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1971 War - Official Pakistani Version

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3651639 said:
how is it now cowardly???

why india attacked east pakistan, look at the context bro, and stop being ignorant, i as well as you know, it was cowardly attack on pakistan because pakistan was engaged in a civil war and india attacked pakistan when pakistan was weak to defend indian attack

in a war if you strike down a weak opponent who is already injured and bleeding, its not a bravery, you should strike down when the opponent when he is healthy

who started the war in the first place??? was Pakistani leadership stupid that even after knowing they are weak, they started a daring pre-emptive strikes on IAF's bases.
I guess ten Indian squadrons against a solitary PAF unit equipped with Korean era F-86 Sabres makes you Indians brave....but then again, the catch word is....Indian. !!

Is India responsible for that???

US has attacked Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. i.e. countries that can hardly stand the might of the US, does that makes US not a superpower/cowards???
Official Bangladeshi Version:

fter the partition of India in 1947, the Pakistani authorities began to show a similar antagonism and attitude towards the Bengalee community, which made it extremely difficult to develop and sustain a military heritage. But this inexplicable hostility and cynicism of the Pakistanis did not stand in the way of legendary performances by the valiant and courageous Bengalees. Even with a token presence in the Pakistan Army, the Bengalee soldiers created history by their exemplary courage and valour in the Indo‑Pak War of 1965.

The year 1971 saw the Bengalees in their finest glory. Although count*less number of people embraced martyrdom to liberate their Country, the year also saw unimaginable acts of bravery and courage, as well as meticulous military planning. The stigma of 'a martially inferior race' that was so unfairly and revengefully attached to the Bengalees by the Pakistanis finally disappeared in a blaze of glory.

Bengalees proved that although they were peace‑loving people, they could also rise to defend themselves whenever there was an attack on them and take the fight to the enemy's territory. After independence, a new journey began with small but sure steps to rebuild the military institutions and a defence structure. It was a gigantic task and a huge challenge to the competency of our planners.

In the absence of a strong foundation and background, a painstaking process to rebuild the total infrastructure was initiated.The legacy that we inherited was one of bankruptcy. Not a single Armour, Engineers, Signals, Ordnance, Supply and Transport of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering unit was in existence when the country emerged as a free nation. There was no military institution other than the East Bengal Regimental Centre where only the infantry soldiers could be trained.

Bangladesh Army has come a long way since then. Its transformation from a nondescript entity to a credible defence apparatus has not been without its share of vicissitudes and trying times. As an institution, the Army today is self‑contained, with tremendous potentials to sustain growth, expansion and modernisation in their totality. Every corps can proudly claim to have an institution of their own where men and officers alike are trained in their respective trade. Looking back, one can take pride from the fact that it was worth all the effort and sacrifice.

On the15th February 1948, the most glorious chapter of our military history was initiated. On this day, the East Bengal Regiment was raised at Kurmitoia, Dhaka under the prudent leadership of late Major Abdul Ghani. This auspicious occasion provided an identity that would sustain through all crises and generate pride in millions of hearts for years to come. Two pioneer companies of Bengali Muslims had earned wide acclaim for their bravery during the World War-II both in British India and abroad. Subsequently, these two companies laid the foundation of the East Bengal Regiment. This historic regiment is now one of the vital organs of Bangladesh Army.

The glorious chapter of this regiment may be attributed to two major events of military history of this subcontinent. In a rare feat of battle showmanship, the fearless'tigers'of the regiment as they are popularly called, inflicted unprecedented damage and casualties on the Indian side in the Indo‑Pak War of 1965. In recognition of their sacrifices, the 1 East Bengal Regiment was awarded the highest number of gallantry awards. The performance was only to be repeated six years later. During the War of Liberation in 1971, the same unit bagged the highest number of gallantry awards for their outstanding feat. As a whole, the regiment excelled itself with 2 out of 7 'Bir Srestho Padak' the highest military award of Bangladesh. A total of 317 awards of different merits were also awarded to various members of the regiment. Another milestone was added when a total of 24 infantry units was conferred with the National Standard for their exemplary role in defending sovereignty and providing selfless service to the nation.

Bengalee officers and soldiers were an enviable asset to the Armoured Corps of Pakistan for their skill and efficiency. During the war of independence in 1971, 2 officers, 6 Junior Commissioned Officers and 48 soldiers of the Armoured Corps embraced martyrdom. After independence, in 1972 the 1st Bengal Lancer was raised with the freedom fighters and Bengalee soldiers of 29 Cavalry of the then Pakistan Army at Dhaka Cantonment. This is the first tank regiment of Bangladesh Army. The requirement of a modern armoured corps necessitated the creation of few more tank regiments thus converting the armoured corps into a highly competent and credible combat force that it is today.

The nucleus of Bangladesh Artillery Corps took shape during the War of Liberation and began its journey on 22 July of that year. This force comprised of freedom loving youths, Bengalee officers and jawans of the then Pakistan Army. The Artillery batteries continuously provided support to the freedom fighters throughout the Liberation War. The first Artillery unit, called the 'Mujib Battery', played a praiseworthy role during the Liberation War. The undaunted and steadfast morale of its personnel provided the ultimate impetus to victory. In recognition of their bravery, patriotism and ultimate sacrifice, some 16 members of the corps were given gallantry awards of different merits. In all, 121 members of this corps embraced martyrdom. The corps began its operation with six cannons and one field battery during the freedom struggle. Today, it is a force to reckon with consisting of a number of units. The Regimental Centre and School of the corps received the National Standard on the 18th of November 1982 as a symbol of trust placed upon it in defending our independence and sovereignty.

The history of the Corps of Engineers of Bangladesh Army dates back to the Bengal Sappers and Pioneers of British Imperial Army from where it originated. The highest gallantry award 'Bir Sreshtho' was posthumously awarded to Captain Mohiuddin Jahnagir of this Corps. During the War of Liberation in 1971, some 5 officers and 82 other ranks embraced martyrdom for their country. After the War of Liberation, the corps was reorganised and later expanded. Engineers have been playing a vital role for the last decade in all spheres of national activities and in times of national emergencies like natural calamities and disasters of great magnitude.

During the time of reorganisation of the Bangladesh forces in 1971 , the Supreme Commander felt the necessity of restructuring the signal units to suit the need of time. This resulted in the formation of sector‑wise Brigade Signal Companies. Initially three such companies were constituted with signallers from Army, Navy, Air force and the then East Pakistan Rifles (presently Bangladesh Rifles). The newly born brigade signal companies were attached to the No 1, 2 and 8 sectors with battalion headquarters at Mujibnagar. From the time of independence, the Signal Corps has achieved a commendable standard for its significant role in all spheres of military and national affairs. The Signal Corps today has been able to provide assured communication to the army through professional competency and with support of quality standard equipment.

Army Service Corps had only a few Bengalee officers and troops at the time of the Liberation War. Their participation even with such small strength in the freedom struggle is remarkable. The Army Service Corps came into being on 11 March 1972. Initially it started off with a small number of officers, junior commissioned officers and other ranks. However, selfless service of all ranks enabled the corps to achieve a very high standard of performance and recognition from all corners within a very short span of time. The corps has been organised and expanded to meet the growing demands of the army.

A good number of Bengalee officers and troops of the Pakistan Army medical Corps actively participated in the Liberation War. Some 14 officers and 114 troops embraced martyrdom and enriched the History of Medical Corps with glory. The Directorate of Medical Services came into existence during the Liberation War at Mujibnagar. In 1973, the newly organised corps started expanding with 224 officers and 1484 other ranks. Slowly and gradually, a good number of small and big medical institutions including field medical units were raised. After it was reorganised in 1973, the Armed forces Institutes of Pathology and Transfusion started its work with full dedication. For its unique and exceptional performance in medical science, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and Transfusion was awarded the prestigious civil award Shadhinata Padak (Independence Medal) in 1987.

Despite limited scope, members of the Ordnance Corps went beyond the call of duty to augment the strength of frontline forces and fought heroically side by side with other corps members. Some 36 soldiers embraced martyrdom in the Liberation struggle. The ordinance Corps was made responsible for collecting all sporadic equipment and vehicles from different parts of the country to make the best use of their services. The Ordnance Depots started functioning at Chittagong, Comilla, Syllnet, Rangpur, Saidpur and Jessore from March 1972. Later on, the corps was reorganised and subsequently expanded to suit the need of the time.

During the War of Independence, 1400 members of the erstwhile Pakistan Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering were stationed in Bangladesh. These men fought gallantly side by side with members of other fighting arms in the war. Within the limited constraints of equipment and technical backup, these men made best use of their skill and technical knowledge in keeping all armament and weapon battle worthy. After liberation, 4 infantry workshops were raised in April 1972. The corps was further reorganised and expanded subsequently.

Official Bangladeshi Army Website:

History | Official Website of Bangladesh Army
Is India responsible for that???

US has attacked Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. i.e. countries that can hardly stand the might of the US, does that makes US not a superpower/cowards???

It attacked them thinking it was all high and mighty but didn't exactly come out with any honours.
Hence, those in oblivion and those with acute chest thumping need to learn some factual history rather than what they want to believe.

1971: Sarmila Bose Salutes the Paksitan Army | Veterans Today
No because without Indian intervention the Mukhtis wouldn't have able to do half the things they managed to do. The Muktis wouldn't have been in a position to force a surrender of the Pakistan Army till many....many months if not a year or more till our means of fighting the war would have been exhausted.

post number 31. i already mentioned it.... the reason i wrote " to save themselves" because Muktis emotionally driven force were not taking POWs unlike professional Indian Army...........
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3651639 said:
how is it now cowardly???

why india attacked east pakistan, look at the context bro, and stop being ignorant, i as well as you know, it was cowardly attack on pakistan because pakistan was engaged in a civil war and india attacked pakistan when pakistan was weak to defend indian attack

in a war if you strike down a weak opponent who is already injured and bleeding, its not a bravery, you should strike down when the opponent when he is healthy

Are u too dumb to look the facts that it was Pakistan which gave India , a reason to start a war, by attacking forward air bases in W.Pakistan.?
U attacked, and expect us to sit quietly?
In war, after being attacked first, we shall respond whereeva we want, ruthlessly
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3651622 said:
well the refugees you are refering were muktis and not pakistan

coming to the earlier part, operation search light was justified under the circumstances, because the traitors were receiving direct aid from india and russia which needed to be stopped, there were KGB and indian elements even before the war started

operation searchlight was successful, india never succeeded to fuel proxy war in east pakistan so it cowardly attacked directly

no, you should better suck it up to indians ,now days the way you are doing, is just perfect :enjoy:

ya there are millions of refugees in Tripura alone.. Refugees population exceeded the population of tripura alone..
So there was mukhtis? So Pakistan was an angel? it didnt do any mistake? If Ayub had conceded to a govt by shiekh rahman all this problem wouldnt have come.
What u mean India never suceeded in proxy war? indian trained Mukhti Bahini bought PA to knees.
So now attacking directly is cowardly? :lol:
Pls note it down :D
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3651639 said:
why india attacked east pakistan,

It was Pakistan which started the war by attacking Indian air fields. Before the war ,we were just helping BD freedom fighter which remember you been doing for last 3 decades in kashmir, you find nothing wrong in helping kashmiris wage a war against Indian state.

look at the context bro, and stop being ignorant, i as well as you know, it was cowardly attack on pakistan because pakistan was engaged in a civil war and india attacked pakistan when pakistan was weak to defend indian attack

PA had killed over million unarmed people and raped in excess of 200,000 women mostly hindu women in BD , for demanding rightfull democractically elected Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to lead PAkistan.
3 decades of Pak backed insurgency in kashmir , and the total dead just 40k. ??? What PA was doing in BD was genocide totally unparalled in human history.
We were just helping Bangladeshis to fend PA onslaught and we could not bear to see the beahviour being meted to speacially BD hindus whose women were being raped just infront of their very own eyes.

10 million people fled BD of which 90% were hindus.

in a war if you strike down a weak opponent who is already injured and bleeding, its not a bravery, you should strike down when the opponent when he is healthy

Yes what PA was doing to unarmed civilans was surely quite brave.
So there was mukhtis? So Pakistan was an angel? it didnt do any mistake? If Ayub had conceded to a govt by shiekh rahman all this problem wouldnt have come.
What u mean India never suceeded in proxy war? indian trained Mukhti Bahini bought PA to knees.
So now attacking directly is cowardly? :lol:
Pls note it down :D

pakistan wasnt angel, but who is an indian to ask we were angel or not, all of this dirt was laid on by india on pakistan, you trained the mukti terrorists, you involved KGB in this
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3652045 said:
pakistan wasnt angel, but who is an indian to ask we were angel or not, all of this dirt was laid on by india on pakistan, you trained the mukti terrorists, you involved KGB in this

Russia and USA are super powers. Their spy network would be present all over the globe. Do u mean to say that CIA were not present in sub continent at all?
I am sure CIA would have provided some intelligence to PA.
Moreover u are exegerating the role of KGB in 1971.
If u are so demanding y u work with CIA against Afghanistan, why took their assistance in building of ISI?
Talk something morally that can warrant my reply. Not ur egos.
then why ask for apology over & over again hey after all you only said everything is fair in love & war

chill, i am against any apology from Pakistan, infact i am against everything from Pakistan. We go our way, you go yours. We should cut off all relations between us, that would be the best for us since this scar, the day when our brothers fired on us, will always remain in our hearts :)
PA had killed over million unarmed people and raped in excess of 200,000 women mostly hindu women in BD , for demanding rightfull democractically elected Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to lead PAkistan.
3 decades of Pak backed insurgency in kashmir , and the total dead just 40k. ??? What PA was doing in BD was genocide totally unparalled in human history.
We were just helping Bangladeshis to fend PA onslaught and we could not bear to see the beahviour being meted to speacially BD hindus whose women were being raped just infront of their very own eyes.
Not only hindu women, even west pakistani muslim women were being victim to these animals. How shameful
No because without Indian intervention the Mukhtis wouldn't have able to do half the things they managed to do. The Muktis wouldn't have been in a position to force a surrender of the Pakistan Army till many....many months if not a year or more till our means of fighting the war would have been exhausted.
After AUG.15 of 1975, RAWAMY (RAW+Awamy) bastards lost all of their credibility to the people of Bangladesh/East PAK/East Bengal as they miserably failed to come to power through free and fair election of Multi-Parties that ran by EX-Pres. Zia and Justice Sattar up to 1982. Realizing that BDeshis called it RAWAMY Bluffs; Dalals conspired with IND to bring their army's SOB General, Ershad into power to buy time to bridge the gap among them and masses of BD. But a decade or two wasn't enough for masses of BD to forget RAWAMY's 72-75's EVIL hangover. So, they ELECTED overwhelm anti-dalals again in 1992; which caused earth quake into puppet, its master's periphery thus they decided to go all out on glorifying Muktis and on the other hand painting JI leaders as demons. Concocted but glorified stories of Mukties were disseminated day and night through Media-Military-Academics to such magnitude in order to indoctrinate youngster of BD's minds that they couldn't even think rationally, logically. I grew up there seeing it all to tell that it was a skillful scheme to gain indispensable political capital of Bharat's expansionism through its dalal, which would require complete de-linking for BD's youngsters to have scientific, rational perspective of Mukti’s rule, scope of their fighting and probable outcome of it.

IMHO, Muktis could never earn a Bangladesh without Indian's direct intervention. Thousands of my compatriots would probably jump on me for such bold comment but I roaming 40+ districts, talking dispassionately and reading from the neutral sources; I would rather defend it to unshackle their thought processes. Muktis were treated as terrorists even in Indian camps, which demonstrated Indians knew that they were training terrorists even by their liberal term. Also they were just a mean among multi-layered of it to earn Indian's ends.
I guess ten Indian squadrons against a solitary PAF unit equipped with Korean era F-86 Sabres makes you Indians brave....but then again, the catch word is....Indian. !!

Yeah, while you guys murdering Bangladeshi civilians was very brave of you. Get off the high horse, I have repeatedly mentioned that India would probably have not gotten involved, but for the Bangladeshi refugees coming into our country in millions, and severely affecting our economy.

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