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32% of Internet Users in Pakistan Use Adblock


Mar 15, 2016
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More than 12 million people in Pakistan are actively using adblock software and plugins to limit the amount of ads they face on the internet. This number includes both mobile and desktop users, and points to the increased adoption of adblocking tools with time.

These findings were reported by PageFair, an organization which recently published statistics about adblock usage across the world. The data in the report was collected up to December 2016.

The report mentions that 32% of all internet users (numbering 12 million+ people) in Pakistan use an adblock software. The (un)surprising part is that this figure has gone up by 65% from last year’s stats.


The report had several interesting statistics about adblock users as well. About 94% of global mobile adblock usage is in Asia-Pacific alone. As visible from the image above, majority of adblock users in Pakistan use it on mobile devices with only 2% of users using an adblock on their PC/laptop.

Despite growing numbers of adblock users in the world, a mere 11% of the total internet users employ and adblock while browsing the web. The total number of devices blocking ads are estimated (according to the report) to be around 615 million.

Online Publishers’ Woes
Adblocking in itself causes online publishers that primarily rely on ad based revenue to lose money. However users are right to block invasive ads that block most of the pages and come between the users and the content they are trying to view/use. You may have faced full screen popup ads with video/audio playing in the background that cannot be skipped.

Those sort of ads are what prompted the rise of adblock usage across the world.

“Adblock Walls”
Some publishers, in an effort to reduce the number of adblocking users visiting their pages, have put up “adblock walls”. These walls don’t let you view the website until you turn the adblock off.

According to PageFair’s statistics, 74% of adblock users stop visiting those websites altogether. Meaning they fail to get users to turn off adblockers, unless they have content not available elsewhere.

As a side note, whitelisting the sites that you visit often or support can help them a lot. The publishers primarily rely on ad revenue to pay their bills. You can white list a site by visiting it and clicking on the adblock extension icon on the top right of your web browser. Simply click “don’t run on this page” to whitelist that site.

Disclaimer: While the information in this article is accurate to the best of our knowledge, ProPakistani does not guarantee the authenticity of the research conducted by PageFair.

"Adblock wall" l, TOI does this, and i turn on the javascript block also, and the wall goes away.:p:
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