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30 shaheed mostly young girls. Massive bomb Afghanistan

Death toll of these little girls crosses 85. Extremely heart breaking.
No support for ISIS in India, leftovers being flushed out

India used Afghan soil to attack Pakistan for years now, there is no secret about it. TTP/JuA and now ISIS-K has been supported by India and we have plenty of evidence for it.
India used Afghan soil to attack Pakistan for years now, there is no secret about it. TTP/JuA and now ISIS-K has been supported by India and we have plenty of evidence for it.
Evidence? We don't harbor snakes which we know can bite back. India is one of the world's most affected by terrorist attacks.
Evidence? We don't harbor snakes which we know can bite back. India is one of the world's most affected by terrorist attacks.

You don't harbor them, you fund them, you give them medical treatment, you provide logistic support to them. And yes, snakes don't bite other Snakes.
Evidence? We don't harbor snakes which we know can bite back. India is one of the world's most affected by terrorist attacks.

India has a long history of supporting rebels through proxies and causing insurgencies in different neighboring counties.

Supported and financed LTTE in Sri Lanka, the tamil tigers, against the local Sinhalese Sri lankans...caused an estimated 3 hundred thousand deaths.

Supporting Baluch rebels hiding in Afghanistan through training, finance and arms, was doing it since the 50's and 60's. Hundreds of innocent people were killed in Pakistan through Indian supported Baluch rebels, and tried to incite sectarian wars in Pakistan, Shia and Sunni strife was ignited...failed though.

TTP was supported through dozens of Indian consulates in Afghanistan ...killed thousand of people here including APS children.

Dozens of other instances like creating Mukti Bahni in BD....

Taliban will never be allowed to stay peaceful in Afghanistan.

The Taliban opposes most education for women and girls.
India has a long history of supporting rebels through proxies and causing insurgencies in different neighboring counties.

Supported and financed LTTE in Sri Lanka, the tamil tigers, against the local Sinhalese Sri lankans...caused an estimated 3 hundred thousand deaths.

Supporting Baluch rebels hiding in Afghanistan through training, finance and arms, was doing it since the 50's and 60's. Hundreds of innocent people were killed in Pakistan through Indian supported Baluch rebels, and tried to incite sectarian wars in Pakistan, Shia and Sunni strife was ignited...failed though.

TTP was supported through dozens of Indian consulates in Afghanistan ...killed thousand of people here including APS children.

Dozens of other instances like creating Mukti Bahni in BD....

We have historically supported only when we see a major wrong happening. LTTE was initially supported as the sinhalese were putting up anti Tamil policies deliberately to stop Tamil influence akin to apartheid, we have tamils here too and they factored in the initial support. Same can be said about Mukti Bahini support.
Still no proof about TTP and ISIS funding/support, we have no legitimate reasons to support them as they are just terrorists.
Education of Girls is Haram... Killing of Girls is ok

Probably killed by Mullahs Monsters.

I said Mullahs are against girls education, In Pakistan TTP attacked on girls schools by saying Education is not ok in Islam. In Afghanistan they are attacked by any Mullah group ISIS or others, Same Mullah Logic. So, i said for all these Mullah Monsters killing of girls is ok, but not education
I said Mullahs are against girls education, In Pakistan TTP attacked on girls schools by saying Education is not ok in Islam. In Afghanistan they are attacked by any Mullah group ISIS or others, Same Mullah Logic. So, i said for all these Mullah Monsters killing of girls is ok, but not education

Why not Taliban?

Since the Taliban opposes most education for women and girls.
Pakistan shoulve dumped Taliban when the govt was elected. Now in the chaos a dozen new groups have emerged. It was easier to support an official government, at least it was one head to deal with - someone you can blame and ask to 'do more'. That is how it normally works.

Now in this muddle, you assign 'foreign hands' theories to every single bad thing that happens. How on earth do you expect to solve any problems when you can't even see it?

I'm sure this is a home grown Isis or some other local anti Shia group. There are groups willing to kill for any cause in this region. Pakistanis need to get out of their post war nervousness and start thinking much more clearly.
Things are not that simple. Local Politics, tribal relationships, geopolitics, millions of Afghan refugees in Pakistan. Afghanistan is sorta extension of Pakistan.
RIP to the departed.
May the terrorists responsible for this get a painful death and rot in hell.
NDS and the parsibans then? Yea they should. They should realize such false flags won't prevent Americans from leaving. They've milked the last of the American billion from them.
The Pakistani government has taken action in the past (to what extend in most cases; I can’t find the news articles to prove either way) but I agree, not at all nearly enough. the fact that it keeps happening shows that this needs to be a dedicated effort of the government.


The Talibs have supposedly been working with Iranians lately and even have at least one hazara commander. This should indicate at the very least come kind of detente with the Shia/Hazara community. Some or many in their organization may still hold bigoted views, but currently they may have been ordered not to act upon it for practical strategic reasons, or it maybe a genuine shift in the organization. Similar to their refrain from targeting foreigners, it is presumably currently not in their interest to target Hazaras.

Im not the only that thinks the Kabul regime’s story is suspicious.

The Afghan journalists at the site confronted the official storyline and this is what the officials told them.

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Oh yeah yeah the whole world believes you Pakistanis who had Osama Ben Laden as their national guest before the Americans whacked him.
OBL was America's blue eyed boy as well at some point in time. And there is no evidence OBL was indeed killed in that raid. Still waiting for any video or pics. Talk about urself and ur country's filth ..India has characters that would make OBL ghost shy away
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