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Reference Book "The Synagogue of Satan" By Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Please don't pollute this thread with anti-Semitic garbage. There are good Jews and evil Jews, just as there are good Muslims and evil Muslims.

There is no religious war between Jews and Muslims; only between pro- and anti-Israel factions. As to whether Israel sympathizers had anything to do with 9/11, it is doubtful. Pro-Israeli sympathizers may have no compunction about killing Muslim and Arab civilians, but they probably would not dare kill 3000 Americans in cold blood.
There are limits to conspiracy theorys as there are none for lunacy.

Do you not know, my son, with what little understanding the world is ruled?
-- Pope Julius III
Please don't pollute this thread with anti-Semitic garbage. There are good Jews and evil Jews, just as there are good Muslims and evil Muslims.

There is no religious war between Jews and Muslims; only between pro- and anti-Israel factions. As to whether Israel sympathizers had anything to do with 9/11, it is doubtful. Pro-Israeli sympathizers may have no compunction about killing Muslim and Arab civilians, but they probably would not dare kill 3000 Americans in cold blood.

It think u forgot to read abt USS Liberty incident .Go and read it , Jew are so powerful in America the now even american cant do anything abt it.
They do whtever they want to U know its like using sumones shoulder to fire a bullet , and tehy are doing this Using america to fire the bullet , all the **** is on america and they are still clean even after killing thousands of human beings.
If anyone has the History Channel, please try to watch the 9/11 conspiracies analyzed at 8PM EST. As long as people watch it with an open mind, it should help settle a few questions on this thread.
lol thanks for reviveing thi thread again ...

now lets get back to buisness from what i remember of is that the world trade centres wehre debated by the cause of engine fuel that melted the steel or weakend it to cause a structure to collaps. but there are many key factors that deny it... how? once the air plane crashed there where air pockets that appeared at the buttom and central of the structure no one can explain this plus scientific proof that showed nano thermite that was shown in the debrie how did NANO thermite get there? nana thermite is used for comtrolled demolition by via V shaped charges that are puted on central collums and key weak points ... but if members ask how can you put explosives there? eye witness reports include that the WTC where under construction before the event and all security was shut off even to bomb sniffing dogs where put out of duty? why? how can building 7 collaps on its self i do remember a memeber showed pictures of building caught on fire but dident fall and other members did acknoledge that WTC has jet fuel in it that why it collapsed but building 7 dident why on earth building 7 collaps? on its self ? building 7 was home to all the top agencies and their work that could have been recovered but wasent beacuse of the master plan of takeing it down so we dident need to know there dirty plan. but another point to diegest on how the crime scene was cleaned up soo fast which is preety odd... how? ill tell that in the next post :D
No, 9/11 was a threesome job. THe U.S., OBL and KSA sat together and decided--
whats the point of this? A new investigation is never gonna happen. Period. And its all gonna fade away slowly.
Its is in a very big cluster now they trying to do it again like JFK there trying to over dose the situatipn by 10000000000x
U.S. Cameraman has Proof 9/11 was a Lie (NEW)

An American cameraman who says September 11 was a lie is facing extradition from Argentina to the United States on alleged murder charges. Kurt Sonnenfeld, a man who was provided provisory refugee status seven years ago, is now wanted by the US government on murder charges. He is the only cameraman that filmed crucial images of Ground Zero in New York after the Twin Towers collapsed.

Sonnenfeld, who lives in Buenos Aires with his Argentine family, says the footage proves that 9/11 was a lie. He still has the 22-hour footage that US authorities want.

"I have promised to give my footage to the big investigators that are credible and widely known - investigators who will be able to detect anomalies that I or other people without scientific education might miss. With that in mind, I hope that there are many things they can discover that disprove the current official story of what happened," Sonnenfeld told a Press TV correspondent.

He says he fears for his life if he is sent back to the United States to face trial. The Denver police have claimed they have evidence that show he killed his first wife in the US.

Social activists who are campaigning for Sonnenfeld to be given refugee status in Argentina say the Denver police are lying. The Sonnenfelds say they have been under police surveillance and that their phone has been tapped.

Sonnenfeld claims that his footage proves top US government officials were aware of the 2001 terrorist attacks before they occurred says he is a victim of a US plot to silence him.

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Quite a while ago, I discovered pretty much every forum has an obligatory 9/11 "truther" thread. I wrote this response some time ago. I may as well plug it in here too and be done with it, since this thread has revived somewhat.

The overall problem: People focus on the tiny things... little puffs of air, beams at 45 degrees, traces of magical pixie nano-thermite dust. What people fail to look at is the big, fat why of the entire event. Unless you can deal with the why, then the how, the mechanics of it, doesn't mean much.

Q: What would the goal be of a conspiracy resulting in the deaths of over 3,000 people?
A: Simple. A pretext to attack in the Middle East. Take the oil.

Q: What sort of conspiracy and attack is most likely to succeed, AND remain secret?
A: A simple plan that results in mass casualties. Importantly, IT MUST INVOLVE AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM NUMBER OF CONSPIRACISTS. As the number of people involved rise, the likelihood of a leak increases exponentially.

Q: Does the 9-11 attack, when viewed/executed as a secret conspiracy involving government agencies, satisfy question 2? Is it simple? Does it involve few people?
A: No. Not even close. It would have been an enormously complicated plan involving hundreds if not thousands of people; pilots, demolitions experts, missiles, tens of tons of planted explosives in one of the busiest area in the world. Air traffic controllers. Pentagon officials. CIA/FBI.

Q: What are the chances of thousands of people involved in mass murder keeping their mouths shut?
A: ZERO percent. The U.S. Navy didn't even cover up the downing of Iran Air 655 by the Vincennes. After WW2, even the worst Nazi and Japanese war criminals/mass murderers talked. And they were MOTIVATED to be silent, as they faced death.

Q: Given that the U.S. needs a casus belli, a faked cause for war, what would a simpler and more effective plan be?
A: Release of nerve agents in a shopping mall or sports stadium. The nerve agent "cannisters" are found, and chemical analysis and metallurgy determines the source to be Iraq/Afghanistan/Iran/Syria/China (pick whatever nation you want to attack).

My point is simple. WHY go with conspiracy plan A (the 9-11 attacks; enormously complicated) when any number of simpler conspiracy plans would be infinitely easier to execute and result in the same outcome, i.e. a "pretext" to attack? Why was Osama videotaped bragging about the attack long before any conspiracy theory ever saw the light of day? Why were the Saudi attackers videotaped boarding all four aircraft? Were the cell-phone calls from flight 93 faked?

IF (big if) some Jewish people were seen celebrating, I suspect they were doing so because they knew the U.S. would be hardened towards a perceived common enemy. It certainly doesn't mean they were giving each other a big "high-five" after a successful mission. Many people throughout the middle east were dancing with glee that day as well. By extension, I guess that means they were part of it too.

One of many reasons Al-Quaeda did it - OBL was angry that Saudi Arabia chose coalition armored divisions to oust Saddam from Kuwait in 1991, rather than his band of irregulars. Al-Quaeda had a LONG history of attacks on U.S. interests in the decade prior to 9-11. It was no surprise that he finally succeeded, and it was an intelligence failure on our part.

Despite overwhelming evidence, people persist in the notion that the U.S. government murdered its own citizens as a pretext to war. I think I have seen every link and video from every conspiracy site. I've seen them all, and they are rubbish.


World Trade Center building 7, the third building the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth believe
collapsed about eight hours after the main World Trade Center towers fell.

Fri, 10 Sep 2010
Important evidence has emerged showing the official story the American public has been fed about the 9/11 attacks is a 'lie,' a group of architects and engineers say.

A day before the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth say evidence regarding the destruction of the World Trade Center towers has emerged that show pre-set explosives were used in the demolition of the buildings.

Gregg Roberts, who is a member of the non-profit organization disputing the results of official investigations into the September 11 attacks, says the “official story is a lie, it is a fraud.”

According to experts, the Twin Towers suffered total destruction within 10-14 seconds in near free fall accelerations which can only occur as a result of pre-set demolition explosives.

“There had to be explosives, there is no other way for the building to come symmetrically straight down... like a tree if you cut into the tree it falls to the side, that you cut,” said Steven Dusterwald, another member of the truth seeking organization.
The group also asserts that molten metal was found after the 9/11 inquiry.

“Jet fuel and office fires cannot melt iron or steel. They don't even get half as hot as that and so something else was there, very energetic material that had to be placed throughout the buildings,” Roberts said.

“Once we take the blinders off, we can see. There are very few people in America who have taken the blinders off. So we are assisting people by showing them the evidence,” said founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Richard Gage.

“The 600 architects I represent are most concerned about the freefall collapse of [World Trade Center] Building 7, the third skyscraper [that was] not hit by an airplane to fall on the afternoon of 9/11...the whole building is destroyed in 6.5 seconds,” the American Free Press quoted Gage as saying.

World Trade Center 7 reportedly collapsed about eight hours after the main World Trade Center towers fell.

The new evidence makes void the official story line that 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.

The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth group is calling on US Attorney General Eric Holder to request a federal grand jury investigation into this alleged cover-up, which Gage calls the “largest crime of the century.”

“If there is a responsible party,” former US Senator Mike Gravel told Press TV, “it ends with [former US President George W.] Bush and it comes down to [Former Vice President Dick] Cheney and then it comes down to the military and the various bureaucracies. No question that this kind of activity goes to the very top.”

People who deny that al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 are no better than al Qaeda themselves! You are hateful anti-Americans. I hope you rot in hell!


Many Americans themselves think that 9/11 was an inside job.

Who is Michael Moore....a Pakistani? an Arab? :rolleyes:
Many Americans themselves think that 9/11 was an inside job.

Who is Michael Moore....a Pakistani? an Arab? :rolleyes:

Excellent observation.

Michael Moore is the epitome of hypocrisy. The intelligent moron who derides capitalist society and all things capitalism, all the while laughing his way to millions in the bank due to huge commercial success of his 'documentaries' eagerly lapped up by conspiracy theorists, closet communists, "liberals" and the like!

What few people "think" is irrelevant in face of irrefutable evidence. A term often used to describe such people - morons.

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