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2010 Nobel Peace Prize a disgrace


May 25, 2010
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2010 Nobel Peace Prize a disgrace
Source: Global Times [02:24 October 09 2010]Comments

Friday the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo, an incarcerated Chinese criminal.

The Nobel committee once again displayed its arrogance and prejudice against a country that has made the most remarkable economic and social progress in the past three decades.

The Nobel Prize has been generally perceived as a prestigious award in China, but many Chinese feel the peace prize is loaded with Western ideology.

Last century the prize was awarded several times to pro-West advocates in the former Soviet Union, including Mikhail Gorbachev, whose efforts directly led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The Western preference of the Nobel committee did not disappear with the end of the Cold War.

The committee continues to deny China's development by making paranoid choices.

In 1989, the Dalai Lama, a separatist, won the prize. Liu Xiaobo, the new winner, wants to copy Western political systems in China.

There are many different perspectives to view these two people, but neither of the two are among those who made constructive contributions to China's peace and growth in recent decades.

Other Chinese dissidents, such as Rebiya Kadeer and Hu Jia, were reportedly on the shortlist for the peace prize this year, which naturally generates animosity among many Chinese against the award.

They have reason to question whether the Nobel Peace Prize has been degraded to a political tool that serves an anti-China purpose. It seems that instead of peace and unity in China, the Nobel committee would like to see the country split by an ideological rift, or better yet, collapse like the Soviet Union.

Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years in jail by the Chinese government last year. Several countries tried to interfere into China's domestic affairs. What the Nobel committee did Friday was a continuation of that act.

The controversy in the West over Liu Xiaobo's sentence is not based on legal concerns. They are trying to impose Western values on China.

Obviously, the Nobel Peace Prize this year is meant to irritate China, but it will not succeed. On the contrary, the committee disgraced itself.

The award however makes it clearer that it is difficult for China to win applause from the West during China's development, and China needs to be more determined and confident in choosing its own development path, which is different from Western approach.

The Nobel committee made an unwise choice, but it and the political force it represents cannot dictate China's future growth.

China's success story speaks louder than the Nobel Peace Prize.

2010 Nobel Peace Prize a disgrace - GlobalTimes
Let that fooking colonial agent, a bloody traitor, complete his jail term. :angry:

In a 1988 interview with Hong Kong's Liberation Monthly (now known as Open Magazine), Liu was asked what it would take for China to realize a true historical transformation. He replied in this way: "(It would take) 300 years of colonialism. In 100 years of colonialism, Hong Kong has changed to what we see today. With China being so big, of course it would take 300 years of colonialism for it to be able to transform into how Hong Kong is today. I have my doubts as to whether 300 years would be enough."

Liu Xiaobo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He is a threat to the entire Chinese nation.
The Western nations themselves abuse human rights regularly though it only seems to happen in poor people's countries. India also abuses human rights frequently and so does every other nation and will continue to do so. There's been no fundamental change in the moral character of man.:sniper:
it is a disgrace due to the double standards and how the nobel prize is being used as a tool to project western domiantion.

india's crimes in kashmir are going unnoticed whilst china is being made out to be some evil place, double standards.
Westerner's award,they may pick whoever they like.In my opinion,just ignore it.
Westerner's award,they may pick whoever they like.In my opinion,just ignore it.

Ignore it...? Then why is Obama asking China to release the criminal who violated China's Constitution and wanted China to be recolonized by Anglos for three hundred years?

Pentagon was spreading such propaganda against the Bath party before the invasion of Iraq and destroying it completely. US and its evil allies are preparing to invade China. China must strengthen its military now. Fifth generation fighter project should be completed quickly. Long range stealthy bombers are urgently needed. More money should be spent on the R&D.
some one like gandhi was ignored for the Nobel prize & barak obama gets it on his first year of presidency!! leave it to you guys to make your mind up about the respect it has among the ordinary public!!
Westerner's award,they may pick whoever they like.In my opinion,just ignore it.

西方人说你老婆是鸡 - 你还不理吗?


If a westerner said your wife was a slut, you're going to ignore it?

If the person that said your wife was a slut wrote a book about it to "prove" this, and got the Nobel Prize for doing so, will you still ignore it?
Nobel peace prize is a joke. Most of the really deserving people never win it.
The whole concept of the Nobel prize is controversial, even in science. In the old days, Nazi and Soviet scientists were routinely ignored by the prize committee, while western European scientists got the lion's share of the prizes.
The whole concept of the Nobel prize is controversial, even in science. In the old days, Nazi and Soviet scientists were routinely ignored by the prize committee, while western European scientists got the lion's share of the prizes.

1959, scientists in china synthesize insulin, the 1st ever total synthesis of a hormone. NO PRIZE.

later, barbara mcclintock gets a prize for research on transposons in corn? the f*?

1970, we make genetically engineered rice. NO PRIZE.

later, an american does the same to wheat using our methods. PRIZE.

what's worse is some chinese people try to justify this. there is no justification. some people swallow the whole western viewpoint and never try to think outside the box.
1959, scientists in china synthesize insulin, the 1st ever total synthesis of a hormone. NO PRIZE.

later, barbara mcclintock gets a prize for research on transposons in corn? the f*?

1970, we make genetically engineered rice. NO PRIZE.

later, an american does the same to wheat using our methods. PRIZE.

what's worse is some chinese people try to justify this. there is no justification. some people swallow the whole western viewpoint and never try to think outside the box.

Agree with the argument......
Sometimes I feel we are going overboard on this prize stuff.

We now have all sorts of prizes for everything .Music has god knows how many , Cinema has all sorts of Oscars et all. Cricket too has joined the bandwagon along with business men , sports men, traders and god alone knows who all.

You could now add TV channels to this list.

The world is obsessed with recognition and accolades. Actually , its more of " you scratch my back & I yours' sort of thing. It has also become a political & economic tool.

The International cosmetic & make up industry got a major boost in India when a series of Indian ladies became Miss World, Universe and other fancy names.

Bloody Gimmicks.
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