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3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

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I can understand your frustration in losing AP and sikkim...next time send stronger PLA.

Oh really?????? frustrated of some one atleast 40 years behind us in everything , man you indians really not very smart are you????:D
You had to bring India, FLAME BAIT, then one of your compatriot cries about reduce in number of chinese members. Bullying nations like vietnam, phillipines is act of cowardness rather than bravery.

You guys never speak positive about India, we are fine with it, but don't rant old words, just to get attention.

POST REPORTED....I urge indian members to do so.....i think MODs will give you the answer....:enjoy:

You lost it man! His post was answering the flame bait of your compatriot, Amolthebest, a known troll. He brought in India to intimidate China:

Why bothering small countries? if Chinese have an iota of dare they would try same thing with Indian ships. CPC imperialists only try to scared small countries .But when it comes to India they just dont know where to see

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With the atmosphere in the SCS nowadays, this news item should be on international news wire, anyone?
As I said, the aggressive actions of chinese like this action will silence the leaders of Vietnam who pro-china and paved the way for pro-american leaders to move forward.

The group pro-china are always preaching about Vietnam-China relation is "good comrades", "good friends", "good partner", "good neighbors"... lies communist! :lol:
Even if we are 200 yrs behind you...still you would bully small nations only...have some shame.

Where in chinese Mythological maps...which are hand painted ? Did it have red dots ? :lol:

hahaha who give a toss what india think? infact no one in the world give a foot china is no exception:lol:

Nobody likes a bully, except the bullys keeps and propaganda bots.

oh yeah every one likes india particularly the yank and your white master we knew that .:rofl:
Even small countries dont respect you nor take your warning seriously...Keep up ramming small fishing boats.

2nd largest economy takes pride in breaking fishing boats. :rofl:

Dude all countries are laughing at you...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

LOL you are their spoke person :rofl:
You lost it man! His post was answering the flame bait of your compatriot, Amolthebest, a known troll. He brought in India to intimidate China:

Why bothering small countries? if Chinese have an iota of dare they would try same thing with Indian ships. CPC imperialists only try to scared small countries .But when it comes to India they just dont know where to see

On topic

With the atmosphere in the SCS nowadays, this news item should be on international news wire, anyone?
Quoting the troll is also banned...just giving him advice by backing of reporting it, so that instead going on ranting same old song, he discuss something productive and ignore the rest.

SCS doesn't see any normalcy atleast for a decade. all the neighboring nations are increasing their miliary might especially Japan and South Korea.....and not to say US fleet....
A survive fisherman was rescued by a Taiwanese ship after 3 days he was floating at sea.

There are clear differences between Taiwan and China.
Thanks Taiwanese.
Quoting the troll is also banned...just giving him advice by backing of reporting it, so that instead going on ranting same old song, he discuss something productive and ignore the rest.

SCS doesn't see any normalcy atleast for a decade. all the neighboring nations are increasing their miliary might especially Japan and South Korea.....and not to say US fleet....

Then in such a case many of us should be all banned, including myself.

I still demand the PO to put up with a creditable link instead of using a blog to instigate trolling atmosphere and hatreds in the forum.
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