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60+ civilians massacred in bombing on Kunduz seminary’

Guess what? no long march and protests for these poor chaps

These were Pashtoons... Northern Alliance regime of Afghanistan is blood thirsty of them.
They are killed for the same reason APS kids were killed.

Is there someone who could do the Dari translation?

Why would you need translation... of an angry grieving families!
They have all the right to curse the baby killers... do you agree?

This is what happens when your country is ruled by American puppets.

Axis of evil extend beyond US.
These were Pashtoons... Northern Alliance regime of Afghanistan is blood thirsty of them.
They are killed for the same reason APS kids were killed.

Why would you need translation... of an angry grieving families!
They have all the right to curse the baby killers... do you agree?

Axis of evil extend beyond US.
Well it would still help. At least what the Tolo reporter is saying. How is he portraying this attack?
Well it would still help. At least what the Tolo reporter is saying. How is he portraying this attack?
MoFo is most likely resonating ludicrous propaganda of telling Taliban are killed.
MoFo is most likely resonating ludicrous propaganda of telling Taliban are killed.
You understand Dari then? Or just basing it on what??

Pakistan could use this as a propaganda piece...
You understand Dari then? Or just basing it on what??

Pakistan could use this as a propaganda piece...

If you listen to him, all he is chanting is Taliban... Taliban.
What US and Northern Alliance had been doing to Pashtoons, for past 16 years... is a fact not propaganda.
We only need to provide the victims humanitarian support.
If you listen to him, all he is chanting is Taliban... Taliban.
What US and Northern Alliance had been doing to Pashtoons, for past 16 years... is a fact not propaganda.
We only need to provide the victims humanitarian support.
You know in the olden days Propaganda was divided in true vs false. Nowadays it just means false.
So Pakistan can use this to show to Pukhtoons in Afghanistan and Afghan Pukhtoons in Pakistan, that the leadership in Kabul is not sincere towards you...
why no pashtun march for kunduz?

These were Pashtoons... Northern Alliance regime of Afghanistan is blood thirsty of them.
They are killed for the same reason APS kids were killed.

Why would you need translation... of an angry grieving families!
They have all the right to curse the baby killers... do you agree?

Axis of evil extend beyond US.
why NA would want to kill Pashtoons?

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