are there for everything today,some of these people say that gandhi didnt die from a bullet but an accident(how absurd),the moon landing was fake,india was responsible for mumbai attacks(help me god),elvis presly is alive,kurt cobain was killed by his wife,obama is a puppet of the illumanatus .the list goes on and i can give some goddamn proof about each of these incident but everyone knows that they are false,please guys this is pdf, this is not a madmen's meeting point, let us not waste our time on such petty threads,anyways iam off it.
ive learned from some time when zionist scum start feeling the heat they have to say tin foil hats :blah:,your own respectable sciantists and engineers are not tin foil drug addicts ,your goverments version of what happened that day has so many holes that any sane person has the right to ask for a reinvestigation ,the only ones that dont want a proper investigation are zionist scum who want to keep this lie going for there own agenda,the 9/11 truth movement is growing by the day,hopefully we will see the neocons and the zionist hung and lynched in the near future :sniper:

I respect your right to have an opinion, no matter how deluded or hateful it might be.

If you care to discuss matters inteeligently rather than just spouting incoherent venom, I may be able to respond.

Otherwise, please carry on as you already are until the Mods/Admin take a notice of your posts.
you do not respect anyone's post when you start saying tin foil,:rofl:
why should pakistan fight your war which is based on a lie :pakistan:

The Pakistani peopole should realise it is THEIR war too, not just the USA's.

It is your homes and your futures that are being destroyed, along with the fabric of civil society.

The sooner this realisation sinks in, the more likely it is to improve the situation, (if it is already not too late).
Really guys there was no need to revive this thing,the whole thing was a good lunchtime joke for me,conspiracy theories are there for everything today,some of these people say that gandhi didnt die from a bullet but an accident(how absurd),the moon landing was fake,india was responsible for mumbai attacks(help me god),elvis presly is alive,kurt cobain was killed by his wife,obama is a puppet of the illumanatus .the list goes on and i can give some goddamn proof about each of these incident but everyone knows that they are false,please guys this is pdf, this is not a madmen's meeting point, let us not waste our time on such petty threads,anyways iam off it.
Some people are hell bent on enlightening us with the knowledge which they were intelligent enough to understand but not us!
its like a lemming jumping of a cliff and you expect us to follow you,your economy is allready bankrupt every day that goes by your so called empire is starting to resemble a third world country,your doller no one wants ,your allies are deserting you,they want to pull out , now you are begging the russians to help :lol: no one wants to be cannon foder in your illegal wars.

What you say might be true (which it is NOT!), but how does that help Pakistan?

Whether the USA stays a superpower or not will depend on its people and their hard work and innovation. I will continue to put my trust in that.

Pakistan, on the other hand, is living on borrowed time, unless it sees the writing on the wall, and shapes up.
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