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660kV High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) licence for Matiari-Lahore line


Mar 21, 2007
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Nepra issues licence for Matiari-Lahore line


Transmission lines are crucial to carry the additional power from the projects under implementation to the final consumer. Unlike these lines, the Matiari line will be the first high voltage direct current line in the country.

ISLAMABAD: The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Wednesday granted a 25-year special purpose transmission licence to Pak Matiari-Lahore Transmission Company Ltd (PMLTCPL) — a company owned by three Chinese firms — for the construction of 878-kilometre line.

The special purpose vehicle (SPV) company PMLTCPL will be owned by two Hong Kong-based companies: Zhong Cheng Xin International Ltd holding a stake of 69.98 per cent and Zhong Zhuo Ye International Ltd 30pc.

Both the companies are wholly owned by State Grid International Engineering Ltd, a 100pc subsidiary of China Electric Power Equipment and Technical Company (CET) which in turn is 100pc owned by State Grid Cooperation of China (SGCC).

The SPV will be required to achieve commercial operation date (COD) of the transmission line by March 1, 2021 and will be empowered under the licence to run it for 25 years. The project is expected to be completed at a cost of $2.1 billion. The government is extending a series of tax concessions to the project.

Nepra said it issued the licence after consultations with all the relevant stakeholders to ensure that more than 4,000 megawatts of electricity to be produced in south of the country could be transported to the north, mostly the Punjab-based load centres and was satisfied with the credentials of the contractors.

The CET has carried out major transmission line projects in Ethiopia, China, Pakistan and Myanmar etc and had very rich experience as engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor in construction of similar projects.

Regarding the financial health of the company, Nepra said the SPV had been incorporated in September 2015 and did not have any substantial assets as there was no significant activity of the project. It said the CET which will be working as EPC contractor had a total assets of $1.97bn. Also based on financial health of the sponsors, various Chinese banks (HSBC, UOB and CMBCL) had expressed their interest to finance the debt of the project.

Moreover, the regulator said the project was a priority project of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and hence the project sponsors including SGCC and CET had strong financial health and possess the required resources to carry out the project.

The proposed 660kV High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission facilities will be connecting Matiari converter station (about 38km northeast to Hyderabad) and Lahore converter station (about 40km southwest of Lahore).

The proposed project will be passing through Sindh and Punjab and the necessary Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) had been carried out and cleared by the respective environmental protection agencies.

The project will be built on build, own, operate and transfer (BOOT) basis and will be handed over to NTDC after 25 years.

The construction of the project will be the responsibility of PMLTCPL including the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the converter stations at Matiari and Lahore, while NTDC will be responsible for the O&M of the transmission line part of the project for which it will incorporate a separate legal entity.

The regulator said both the PMLTCPL and NTDC had confirmed that maximum efforts were being made to select the shortest possible route duly considering the future transmission plans, social and environment aspect and to reduce the construction cost, land cost and associated maintenance and security costs.

Regarding the timely completion of 4,000 MW of electric power projects so that the full capacity of the HVDC could be utilised, both NTDC and PMLTCPL committed to have proper coordination with various developers of the generation projects to ensure its optimal capacity utilisation.

The licence requires that the option of transfer of technology and future HVDC projects had been duly agreed and covered in the already initialled service and implementation agreements.

Regarding the provision of bi-directional transmission arrangement based on future requirements, the SPV gave an undertaking that 80pc of the contracted capacity will be available for reverse transmission after COD.

The licence required that shareholdings of CET in the project company will not be diluted during lock-in period ie up to six years from the COD of the project. Nepra had already allowed last year a 74-paisa per unit levilised tariff for the project.
China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Co. is working on MATIARI-LAHORE ±660kV HVDC Transmission project.
The capacity is 4000 MW. Length of transmission line is 878km. Construction period is approximately 27 months.






It will be country’s first ever Direct Current (DC) transmission project. This 866-km long transmission link will serve the purpose of dispatching bulk power (approx. 4000 MW at 660 kV DC), generated from coal power plants, from southern region to densely populated central region of Punjab where generation-demand imbalance has been a long-standing issue. HVDC link will also provide breathing room to NTDC’s existing overburdened transmission system. This will not only improve the voltage profile of the system but also reduce transmission losses. Although this is NTDC’s internal HVDC link, but it can open possibilities for cross-border HVDC links which not only can narrow down generation-demand gap but also enhance stability of the transmission system.
China ships equipment for $1.7 bln high-voltage direct current transmission line project


BEIJING: A Chinese company has shipped power equipment to Pakistan for the country’s first $1.7 billion worth of transmission project under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework.

Fushun Electric Porcelain Manufacturing Company shipped 30 tons of direct current (DC) 660 kilovolts of Zinc Oxide Lightning Cooler to Pakistan for its grid project from Shen Fu new area.

Wang Youxue, member of the Party Work Committee of the Shen Fu New District of China’s Liaoning province and deputy director of the Management Committee told China Daily News that the Fushun Electric Porcelain Manufacturing Company participated in the project as it was one of the key cooperation projects of the belt and road Initiative.

Youxue said the DC transmission project is also the first landing project for Pakistan to open foreign investment in the field of power transmission and transformation. The total investment of the project is $1.658 billion and it will be officially put into operation in 2021.

Based on the technical advantages of its own ultra high voltage products for many years, Shen Fu New District Fushun Electric Porcelain Manufacturing Company successfully won the bid for the alternating current and DC pillar insulators and metal zinc oxide surge arresters of the project, with a total contract value of more than 57 million yuan. Shen Fu New District has been paying attention to and supporting the transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises in the new district.

Youxue said Fushun Electric Porcelain Manufacturing Company is actively responding to the belt and road initiative and went abroad. “Shen Fu New District will serve the enterprise and help the rapid development of the enterprise.”

The enterprising spirit of struggle marked a significant progress in the belt and road national grid project of Fushun Electric Porcelain Manufacturing Company.

The Matiari-Lahore high-voltage direct current transmission line project has already secured financing. This is the country’s first private sector transmission project under CPEC and will transmit more than 4,000 megawatts of coal-based electricity from projects in Sindh to the Punjab’s main grid.

Besides the transmission project, the Private Power Infrastructure Board is currently facilitating implementation of power projects having cumulative capacity of 10,934 megawatts under CPEC, which include various hydel and coal-fired projects.

CPEC envisaged capital investment of $60 billion to generate economic activities. Most of the committed investment is targeted at improving generation capacity and transmission capability in the energy sector of Pakistan. Apart from focusing on energy, infrastructure and Gwadar projects, nine special economic zones are being established under CPEC portfolio to revive industrialisation process by foreign and Chinese’s businesses and technology transfers and transformation.
Work on 878 Km Matiari-Lahore transmission line in full swing. Major milestones like completion of 95% tower foundations and 40% of towers erection have already been achieved and overall 86% work has been completed. Estimated Cost 1.658 Billion Dollar.

Now wait for sindhi politicians telling the Sindhi people that Punjab is stealing our electricity.
What people don't understand is that it matters not where the gas or electricity is produced. What mattered is where it can be sold to recover costs and earn profits.
Punjab has the highest number of paying customers .

Project .......... Matiari to Lahore ±660kV HVDC Transmission Line Project

Technology ±660 KW Bipole HCDC with Converter/ Grounding Electrode Stations

Project Description


  • Evacuation of Power from Coal based Plants located at Thar, Port Qasim and Hub.
  • 4000 MW ±660 kV HVDC Line Matiari-Lahore, 878km.
  • Two (2) 40 km Electrode Lines and associated stations.
  • Associated 500kV HVAC T/Lines at both Converter Stations.

Project Details 2000 MW with 10% overloaded capability for 2 hours

Location Matiari to Lahore

Province Sindh and Punjab

Estimated Cost (US $ Million) 1658.34

Executing Company / Sponsors China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Co.Ltd.(CET) / State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC)

Financing Independent Transmission Company (ITC)
Coordinating Ministry Ministry of Energy (Power Division)
Supervising Agency National Transmission & Despatch Company (NTDC)

Project Progress Update
  • Feasibility study completed
  • Tariff determined by NEPRA
  • TSA/IA initialed in December 2016
  • Land acquisition for converter stations at Lahore and Matiari completed
  • Agreement signed between PPIB and State Grid of China on May 2018
  • Financial Closed (FC) achieved on 27th February 2019
  • Expected COD in March 2021
Matiari-Lahore Transmission Line

660kV Matiari Lahore HVDC Transmission line
Project will evacuate power North-South resolve one major issue

Scope;........4000 MW Evacuate Capacity,
886 KM,
1972 Towers.
Cost: USD 1.658 Billion

Work completed: 85%-


Matiari-Lahore Transmission Line

660kV Matiari Lahore HVDC Transmission line
Project will evacuate power North-South resolve one major issue

Scope;........4000 MW Evacuate Capacity,
886 KM,
1972 Towers.
Cost: USD 1.658 Billion

Work completed: 85%-



Interesting. I wonder if anyone has thought of putting on Radars on top of that frame ( ie not connected/used for electricty transfer) to use the structure to get a high vantage point cheaply for monitoring airspace?
A total of 76 Chinese technicians from China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Co. Ltd. (CET) arrived Saturday in Islamabad on the company's second chartered flight for the ongoing Matiari to Lahore ±660kV HVDC Transmission Line Project.


Lahore-Matiari transmission line to be ready by April

January 24, 2021

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan’s first and mega High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) project, Lahore-Matiari transmission line, will be ready by April.

According to official sources, the project, launched under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), would cost $ 1.68 billion and was the first HVDC project in the country and the second in the entire world.

They said the project would help evacuate 4,000MW power from plants in south to urban load centres in Punjab.

Work on the project was launched in December, 2018 across Sindh and Punjab, they said.

The transmission line was divided into eight lots, crossing desert, farmland, rivers, military area, national park, wildlife reserves gas pipelines, railways, highways, and several 500kV, 220kV, 132kV transmission lines on the way.

Regarding other investment in the transmission lines, they said no investment was made on up-gradation of transmission lines in past.

The government has invested over Rs 49 billion on upgradation of the transmission lines in last 2 years.
The sources said owing to the huge investment in last two years, the transmission lines could transmit over 23000 MW in last summer for the first time.

Similarly, they said investment was also being carried out on up-gradation of 220 kV and 132 kV transmission lines. Anti-fog insulators were installed on the transmission system during the last two years, they added.
The Matiari-Lahore Transmission Line Project is a remarkable project under CPEC. All great efforts &hard work of builders need no words to describe when standing in Converter station. Hope its testing process will go smoothly & the project will function soon. Ambassador Mr. Nong Rong said .


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