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73 killed as Maoists ambush CRPF team

I disagree with you.. Tell me this.. If we are in a war and we suffer a defeat in one of the skirmishes due to operational failure.. Would you want to sack the Defence minister in the middle of that war.. On a smaller scale, you are asking for the same thing here.. While I respect your sense of outrage, we have to stay the course.. Remember.. Chidambaram is the 1st HM who is trying to atleast do something here. The last thing we should want is to replace him with someone who will whitewash the whole thing and let the problem fester..

Taking your analogy then a defence minister who sends his soldiers in a war at a time of his choosing doesnt provide bullet proof jackets, radars, drones , UAv's, intelligence in a jungle where the soldiers are prone to be ambushed , would u like such a defence minister leading the country even though he is a smooth talker?

Still waiting for an answer?
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I have actually avoided replying to any of your posts because of your attitude towards contrarian ideas.

I am entitled to my thoughts just as you are and I don't take kindly to you or anyone else telling me that I have no respect for those men who died today. You are not the sole repository for patriotism and compassion and I would appreciate it if you stopped accusing me on those subjects.

This is a complex matter and I do not agree that ministers must resign owning moral responsibility. If there is a pattern of attacks or the minister concerned proves inadequate in dealing with those challenges then I would support a call for that ministers resignation and not on a single incident which in any case I believe would prove counter productive since it provides the maoists with the power to force a resignation each time they want one .

Every year hundreds of our soldiers die in action in various different areas. Should the defence minister resign each time or are their deaths of no value just because they did not die in a group attack.

Your analogy with Industrialists is flawed in the same way that an attack on parliament is different from an attack on military personnel.

I respect your right to an opinion even if I'm not in full agreement with it and would be happy to see you extend the same courtesy to me.

We can agree to disagree without becoming disagreeable ourselves.

and apologies if offended u in anyway and no I am not the sole repository of the things u have mentioned.
Congress is not interested in commiting collateral damage against it's own people. Let's see how long these lazyA$$ old turds keep there calm in Parliament.

R.I.P My Countrymen.
:sniper: :sick: Communism/Marxism/Mao/Stalinism/leninism

:sniper: :sick: Congress/Maoists/Communist/Marxists/Stalinists/leninists

:sniper: :sick: all Communists or maoists or what every crapy ideology they folllow

Buddy, I think your targets are mostly wrong. You missed the most important targets. If I were you I would probably post this:

:sniper: :sick: Congressmen/Indian discriminative policies toward the unprivileged/interest groups/corrupted politicians/hidden but gleeful officials who can benefit from the conflicts

Communism is just a banner, what underlying is the unfair share of profit of the society -- so please pardon Stalin and Mao from your gun...
I guess the maoists are signing the same song. Aren't they?
No they are not because they are not Man. They blowup school buildings, Roads, Mobile Towers, Panchayat bhavan. They want ppl to reamin backward to take forward there agenda.

They are cockroaches which need to be stamped out. Not sure what are you as you sympathize with roaches.
So are these Maoists of yours the very same Left-extremists who had killed the 25 soldiers earlier some few days back? In that case RIP to your dead and let us hope there is some answer from your government soon as is going on with Moscow's case as well.
Taking your analogy then a defence minister who sends his soldiers in a war at a time of his choosing doesnt provide bullet proof jackets, radars, drones , UAv's, intelligence in a jungle where the soldiers are prone to be ambushed , would u like such a defence minister leading the country even though he is a smooth talker?

Where have the chidambaram apoogists and fan boys vanished? strange
I mean what is Chidambaram thinking - Sending in Paramilitary forces with inadequate jungle warfare training and expecting that there will be no casualties.

This is nonsense - IT IS EITHER INDIA OR MAOISTS! They have always taken the opposite side to any national point, may it be the wars or any diplomatic stance of the government. Why doesn't the government understand that their philosophy of a successful state is completely different from the DEMOCRATIC VIEW on which the Indian State is built.

I think we need to send in the Army and contain the situation. The Maoists are being funded, they have recently gotten aid of Rs 1600 crores. Clearly its not the tribals who are funding them. We need to get more tech savvy while engaging these guys.

I hope Mr. Chidambaram is smart enough to understand and acts on this urgently more so in the light of the recent Chinese defence analyst's article on funding the insurgencies. I believe we even caught hold of some Ulfa leaders who trained with the PLA along the NE border areas.


Read ==

Some element of failure in Naxal operations, admits Home Secretary - India - The Times of India

The government still does not want to use air power. Are you kidding me?

I cannot believe this. Our jawans put their lives at risk to defend our country and these useless Congress-walas still do not want to launch an all out offensive against these Maoists because they don't want to lose their vote bank among the Maoist sympathizers.

Its a sad sad day for our country. I hope it is a wake up call for the Congress-led government. If not, I hope it is a wake-up call for all Congress supporters.

RIP brave martyrs. Jai Hind!
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Buddy, I think your targets are mostly wrong. You missed the most important targets. If I were you I would probably post this:

:sniper: :sick: Congressmen/Indian discriminative policies toward the unprivileged/interest groups/corrupted politicians/hidden but gleeful officials who can benefit from the conflicts

Communism is just a banner, what underlying is the unfair share of profit of the society -- so please pardon Stalin and Mao from your gun...

Underprivileged? Earn money and become privileged, Isn't this your American Capitalist Fundamentals (only if u r an american)!

:sniper: :sick: Communism/Stalin/Mao/Naxals and yes of-course Congress
A few days ago some Indian poster posted the following:


An Indian id#*t Brigadier (retd) S K Chatterji wrote the following in the posted article:
Bangladesh has also a fairly old left wing insurgency.

This guy does not seem to have a clue whats going on India. Some Indian folks are not aware of the ground realities. These Maoists are running wild, and this id#*t lecturing BD about insurgency !

There is something like Purbo Bangla Communist Party ( PBCP) extremists. But they are criminals with no connection to local folks and/or Maoist ideologies. These were pretty much taken care of by 2008.
Resignation or sacking is the easy way out.. He needs to stay and deliver. There may be setbacks like these, but we need to understand that its close to a war being fought. If we start discarding able leaders (we have only a few of those) for every major setback, we wont be left with many.. Where do we stop.. At the local CRPF commandant or go all the way to the PM?? There is no doubt that what happened is outrageous.. Hopefully something will be learnt that will make future actions more well prepared...

I see you have a valid point...But then tell me where lies the accountability??? As you are from software domain you very well know how accountability drives work....So if he do not sack the people responsible for this negligence and do not resign on moral grounds then what makes you think people across the board will get message "Do Or Perish"???

It not like we should replace Chidambaram with some moron but sometimes we do need to send the message across board that even your boss is accountable so is you...Karan here we are not talking about 5-10 CRPF people getting ambushed and killed....Here we are talking about 73 people killed...How many such examples you can quote in our history of Naxalism??? Don't you think drastic situations need drastic measures....Didn't we learn anything from our previous home minister ineffectiveness??? Let me make it more apparent to you...Why do you think Chidambaran was not given Home Minister job earlier if he is so effective and that moron Shivraj Patil was choosen??? Trust me my friend when public pressure is on and your entity is on stake it brings out the best from you...Do you or I need another such attack to write off Chidambaram or we should carry on giving the same logic "close to war"????

The way Shivraj Patil was ineffective in dealing with terrorism...I am afraid Chidambaram is ineffective in dealing with Moists....I might be wrong but can you or someone more informed can share some achievements of our Home Minister in regards to Moists????
Well , Seems that red star shinning in india as well.;)

It would seem to me that the maoist fight with muscle and brain, for score a 80+ mission kill with only 1 lose so far, speaks volumes of tactic acumen and battle competence for our "indian comrade". On the other hand, I don t believe the state propaganda there would be 1000 more of them in that theater, for as far as I know gathering that magnitude of force under the nose of india army as well as suplying them with sufficient foraging at the period would proved to be too difficult for an irregular force counted less than 10K. Hence, the reasonable estimate would be 200-400 of them luring the CRPF into their pocket, at the same time dispatch other task force to ambush the government reinforcement,which would be an perfect demonstration of Mao's art of war. Still anyway, this is only my hype since no detailed report has been produced.

Secretly, I would wish to know if the Maoist in india practice any Mao's mobile war tatic or People's war theory.

Despite of feeling regret for the lost lifes of CRPF, still I am a great fun of Mao and his art of war. Love to see one day his theoy can be exhibited and put into arena with other strong forces. I do not bear any ill will towards india and its stability, but I would be also intrigued if our comrades in india could present a competive form of development and ideology, which would be a great social experiment as well. Yet, I failed to perceive their perspective policy until so far.

Those questions has ringing in my head:

Would they push forward landreform?

Would they adopt an national imperialist policy concerning foreign relation

would they up hold secular policy by eliminating caste and suppressing religion

would they build up stalin style heavy industry

would they strengthen public education and health care sys(like the cube did) ?

In truth, those maoist would not pose any threat to india's social structure and political entity, for neither does it bears the progressive traits of CCP nor would it be offered the desirable oppotuninty like WW2. At least in my point of view, they are more Robinhood than real communists, judging by their decentralized leadership, passive economical policy and incompetent administration .

Nonetheless, for ideology sake, long life the world communist revolution!




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