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1971 India Pakistan War: Role of Russia, China, America and Britain

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Irony it is, the country you claim to have liberated, never misses an opportunity to give you a bloody nose.....that must be painful.

We have no expectations out of BL but atleast in 1971, we ensured that your eastern territory no longer needs to listen to Rawalpindi/Islamabad.
Irony it is, the country you claim to have liberated, never misses an opportunity to give you a bloody nose.....that must be painful.

Yes you are right. But you missed the fact that India get something more than their liberation. And your nose has been cut permanently. So we got care eventual red nose :D

Can we put 71 on the ban list of topics?
It has been discussed to death and there is literally nothing more that can be said.
Let's move on and look to the future.

Yes you are right. I post this article cuz I think it to be interesting. Troll wasn't intentional. But as you know it happens everywhere here.
I agree with look to the future. But we can't forget the past

A very knowledgeable Article .... Thanks 4 sharing !
Indians should never forget Russians are our best friends indeed while others are just bussiness allies.And our policies should speak the same.
Welcome :D
Sadly this is what we ourself ensured by our economic policies.

And truely that helped India to secure the East border.

I wasnt aware of BRITISH role in 1971. Did anyone have more info on that ???
Sadly this is what we ourself ensured by our economic policies.

This wasn't just the economics that led to this, there were far more important reasons that lead to this. For e.g when Awami League won, it should have been given the government both in the east and west but instead, Bhutto said you keep there while we stay here. Secondly why was Urdu being forced as the common language when they spoke bengali. Then of course vested interests come in of many and they are still in play.
look at the irony the same aircraft carrier is now at the shores of pakistan ready to attack,but alas they do not have any Russia to save them.......

karma is a *****......

What what irony that, Pakistan has nearly developed an ACC killer missile/torpedo. Please don't ask for source now, I already made a thread and gave all the information. And according to my knowledge, your Intelligence/Navy know it too. Any foolish attempt to attack Pakistan would result in fatal decision for India. This is not ego but fact, which is a part of 'rules of use of nukes' by Pakistan. ;)
This wasn't just the economics that led to this, there were far more important reasons that lead to this. For e.g when Awami League won, it should have been given the government both in the east and west but instead, Bhutto said you keep there while we stay here. Secondly why was Urdu being forced as the common language when they spoke bengali. Then of course vested interests come in of many and they are still in play.

Urdu was forced on them it was also wrong.
We have no expectations out of BL but atleast in 1971, we ensured that your eastern territory no longer needs to listen to Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

Not really, Bangladesh is one of the few countries over which Indian government exerts considerable. Regardless of the administration being led by BNP, AL or the army.

Doesn't matter, as long as their government is our pet. :D

Going by that criteria you had got bloody full body in 1971.Sorry for rubbing salt on your wound

Yes you are right. But you missed the fact that India get something more than their liberation. And your nose has been cut permanently. So we got care eventual red nose :D

I can give you all the telling replies, but the thread is already gone off topic, hence here is a little taste of the medicine, read and weep.
One of the disputed areas was a small sliver of land near the village of Pyrdiwah which the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) had occupied since the 1971 liberation of Bangladesh. The village was one of the Indian exclaves near the border of Bangladesh with the Indian state of Meghalaya.[24][25] Bangladesh claimed that the village was within its territory.[26] Five battalions of the 19th division of the Bangladesh Army, with additional personnel from the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), attacked the positions of India's Border Security Force at Pyrdiwah at 01:00 hours on 16 April 2001.[27] India claimed that Bangladeshi troops overran and occupied the village, which was near the town of Dauki, and that Bangladeshi forces were holding more than 20 Indian soldiers hostage.[28] However, Bangladesh insisted that Indian forces launched an early-morning attack on their posts in the frontier district of Kurigram, which lay on the border with the Indian state of Assam, on the morning of 16 April.[28] Indian forces eventually responded but failed to retake the village. The combat remained limited to the border troops of the respective nations, though mortars were used in addition to automatic weapons fire. Between 10,000 and 20,000 villagers living in the area fled the fighting, with at least 17 suffering wounds. Several villages were destroyed or heavily damaged in the fighting. 81 Indian and 2 Bangladeshi troops died during the conflict according to India, although Bangladesh claimed that 89 Indian soldiers were killed with 3 Bangladeshi fatalities.[25][28] Top Indian border security sources claimed that the BDR personnel had retreated in the Meghalaya sector, while in the Assam sector, the Indian BSF had vacated positions seized from Bangladesh.[29] Fresh clashes erupted along the India–Bangladesh border just hours after both sides voiced regret for the recent killings, but by midnight of 20 April firing had again stopped. An article reported that 6,000 Indian civilians had fled the region, and Indian government officials were attempting to convince villagers to return to their homes.[26] The Indian BSF agreed to take back bodies of five of its soldiers at Rowmari sector, whilst the other 11-17 were classified as 'missing'. Bangladesh later agreed to return the dead Indian soldiers the next day.[29] Upon examining the bodies of the dead personnel, India alleged that the BSF men were tortured before being shot dead.[30][31] Three Bangladeshi soldiers were also killed: two during combat and another who died of wounds sustained during operations.
Muhammad Shahid Sarwar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What what irony that, Pakistan has nearly developed an ACC killer missile/torpedo. Please don't ask for source now, I already made a thread and gave all the information. And according to my knowledge, your Intelligence/Navy know it too. Any foolish attempt to attack Pakistan would result in fatal decision for India. This is not ego but fact, which is a part of 'rules of use of nukes' by Pakistan. ;)

Sorry to tell you 'rules of use of Nukes' by Pakistan are bluff. Both countries know that if nuclear war happens India will be pushed back 50 years but Pak will be wiped out of the Map.
And you need a Dum@ss leader to press nukes on other as its only the death wish for the one who press. Musharraf himself agreed that nuclear isn't option.
If suppose India opened a western front. Will Pakistan Nuke India ??? Saying yes is laughing stack. Before First Pakistani Nuclear missile touch down in India a massive counter strick will be in the air.

I can give you all the telling replies, but the thread is already gone off topic, hence here is a little taste of the medicine, read and weep.

Muhammad Shahid Sarwar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am weeping ... Nah ... May be its you. You are blaming it on me.
I am not a fan of BD. :D and it might be true incident but as long as war and conflicts are concerns I don't trust wiki
I told you yesterday I don't trust wiki. You seem to have short memory :D some reliable source :D
Sorry to tell you 'rules of use of Nukes' by Pakistan are bluff. Both countries know that if nuclear war happens India will be pushed back 50 years but Pak will be wiped out of the Map.
And you need a Dum@ss leader to press nukes on other as its only the death wish for the one who press. Musharraf himself agreed that nuclear isn't option.
If suppose India opened a western front. Will Pakistan Nuke India ??? Saying yes is laughing stack. Before First Pakistani Nuclear missile touch down in India a massive counter strick will be in the air.

You seriously think India can survive a nuclear attack? The USSR was the biggest country on earth and they still never said such foolish things. Just because you have more land does not mean you can simply absorb a nuclear attack.
This wasn't just the economics that led to this, there were far more important reasons that lead to this. For e.g when Awami League won, it should have been given the government both in the east and west but instead, Bhutto said you keep there while we stay here. Secondly why was Urdu being forced as the common language when they spoke bengali. Then of course vested interests come in of many and they are still in play.

I am not bad mouthing any one here but according to my experience ( more than 15 years in Delhi now ) punjabis have a misconception that be it in pakistan( through reading of literature ) or in north India think that they are some kinda smart people.. everything be it their dance form to language to body language evokes some kind of jealousy among on lookers or somehow they are more cheerful and smart and are creative etc etc... and compared to them all are kinda dull and slow people .. This is not too explicit but kinda more implicit at a sub conscious level..
This crude machismo ingrained in their psyche forced some asinine people like bhutto to shove down their life style and language on the bengalis which led to the partition..

I have seen the kind of interactions bengalis ( West Bengal ) and punjabis have here in delhi.. I am just guessing that the mutual feeling for the East Bengalis and West pakistanis ( dominated by punjabis ) was just ahead of this curve only :D
You seriously think India can survive a nuclear attack? The USSR was the biggest country on earth and they still never said such foolish things. Just because you have more land does not mean you can simply absorb a nuclear attack.
Yes offcourse India will servive against Pakistan.
USSR was locking horn with USA. That's different. I know you see Pakistan on the same level of India. But I beg to differ you.
If India and China is considered. China will be push back to 100 years with 80 % destruction and India will be destroyed 95% and be in stone age.

Nuclear war happen for say 1/2 mins max. How much you can throw before blowing up. The EMP generated in that will take down all flying things be it planes or guided missiles as all electronics will be fried
Yes offcourse India will servive against Pakistan.
USSR was locking horn with USA. That's different. I know you see Pakistan on the same level of India. But I beg to differ you.
If India and China is considered. China will be push back to 100 years with 80 % destruction and India will be destroyed 95% and be in stone age.

Of course India and Pakistan are not on the same level, you have 1/6th of the earth's population in your border.
But nukes don't take population into account. By recent estimates, Pakistan actually has more nukes then India. In a nuclear war Pakistan will be wiped, but so will 90% of India. And then don't forget radiation which will poison the remainder.

Again, it's really foolish to think that you can absorb a nuclear attack.
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