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22 Afghan Eilte Soldier excuted by Tailban video comes to light. (They called for special help but no one came to help)

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ANA has no logistical capability to keep fighting the Taliban. As a result their ground forces are just left to die. Moral is already so low that most regular units are just routing before fighting even starts. Video like this will further demoralize the ANA forces.
No Taliban fulfilled your thirst of hate and ambition for Khilafah kind of regime the most corrupted one go read the Islamic history and see what kind of destruction to the nation they have committed all for power and women
From the comfort of your home it's easy to talk crap for a big mouth like you.
Keep fighting keyboard warrior

I've read about another possibility. Since the Taliban have been capturing a lot of territory without resistance and without much bloodshed, it can be understood that that is their main method.

It may be that they are following the Roman saying (not necessarily knowingly but in practice) “murum aries attigit,” which literally means the “The Ram Has Touched the Wall.” It referred to a Roman policy: surrender would be accepted before–but not after the battering ram touched a enemy’s city walls. Wikipedia explains the purpose behind the policy well: “The policy was to act as a deterrent against resistance to those about to be besieged. It was an incentive for anyone who was not absolutely sure that they could withstand the assault to surrender immediately, rather than face the possibility of total destruction.”


These soldiers surrendered after they ran out of ammo, presumably after a long hard battle. It is not unlikely that the Taliban also lost men in the fight.

I'm not justifying it or anything just trying to understand this. It may just be propaganda against the Taliban or something they are doing themselves.
Taliban is making ISI and Pakistan very proud.

Take no prisoners is the motto.

No POWs, No prisoner releases and No talks.
In the video they asked if these people were commandos or normal they replied commandos and after that Taliban got angry on them for some reason and shot em.
No soldier, regardless of his country, deserves to be hosed down like this, not only is it inhuman its below his dignity.

what goes around comes around....

remember NA troops also executed Taliban prisoners post 9-11 US invasion.... in horrific circumstances.
In the video they asked if these people were commandos or normal they replied commandos and after that Taliban got angry on them for some reason and shot em.

People get what they deserve. The fact that Taliban verified the identify before delivering the justice demonstrates that Taliban are pious and reasonable force.

Taliban are not dope heads and trigger happy people you get in non-Islamic forces.
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