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5 troops martyred in north Waziristan

Didn't they announce a ceasefire and what happened to talking to them for amnesty šŸ˜‚

These are different groups, that's why it is so important to break them down. The ceasefire I think was announced by some group and not ttp.

That is why we need to breakdown and create rifts between TTP. If a large group surrenders this will have impact on ttp capability and help in dismantling it group by group.

Whoever does not surrender will be targeted, that should be the policy. There is no slow down in IBO or offences.
It beggars belief that Pakistani's still do not comprehend that the TTP which offered total allegiance to the, now dead, head of Taliban Mullah Omar and
The freed head of the Tehrik-i-Taliban ( and the freed 5000 TTP fighters imprisoned by the ANA ) met Mohammad Hasan Akhund and gave allegiance AGAIN as they JOINTLY celebrated their victory over the Americans.
They are brothers who have fought side by side.

No it was the fact that Pakistan can lo longer keep screaming to everyone that it is a Indian proxy, funded and trained by Indians because there are no Indians in southern Afghanistan.
The Pakistan govt will have a hard time explaining why the TTP morale is sky high and the vast increase in TTP attacks when they can no longer point at Indians.
Pakistani might ask questions instead of blindly accepting its all because of India and the fictional 200 embassies in southern Afghanistan directing these attacks.
I agree that TTP and Talibans are almost same but it's true that India funded TTP against Pakistan. You even burned sensitive documents in your consulate. You can't deny involvement of India in Afghanistan. This is proxy games and everyone knows it. Your country is behaving like It's innocent and only wants progress of Afghanistan. We have reasons to blame India.
First of all it was india that united different groups and with TTP same way it created BRAS out of Baloch outfits.

As for training yes india did train and finance but that has stopped now and TTP attacks increased for 3 different reasons

1 desperation both in their groups and their handlers/masters.
2 due to IEA in Afghanistan them being pushed more towards the border area and their need for new heaven which they qre trying to create in Wazeeristan.
3 boost in morale from IEA victory in Afghanistan but they forget IEA fought for an ideology while TTP has been fighting for financial profit in guise of religion from day one.

There is a saying you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

Have you noticed Sheikh Rasheed said they are talking to Taliban instead of TTP. Apparently now there is a GOOD part of TTP and a bad part of TTP.

The good part is fine.

Good luck making these distinctions and the intellectual gymnastics being daily performed by IK , Sheikh Rasheed ISI and the army as they desperately try to amend and and create new narratives to explain a indigenous terror group which has used the ungoverned spaces on both sides of the border
You even burned sensitive documents in your consulate.

EVERY consulate and embassy burned papers, otherwise the Taliban would be showing us all those papers from ALL countries.
You think Pakistan did not ?
Are you that naive
I agree that TTP and Talibans are almost same but it's true that India funded TTP against Pakistan. You even burned sensitive documents in your consulate. You can't deny involvement of India in Afghanistan. This is proxy games and everyone knows it. Your country is behaving like It's innocent and only wants progress of Afghanistan. We have reasons to blame India.

I think we are reaching the end game in the next couple of years. Those groups on whom Afghan Taliban have influence will surrender and give up the insurgency, rest of the filth are more allied with ISKP and India /ex NDS . Taliban and Pakistan military will deal with them militarily on both sides of border.
The added worst part is reading Indians' comments on Afghanistan, Taliban and TTP at every incident of terror attack. No one should be made to deal with cringe fest masquerading as some intellectual debate.
Allah pak hamari FC k jawano ko akal day aor woh lanat bhaij kar resigne day k chaly jain apny gharon ko ā€¦no war until government not provide them proper training and proper protection
What a shameless comment.
They are well trained and protected,they brought peace in pakistan by sacrificing their lives. They are the ones who won rad ul fassad and Rai e nijaat .
This is envitable in a war ,this is the price you have to pay. A first shot in an ambush will always be fired by a terrorist so Mr genius tell me how can you stop this from happening?
On topic :-
Inna wa inla li rajoon.
RIP brothers.
Only Pi** drinkers end up in the Pi**.
While their kith and kin end up chewing on Gobar to find comfort.
Typo, it happens in haste .... Just chill.... I respect your soldiers too who were doing duty for their land. Windy you have extra load eon your head.
Typo, it happens in haste .... Just chill.... I respect your soldiers too who were doing duty for their land. Windy you have extra load eon your head.
Well I don't see you correcting your error
I would happily delete my post.
Perhaps MRAP are too expensive for the entire FC force at the moment but canā€™t a few hundred be given to the troops when they go into these areas for operations. Or if they cant afford them, at least give them M113s, or buy/borrow some humvees from the Afghans. The Afghans are better equipped then our FC :undecided:
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No need, your derogatory words are good reflection on kafirphobism inherently part of golden doctrine. Such tokenism won't help either side. Keep it up.
Admit it you meant what you posted
No fancy words can cover up ones phyche
However, I will never stoop to that level when commenting on the actual death of Indian soldier... Kafir, Brahmin, Dalit or whatever. Just like condemning a terrorist attack seldom makes any difference to the culprit, similarly writing RIP or otherwise provides no solace to the deceased.
No injured Pakistani soldier should have to wait for 3 hours, and bleed out. This is the height of irresponsibility.
Didn't they announce a ceasefire and what happened to talking to them for amnesty šŸ˜‚

Peace dividend, rest, rearm and retrain. Monkey establishment wants to take easy way out and ends up costing poor FC young lives.
How many peace agreements we have signed were violated and then we ended up conceding more territory which embolden them in turn and which led to their march towards Islamabad. Only time real action was taken after the APS tragedy and that's gave our country some peace and stability.
These are the dogs of war and the only language they understand is the language of force and they need to be eliminated not to have a cup of tea with. Thanks to these idiots we still have got internally displaced people still living in the camps and after what they did to our country the only forgiveness they should expect is to be 6 ft under. They betrayed their country, damaged our economy, cost untold suffering to our loved ones and put our young and old folks into the camps and we want to shake hand with them. Nation of ours needs to complete the job they started a while back and as they are coming out of the shadows makes life easy for our institutions to eliminate them. Put an end to this fitna once for all, it will cost but rewards are worth it.
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