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5 reasons why Afghanistan blames Pakistan.

گر قحط الرجال افتد،نہ ہر گز دوستی گیری
اول افغان،دوئم کمبوہ،سوئم بد ذات کشمیری

Point taken.

What will positive solution for both Pakistan and Afghanistan? Afghanis' hatred toward Pakistan must stopped at all costs.
گر قحط الرجال افتد،نہ ہر گز دوستی گیری
اول افغان،دوئم کمبوہ،سوئم بد ذات کشمیری
Afghans are more than welcome to like or hate anyone who they please. It is completely there right and prerogative. I as a patriotic Pakistani simply could not care less. Nothing to do with us. I wish the millions of Afghans living in Pakistan would go home though. They are a massive burden on our fragile economy.
It could also have something to do with the fact that we treat their country as our own playground, manipulate their political situation, and create havoc by supporting the Taliban. Just a thought. I might be wrong.
Well all countries work for their political interests and advantage and mutual love of Afghan and India is not selfless either. Violation of LOC by India and to interfere in west Pakistan was not for humanity . Afghans have always opposed the concept of Pakistan from the beginning and had their eyes on KPK. Afghanistan never accepted Durand line as international border and they have historically been aligned with Russia and India and the only friendly government in Afghanistan we ever witnessed was under Taliban and Taliban had support of afghan pashtuns as well beside backing of pakistan
After I busted your socialist theory now you are back to BD episode ??

It's same as saying Pakistan was sold out to CIA, which had bases in Pakistan sanctioned by your PM since fifties itself. Go check that. Both countries had joined the camps of one of the Super Power of that time.

The Pakistan-American Alliance | Foreign Affairs

The US mounts

What's your point? The US never had as much influence in the subcontinent as the Soviet Union had. They weren't as involved in the region as the Soviets were either. People go on about the US in Afghanistan, but the sole reason they were involved in Afghanistan was to give the Soviet Union a bloody nose. When it comes to militancy and separatism in the region, India and the Soviet Union were the main financiers for much of the half of the 20th century. And no, you didn't bust my socialist theory. You didn't bust anything. The Soviet Union has always maintained some sort of connection with socialist parties and leftist intellectuals. You just need to look at their activities in the Middle East, United States, South America and Europe to know.
What's your point? The US never had as much influence in the subcontinent as the Soviet Union had. They weren't as involved in the region as the Soviets were either. People go on about the US in Afghanistan, but the sole reason they were involved in Afghanistan was to give the Soviet Union a bloody nose. When it comes to militancy and separatism in the region, India and the Soviet Union were the main financiers for much of the half of the 20th century. And no, you didn't bust my socialist theory. You didn't bust anything. The Soviet Union has always maintained some sort of connection with socialist parties and leftist intellectuals. You just need to look at their activities in the Middle East, United States, South America and Europe to know.

Now you are behaving as haughty Pakistani and yes you tried to implicate India first for spreading socialism in your country as if it was some sort of armed movement then after that being busted ,you tried to implicate India in your Pastunistan movement, which does't even share border with India unlike Kashmir and Punjab.Those claims were busted too.

My point is as clear as crystal. Pakistan was in sack with US since 1950s. Go and learn about your rented Little US inside Pakistan ie Badaber base , where even your PM wasn't allowed and then obviously your SEATO, CENTO agreements.And you say US had nothing to do with Sub-continent, it was all over Pakistan.

Now seriously don't waste my time.

And what Soviets did with various other countries of Middle East , Europe or even Pakistan that is none of India's business.
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Now you are behaving as haughty Pakistani and yes you tried to implicate India first for spreading socialism in your country as if it was some sort of armed movement then after that being busted ,you tried to implicate India in your Pastunistan movement, which does't even share border with India unlike Kashmir and Punjab.Those claims were busted too.

You didn't bust anything. All your posts have been denials upon denials backed up with the argument that, "This just can't happen". This isn't "busting". This is the equivalent of covering your ears and going "Nah nah nah nah nah! I can't hear you!"
5 reasons why Afghanistan blames Pakistan.

by - Horus

5: There are elements within the Afghan security services like NDS who are more loyal to RAW than to the Afghan state. NDS is packed with Tajik and Uzbeks who are now living without the fat doll outs given to them by American taxpayers, that is where Indians come in to cop the bill. United States has refused to fund NDS after figuring out that it was nothing more than a nexus built to torture uncooperative Pukhtoon detainees who can be called Taliban without any evidence and tortured to an inch of their lives. India therefore has leverage on NDS which they utilize to blame Pakistan for the failures of Afghan state and to keep the pressure on Pakistan from two sides. People like Amarullah Saleh reflect that mindset.

4: Afghanistan's national unity govt in Kabul is built on a fragile ground. The cabinet and the houses of parliament are in the firm control of former northern alliance therefore it is challenging for a leader like Ashraf Ghani to balance the scales without being ousted by his own parliament. Blaming Pakistan keeps the 'house in order'.

3: Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) which were raised by the Americans, were basically a re branded force packed with anti Pukhtoon Northern Alliance forces who fought for the foreign invasion forces in 2001 and were retrained and equipped by NATO and later ISAF. Now they are losing battle to the Afghan Taliban insurgents in a number of areas. According the the US military command, the ANSF is now losing up to 4000 soldiers a month due to demoralization, drug addiction and going AWOL (Absent With Out Leave). Pointing fingers at Pakistan saves Kabul the trouble to actually scrutinize its own security services.

2: Blaming Pakistan for Afghanistan's troubles makes Afghanistan look like a united country and makes Afghan National Unity Govt much more stronger and united than it really is. This is only ONE issue where even Ghani, Abdullah and Karzai agree. So in other words one anti Pakistan statement is all that is needed to make the ANUG look united and give a false sense of political normality. It also helps curb dissent and pacify those ranks in the military who would forcefully remove a Pukhtoon president who takes a much more reasonable line towards relations with Pakistan.

1: Blaming Pakistan keeps Afghan public sentiment in order. Like it or not, the Afghans have hated Pakistan much more than India has ever hated Pakistan since 1947. Afghans refused to accept Pakistan as a sovereign state, voted against its UN membership in 1948, joined up with KGB to create a violent insurgency in Balochistan in 1970s, fired Scud missiles into Pakistan and tried to create another insurgency in Khyber Pukhtoonkhuwa.

Even today all of the top terrorists Pakistan wants from Mullah Fazlullah who ordered to assassinate Pakistan's nobel peace laureate Mallala Yousafzai and orchestrated the APS massacre of 139 Pakistani children in a Peshawar school to Dr. Allah Nazar, the chief of BLF which carried out the Turbat massacre of 25 Pakistani laborers among other top terrorists are all hiding in Afghanistan with full assistance of NDS and RAW. Balach Marri the head of BLA who ran to Afghanistan after assassinating Akbar Bugti was also killed in Gramshar area in Helmand Afghanistan.

The top financier of TTP Latif-ullah-Mehsood (now in ISI custody) who was snatched by US SEALs from NDS protection in Afghanistan and TTP's spokesperson Shahid ullah Shahid was also killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan. Therefore it is much easier and quicker to issue anti Pakistani tirade on the media to let Afghans come on the streets, burn some Pakistani flags, chant death to Pakistan, blame all of their troubles on Pakistan and discuss plans on how to expand Afghan territory to the Indus river, than to actually admit the fact that the Afghan state due to its internal fragility and incompetence has failed to protect its own citizens and is instead busy blaming a foreign country which always comes to its aid in order to create a false sense of political unity and control over state affairs. This is an unfortunate juncture where two Muslim states bite up and become a laughing stock to Hindustan.
Afghan intelligence agency is trained and equip by India. Karazi used Indian to trained and establish AI. Khad
try taking in nearly 7 million Afghans over a period of decades then yap...

ive spoken to afghans who werent even allowed to stay in hotels in india due to suspicion but then again there are Muslim residents of india (celebrities with money) who arent even allowed to buy flats in friggin bomb-bay
A sensible country would have pushed the immigrants back to their homes, after a political settlement. Taking refugees over a period of decades is stupidity and keeping them at a lawless border is heights of it.

Nobody said India has no-problems.
5 reasons why Afghanistan blames Pakistan.

by - Horus

5: There are elements within the Afghan security services like NDS who are more loyal to RAW than to the Afghan state. NDS is packed with Tajik and Uzbeks who are now living without the fat doll outs given to them by American taxpayers, that is where Indians come in to cop the bill. United States has refused to fund NDS after figuring out that it was nothing more than a nexus built to torture uncooperative Pukhtoon detainees who can be called Taliban without any evidence and tortured to an inch of their lives. India therefore has leverage on NDS which they utilize to blame Pakistan for the failures of Afghan state and to keep the pressure on Pakistan from two sides. People like Amarullah Saleh reflect that mindset.

4: Afghanistan's national unity govt in Kabul is built on a fragile ground. The cabinet and the houses of parliament are in the firm control of former northern alliance therefore it is challenging for a leader like Ashraf Ghani to balance the scales without being ousted by his own parliament. Blaming Pakistan keeps the 'house in order'.

3: Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) which were raised by the Americans, were basically a re branded force packed with anti Pukhtoon Northern Alliance forces who fought for the foreign invasion forces in 2001 and were retrained and equipped by NATO and later ISAF. Now they are losing battle to the Afghan Taliban insurgents in a number of areas. According the the US military command, the ANSF is now losing up to 4000 soldiers a month due to demoralization, drug addiction and going AWOL (Absent With Out Leave). Pointing fingers at Pakistan saves Kabul the trouble to actually scrutinize its own security services.

2: Blaming Pakistan for Afghanistan's troubles makes Afghanistan look like a united country and makes Afghan National Unity Govt much more stronger and united than it really is. This is only ONE issue where even Ghani, Abdullah and Karzai agree. So in other words one anti Pakistan statement is all that is needed to make the ANUG look united and give a false sense of political normality. It also helps curb dissent and pacify those ranks in the military who would forcefully remove a Pukhtoon president who takes a much more reasonable line towards relations with Pakistan.

1: Blaming Pakistan keeps Afghan public sentiment in order. Like it or not, the Afghans have hated Pakistan much more than India has ever hated Pakistan since 1947. Afghans refused to accept Pakistan as a sovereign state, voted against its UN membership in 1948, joined up with KGB to create a violent insurgency in Balochistan in 1970s, fired Scud missiles into Pakistan and tried to create another insurgency in Khyber Pukhtoonkhuwa.

Even today all of the top terrorists Pakistan wants from Mullah Fazlullah who ordered to assassinate Pakistan's nobel peace laureate Mallala Yousafzai and orchestrated the APS massacre of 139 Pakistani children in a Peshawar school to Dr. Allah Nazar, the chief of BLF which carried out the Turbat massacre of 25 Pakistani laborers among other top terrorists are all hiding in Afghanistan with full assistance of NDS and RAW. Balach Marri the head of BLA who ran to Afghanistan after assassinating Akbar Bugti was also killed in Gramshar area in Helmand Afghanistan.

The top financier of TTP Latif-ullah-Mehsood (now in ISI custody) who was snatched by US SEALs from NDS protection in Afghanistan and TTP's spokesperson Shahid ullah Shahid was also killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan. Therefore it is much easier and quicker to issue anti Pakistani tirade on the media to let Afghans come on the streets, burn some Pakistani flags, chant death to Pakistan, blame all of their troubles on Pakistan and discuss plans on how to expand Afghan territory to the Indus river, than to actually admit the fact that the Afghan state due to its internal fragility and incompetence has failed to protect its own citizens and is instead busy blaming a foreign country which always comes to its aid in order to create a false sense of political unity and control over state affairs. This is an unfortunate juncture where two Muslim states bite up and become a laughing stock to Hindustan.
In my personal experience, based on my time in Afghanistan. Tajiks are pretty friendly and rational people if you talk to them. Uzbek being the most corrupt and Hazara somewhere in between. Average Tajik don't hold personal grudge against Pakistan. Most of non-pashtun factions are just pissed because Pakistan supported Pashtun faction against them. On the other hand Pashtuns think Pakistani land belong to historical Afghanistan, they have the highest ego and would bad mouth Pakistan. Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara don't get alone with each other, specially with pashtuns. Most non-Pashtuns I talked to support divided Afghanistan idea away from Pashtuns. They just want to live their life in their own area, close to their ethnic country and careless about laying any claims on Pakistan.

Pakistan Afghan policy is heavily influenced by Pakistani Pashtuns (In uniform), since Pakistan thought they would be best suited for Afghan scenario. We didn't realized that Afghan Pashtuns were one of the faction fighting the Afghan civil war and Pashtun from Pakistan may not be, or atleast would not be seen as an impartial deal breaker by other factions.

Why only these senior members get positive ratings???????
That's how it is... You have to be a girl or have some title to get some + ratings. life's not fair my friend, deal with it.
He is not foolish; it is enough that Afghan blood is split for their strategic interests, why should he send Bharat's soldiers to shed theirs?

Whats happened is Zarb e Azb operations have flushed all the Afghan Taliban militants back into Afghanistan. The porous border allowed them free movement.

They have concentrated back to Afg and ANA are unable to cope resulting in lapses in security.

A bit of introspection is required by Afghans here. Is that so much to ask. I don't really know what else Pakistan is expected to do show they are well meaning.

The problem is clearly on Afghan side.Their crumbling security situation is a reflection of their fragmented society.

What you will see happening as Pakistan becomes safer is their envy will grow and they will lash out at Pakistan even more in a whiny crybaby beta-male style.

For relations between both countries to improve then Afg has to take ownership of their situation and build a society that works rather than an army.
Yes jealousy and misplaced pride are they underlying psychological reasons.
wow, at the time Afghanistan hated Pakistan. now the tides are changing, but it needs more of a push though.

what do you think would change afganistans perception of Pakistan? @Horus
closing the border sending their refugees back and installing a southern pashtun dominated government. The panjshiris and tajiks of northern alliance dominated government have very little legitimacy and to prove their legitimacy they use anti-pakistan rhetoric.
Afghans have to realize that they are a capital poor, mountainous and above all landlocked country without pakistan's cooperation they are good as dead
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