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2 U.S. carriers deployed

you never know, maybe without USA, Japanese's fate is like our Manchurians brothers...be merge with China, remember this we chinese are the Borg of star trek...any resitance is futile.

the first wave of integration (warren states people + Nan Yue...)---> we call ourself HAN:azn:
the Second wave of integration (Manchurian, Mongolian + other ethnics---> We call ourself Chineses :lol:
The third wave of integration (include Japanese + Korean + Vietnam) --->that super duper Chineses :rofl:...beside politic and mental piss contest we have culture affinity each other, we all warshop our ancestor and eat with chopstick :woot:
Becareful what you ask for

So why is the hyperpower unable to control its own territory?

These Chinese kids are brain washed so why bother
looks like these 2 us carries in case of any conflict going down under water .
Justify? Do you understand what the word 'justify' mean? It means to make right. I did not used it to 'justify' anything. I used historical data to EXPLAIN to you how is it possible that the USN know China's offshore regions just as well if not better than the PLAN does. Whether such clandestine presence by foreign vessels is morally 'right' or 'wrong' is a different discussion, but we are talking about TECHNICAL capabilities here.

I wonder why people always forget the incident of a 2 generation old Chinese sub appearing at one of the biggest US naval exercises........something that surprised the USN almost as much as the test flight of Chinese 5th gen stealth fighter!!
You got owned Here.
Those 2 CBGs are more powerful than your entire navy an can wipe off w-hole China much before your Ballistic missiles appear on American X-Band LRTRs floating in Pasific.

Well actually, it most likely won't be a head to head fight b/w the 2 navies but rather annihilation of USN Aircraft Carriers through BM's first and then perhaps a more conventional war b/w the 2 navies.

BTW... you talking about Taliban right...

I am sure he knows what he's talking about, unlike you, as the Talibaan are not the enemy of the US.....as per US!!


Of course they won't, but they won't attack our military vessels either. Doing so will give us the perfect excuse to lash out on their carriers.

Since your Navy is incapable of challenging them... they didn't attack during 1995 while being in Taiwan strait too... while your navy was hiding with the tail between legs and your air-force was sitting idle when the entire communication network of Nanjing military district was jammed.

India still have a very long way to go.

Off course but not like the Chinese long way of shortcut stealing--copying and making cheap ripoffs.

Holding their debt means we can crash their economy should a push becomes a shove. It is also part of our deterrent. Just like how we are hurting the Japanese economy right now. It's one of those soft powers we can utilize when we needed to. Japan will have no choice but to continue paying for the USN's protection. No pay no protection. It's part of the treaty :lol:

Think about it.. Japanese have sufficient Navy to save its coast lines... US maintains its bases there... in order to counter NK and China so its mutual.
While in case of the amount of debt held by Chinese for US... shows the inability of CCP to check US which is there to Bully your navy in South China sea... with the same... money.. no wonder and doesn't surprise me.. with all that sh!t propaganda floating around since ages...

They will fail to match the numbers of our missiles and will fail miserably. The scenario would be different if they are facing India though. India doesn't even produce its own bullets let alone reliable missiles. :azn:

Which of your missiles can Hit any ship of that CBGs ?... considering all the protection with Long Range system, Air cover aswell as sea sparrow.
Yeah the last time our paratroopers came inside China during 1986-87 your mighty CCP army was no where to be seen.
Imported better than those cheap bullets and rifles which Jam and blow off in Hand.. ever used a Type-56 ?


Of course they won't, but they won't attack our military vessels either. Doing so will give us the perfect excuse to lash out on their carriers.

Since your Navy is incapable of challenging them... they didn't attack during 1995 while being in Taiwan strait too... while your navy was hiding with the tail between legs and your air-force was sitting idle when the entire communication network of Nanjing military district was jammed.

India still have a very long way to go.

Off course but not like the Chinese long way of shortcut stealing--copying and making cheap ripoffs.

Holding their debt means we can crash their economy should a push becomes a shove. It is also part of our deterrent. Just like how we are hurting the Japanese economy right now. It's one of those soft powers we can utilize when we needed to. Japan will have no choice but to continue paying for the USN's protection. No pay no protection. It's part of the treaty :lol:

Think about it.. Japanese have sufficient Navy to save its coast lines... US maintains its bases there... in order to counter NK and China so its mutual.
While in case of the amount of debt held by Chinese for US... shows the inability of CCP to check US which is there to Bully your navy in South China sea... with the same... money.. no wonder and doesn't surprise me.. with all that sh!t propaganda floating around since ages...

They will fail to match the numbers of our missiles and will fail miserably. The scenario would be different if they are facing India though. India doesn't even produce its own bullets let alone reliable missiles. :azn:

Which of your missiles can Hit any ship of that CBGs ?... considering all the protection with Long Range system, Air cover aswell as sea sparrow.
Yeah the last time our paratroopers came inside China during 1986-87 your mighty CCP army was no where to be seen.
Imported better than those cheap bullets and rifles which Jam and blow off in Hand.. ever used a Type-56 ?
I wanted to laugh, but decided I will put this down and then laugh.

In the first wave of the Japanese integration-----> the chinese called themselves "almost extinct"

What you Indian know about sino-sphere...we alway end up to be the winner even we lost to invader in war. Chinese territory is much bigger than India: thank to Mongol, we got Tibet and Thiank Manchuirans, we got Xinjiang...and our culture, language and writting are preserved...as for Japanese it's matter of time that they will be sucked into Chinese sphere as ancient time. The below is typical example that we don't have mental barrier of the compatibility of sino-japanese culture.

China outperforming Japan in campus romance ? Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion


Japanese women married to Chinese men became popular|Modern woman

I guess england integration in India is completed that why you Indians are so proudly adopt your formal colonial master language as official one :rolleyes:
I don´t mind to see Vietnam incorporates into a Chinese Empire in a distant future. As long as we have the say in Beijing. :lol:

In south east Asia, Vietnam is only country that culturally is close related to China, we will welcome you back as people of NanYue and of course you'are eligible to be the head of state :woot: if you know how to take care and manage the entire Middle kingdom :smokin:
I wonder why people always forget the incident of a 2 generation old Chinese sub appearing at one of the biggest US naval exercises........something that surprised the USN almost as much as the test flight of Chinese 5th gen stealth fighter!!
That story has been questioned, if not outright debunked, a long time ago.

Think about it for a moment...

If you -- the captain of the sub -- found out you could sneaked up on the world's most powerful navy without detection, why would you give that knowledge away by doing such a foolish thing?

If you -- the leader of the country -- know that your subs could sneak up on the world's most powerful navy without detection, why would you give that knowledge away by ordering the captain to do such a foolish thing?

Now that powerful navy is aware of a vulnerability and will take corrective measures, technical and else, to prevent such a repeat. Is the short term gloat worth the long term tactical disadvantage?

I know several (retired) submariners and they all laughed at that story, especially the bit about how we were 'embarrassed'. Most likely, assuming that a Chinese sub did surfaced within weapons range, the Chinese sub was 'pinged' to the surface by at least one US sub ahead of the main fleet. Or that the Chinese sub was on the move towards the surface and he was unaware until almost too late that a US carrier fleet was barreling down on his position.

Remember in USA everyone drives a car and the most accident happens when the car driver misses the motor cycle in a yield on green because we are trained to look for cars not bikes. Jokes apart the nuke subs are trained to expect russian nuke subs. Nobody expects a diesel sub and hence can get missed because u are not looking for it.
My father was radar operator in indias first submarine , they have taken it around the world including Bahrain to watch the US Navy . They have travelled all the way to vladivostok to get it repaired without getting tracked.
You are dodging the real question. See above...
I agree with the ping possibility and also of the surfacing near career group happening without knowledge.
I researched a little further.

Here are some more articles which you might want to read. This article says a plane from carrier spotted the sub.

The Jamestown Foundation: single[tt_news]=4001
China sub stalked U.S. fleet - Washington Times
and confirmation by commander of us pacific command.
Chinese Sub Came Close To U.S. Ships - CBS News
My theory holds good, he says we were not in anti sub exercise. Or in other words they were not looking for a sub.
US and russians and other old boys of the club have established protocol on dealing with such situations. The chinese were the new boys in town who wanted to show off their toys but got too near and forgot,if we are in your target range so are you :-)
Since your Navy is incapable of challenging them... they didn't attack during 1995 while being in Taiwan strait too... while your navy was hiding with the tail between legs and your air-force was sitting idle when the entire communication network of Nanjing military district was jammed.

Ah... talking about 1995 now! :rofl:

Do we see US recon planes or the likes of Impeccable in China's airspace or waters these days? If you are talking about 1995, then boy you better think about how far India have progressed since then until now for a better picture of China. China is now the second largest economy with the second largest defence budget. Back then when things escalated between China and Taiwan, yes two carriers were sent out and things died down. Not this time, your wishful thinking that the US will be able to stop China on this issue will not happen. We are still sending ships out there daily on patrol. In fact, several Chinese warships were spotted not long after the US carriers showed up :lol:

China's vessels patrol Diaoyutai waters for 5th day


It was the fifth straight day that Chinese vessels entered the waters near the islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan and China, Japanese news portal the Kyodo News reports.

On Thursday, a flotilla of seven Chinese navy warships composed of destroyers, frigates, submarines and disaster relief craft sailed through the open sea between the main island of Japan's Okinawa archipelago and Miyakojima Island

Your daddy's carriers did not do the trick this time. :azn:

Off course but not like the Chinese long way of shortcut stealing--copying and making cheap ripoffs.

CNN - U.S. imposes sanctions on India - May 13, 1998

"They clearly create a dangerous new instability in their region and, as a result, in accordance with U.S. law, I have decided to impose economic sanctions against India," Clinton said. Sanctions are mandatory under U.S. law when an undeclared nuclear state explodes a nuclear device.

In hopes of averting an arms race in southern Asia, specifically in next-door Pakistan, Clinton urged India's neighbors "not to follow the dangerous path India has taken."

Despite the fact that India is no longer under sanctions, naughty India (told off and punished by daddy US :lol:) still fails to over take China.

Copy, steal, modify or whatnot, it does not matter to us, especially if it safeguards our national interests, security and economic stability. Only the losers go on and on about it. Just imagine how much further ahead of India China would be without the embargo!

It's telling enough for the readers what India would be like, should the 90's sanction remained in place.

Think about it.. Japanese have sufficient Navy to save its coast lines...

Too bad they are up against China eh?

US maintains its bases there... in order to counter NK and China so its mutual.

If it was mutual, then surely America would pay to lease its land and pay for its troops and whatever military activities that is happening there. They have a base there for various reasons, not just to watch over China, but also North Korea and Russia. Japan cannot kick them out regardless anyway. They were the loser of WWII. Whatever America wishes to do, they will have to suck on it.

While in case of the amount of debt held by Chinese for US... shows the inability of CCP to check US which is there to Bully your navy in South China sea... with the same... money.. no wonder and doesn't surprise me.. with all that sh!t propaganda floating around since ages...

Problem boils down to the US currency is still the number currency. China will have to park their investments somewhere. Yes it may hurt China in some ways, but overall and in the long run it is America that will get hurt a lot more. They are sitting on a mountain of debts with an overblown budget, unlike China. Hence they will always show restraint when dealing with China (their banker). :azn:

Which of your missiles can Hit any ship of that CBGs ?... considering all the protection with Long Range system, Air cover aswell as sea sparrow.

If its a projectile, then theres every chance of scoring a hit regardless of what ship you are talking about. No ships are invincible, especially when you have countless numbers of missiles at your disposal. Not only do we produce our own missiles, we have all of them parked in China. This is just one of many advantages we have over wannabe invaders. We are not Iraq or Libya, a few battle groups means nothing to us nowadays.

Yeah the last time our paratroopers came inside China during 1986-87 your mighty CCP army was no where to be seen.

If that is the case, then just show up in Chinese territory more and stop acting if a bigger boy came and snatched your candy:

Imported better than those cheap bullets and rifles which Jam and blow off in Hand.. ever used a Type-56?

Ah so you are admitting that India cannot produce decent bullets. No wonder your country pays more for what an arms producing country can produce at a fraction of the price. Would be funny running out of bullets in a war wouldn't it? Your opponent will not call for cease fire just so you can wait for your next shipment to arrive. :rofl:

Mind you China's standard rifle is no longer the type-56.
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I agree with the ping possibility and also of the surfacing near career group happening without knowledge.
I researched a little further.

Here are some more articles which you might want to read. This article says a plane from carrier spotted the sub.

The Jamestown Foundation: single[tt_news]=4001
China sub stalked U.S. fleet - Washington Times
and confirmation by commander of us pacific command.
Chinese Sub Came Close To U.S. Ships - CBS News
My theory holds good, he says we were not in anti sub exercise. Or in other words they were not looking for a sub.
US and russians and other old boys of the club have established protocol on dealing with such situations. The chinese were the new boys in town who wanted to show off their toys but got too near and forgot,if we are in your target range so are you :-)
I read all of them a long time ago. But you are still dodging the questions:

- If you -- the captain of the sub -- found out you could sneaked up on the world's most powerful navy without detection, why would you give that knowledge away by doing such a foolish thing?

- If you -- the leader of the country -- know that your subs could sneak up on the world's most powerful navy without detection, why would you give that knowledge away by ordering the captain to do such a foolish thing?

- Now that powerful navy is aware of a vulnerability and will take corrective measures, technical and else, to prevent such a repeat. Is the short term gloat worth the long term tactical disadvantage?

It does not matter if the surface combatants were conducting ASW exercises or not, as a sub, silence is always golden, and nothing is more loud as to your capability than surfacing where a potential adversary can see you and found out he had been had -- IN PEACE TIME. :lol:

From this perspective, one cannot help but wonder if the authors of those articles bothered to talk to anyone in the submariner community.
I read all of them a long time ago. But you are still dodging the questions:

- If you -- the captain of the sub -- found out you could sneaked up on the world's most powerful navy without detection, why would you give that knowledge away by doing such a foolish thing?

- If you -- the leader of the country -- know that your subs could sneak up on the world's most powerful navy without detection, why would you give that knowledge away by ordering the captain to do such a foolish thing?

- Now that powerful navy is aware of a vulnerability and will take corrective measures, technical and else, to prevent such a repeat. Is the short term gloat worth the long term tactical disadvantage?

It does not matter if the surface combatants were conducting ASW exercises or not, as a sub, silence is always golden, and nothing is more loud as to your capability than surfacing where a potential adversary can see you and found out he had been had -- IN PEACE TIME. :lol:

From this perspective, one cannot help but wonder if the authors of those articles bothered to talk to anyone in the submariner community.

For deterrent.
For deterrent.

A deterrent to what end? What was it trying to deter? We have reiterated our commitments to our treaties, and our carriers still plow the 7 seas, Asia especially. If its intent was to deter in some way years ago it looks to have failed by all means.
For deterrent.
What deterrence? :lol:

If the USN know Chinese subs can sneak up on its ships, sooner or later but more like sooner, the USN will figure out how. And do you think the USN is going to tell the Chinese how?
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