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6 killed in protest over desecration of Quran in UP

wah wah 16 14 :D aur kuch ladko ko bhi mar dete tumlog jinki umar 10 k niche hai :D

Yes They should be punished.

If Thakreys, mutaliks, bajrang dal and their likes in BJP give hate speeches, start riots or arson or burn homes, murder people; the reactions of many internet warriors are like ' Oh they are fools, idiots' 'Why they did it ? ' Let it be proven in court' 'They were provoked' 'They must have been provoked' 'They did for the love of country' ' Others started this and they only reacted'

But If there is even a arson by muslims ( no one killed by them)
The reactions are 'Kill them all' 'Throw all muslims out ' 'They deserve to be killed' 'Cut them' 'tear them off' 'Shoot them' ' shoot at sight' 'anti nationals' scum on earth' etc etc.

I am in no way supporting them, but just wanted to point out dual standards.
You don't have to go anywhere to prove. Just search for threads of vandalism, arson or riots by different groups and see the reactions there.
Yes They should be punished.

If Thakreys, mutaliks, bajrang dal and their likes in BJP give hate speeches, start riots or arson or burn homes, murder people; the reactions of many internet warriors are like ' Oh they are fools, idiots' 'Why they did it ? ' Let it be proven in court' 'They were provoked' 'They must have been provoked' 'They did for the love of country' ' Others started this and they only reacted'

But If there is even a arson by muslims ( no one killed by them)
The reactions are 'Kill them all' 'Throw all muslims out ' 'They deserve to be killed' 'Cut them' 'tear them off' 'Shoot them' ' shoot at sight' 'anti nationals' scum on earth' etc etc.

I am in no way supporting them, but just wanted to point out dual standards.
You don't have to go anywhere to prove. Just search for threads of vandalism, arson or riots by different groups and see the reactions there.
Dude these internet warriors are mostly vegetarians with knowledge of typing with a keyboard uncapable of doing anything in real world.They don't know how to shoot a gun.
They swoon at sight of blood.:)

Muslim community doesn't mind attacking and destroying other culture's icons while keeps shouting about discrimination and attacks and other such lies when it comes to them.

This is something I really dislike in their community.

No attack is done by community
Generalization deserves no answer.
Dude these internet warriors are mostly vegetarians with knowledge of typing with a keyboard uncapable of doing anything in real world.They don't know how to shoot a gun.

They swoon at sight of blood.:)

Have you ever fought anybody?

I know a lot of hardcore non-vegans (I am a fan of both non-veg and veg myself as food is food :D), who'd just p*ssy off from a fight that involves anything more than a paper fan.

Culinary choice isn't exactly the deciding factor to stand your ground; it is one's will to stand ground.

Like what the Bodos did. That is guts.. not what happened after 26/11's candle lighting ceremony.
6 muslims are killed.

And hindus here are pretending like victims.

This is ONE country within which chaos has happened. Everyone will naturally feel the effect.

Unlike you, we don't brand people on the basis of religion. 6 people have been killed means 6 lives gone on needless madness.

Which could be stopped had the police beaten the instigating and agitating Mullah who provoked the crowd to go violent, to senselessness.

Apparently years of living in an imaginary Taliban world has stopped you from thinking of your country as a country.

Ours is not that case.
Oh yes I have.I am a professional in this area.

Good. Then I am surprised how you base someone's intention to stand up on the basis of his or her culinary choice.

Usually only ignorant people generalize such things, but coming from someone who has stood ground for something is very surprising.
Good. Then I am surprised how you base someone's intention to stand up on the basis of his or her culinary choice.

Usually only ignorant people generalize such things, but coming from someone who has stood ground for something is very surprising.
I hate people who act tough on the internet but not in real life.I know some live examples.
BTW I was not in the security forces like Army etc.
So they found pages of Koran lying around on station platform and they decide to burn public property in response? Now who carries a Koran in train or to the railway station? Not Hindus, so who exactly where these morons "protesting" against?

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