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2001 gets ready

OMG a blurry picture showed up on feiyang and CD!!! It might be it this time around! The same guy who leaked J-10B is responsible for this leak!

Forget it, man, the vertical stabilizers are nothing what the "guy" described them to be. Self-contradicting.

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some one saw the fighter and taken the real photo, and posted in fy at 18:50PM,23nd, but for some reason,he put some paint to obliterated the photo at 19:25 pm, this is the photo below, we only see the tail with the red star sign.


he posted another picture of the fighter, he pointed out it is the same of the photo:


Note: Thank you to "maozedong" for the post.
why are they placing the plane under the open sky in a broad day light? no matter how many satellites you blind, one satellite might get able to catch photo by accident.

You kinda have no choice when you are taking the plane out for runway taxi. Maybe CAC could build giant indoor runways in the future??? :azn:
Let's face it, the real thing is still on ground taxi run test, it can't be in the air flying as in the photo. Wait for few more days, we might be lucky before 2011 reach last day.
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