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16 soldiers martyered and 40 injured in TTP/ISKP attack in Baluchistan

Sad News, ISI busy in IK affairs,
No clue of any preparation, as this requires a huge logistic supports and movements.
Allah Hafiz at the present situation...

Surge in terrorism​

Over the past few months, the law and order situation in the country has worsened, with terrorist groups executing attacks with near impunity across the country.

Since the talks with the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) broke down in November last year, the outfit has intensified its attacks, particularly targeting the police in KP and areas bordering Afghanistan.

Earlier this month, experts at a discussion warned that the TTP was forging a nexus with Baloch separatists and local militant groups based in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan — a development that will likely exacerbate the already precarious security situation in the country.

On April 1, four soldiers were martyred in a terrorist attack along the Pak-Iran border in the Jalgai sector of Balochistan’s Kech district.

On March 10, five terrorists were killed by security forces in intelligence-based operations (IBO) carried out in North and South Waziristan. On March 8, six terrorists were killed by security forces in an IBO in North Waziristan’s Datta Khel general area.

According to statistics released by the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies, an Islamabad-based think-tank, January 2023 remained one of the deadliest months since July 2018, as 134 people lost their lives — a 139 per cent spike — and 254 received injuries in at least 44 militant attacks across the country.
Rest in Peace.
But the ultimate blame lies with the snakes sitting in GHQ who have for decades ignored the plight of soldiers on the frontlines while they themselves live in luxury. These martyrs are nothing more than numbers to them.
Now its time to release a song and the usual statement of "Search operation we have them in cordon the blood of the shaheed will not go in vain" army knows how to give a lollipop.

But hey am not gonna say anything on army now because people like @Signalian know better that army shall pursuit and do f all.

Just stay at the sentry so you can be a prey to the bullets a 100th time.
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Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

Where is ISI? Where is all the drones Pakistan bought? Where is the billions of usd yearly military budget?
How can such a large attack take place and security forces didn’t pick it up?
Is ISI only good for innocent children and women?
How many terrorists were killed in the attack?
Where were QRF or any other Army assets to defend its troops?
Is army only concerned with flag marches in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad?

While establishment busy squashing PTI, in Balochistan TTP forms stronger nexus with Baloch groups and many pledge allegiance and officially become TTP. Many new factions, more extreme than TTP, break away from TTP to fight Pakistan.
But establishment can’t be bothered, as long as Imran Khan isn’t in power they’re fine.

16 martyred and 40 injured is a MAJOR attack. An attack on such a scale is a SIGNIFICANT FAILURE of the whole security apparatus.

1000 iq Establishment busying sucking off indians, treating average Pakistanis worse than terrorists, creating new enemies from old allies, stopping Kashmir jihad, ruining Pakistans economy, sowing seeds of civil war, and completely incompetent in the only field it’s suppose to be concerned with.
Is this establishment our protectors or our biggest enemies?

Shame on all these generals.

May Allah humiliate these dollarkhor slave traitor generals. AMEEEN!
Sad news, and our top military mafia is busy in internal politics and in power struggle.
After Sicilian Mafia we present you the 'Military Mafia', there will be time in some other country, their judges may use this term.
Rest in Peace.
But the ultimate blame lies with the snakes sitting in GHQ who have for decades ignored the plight of soldiers on the frontlines while they themselves live in luxury. These martyrs are nothing more than numbers to them.
They had the MRAPs for personal security duties, instead of putting then on the field in Balochistan.
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Around 16 soldiers martyred and 40 injured in an attack on soldiers in Qila Saifullah. While priorities of our agencies is quite clear for past few days.


Did any high ranking officer also die in action? NO.
Did these martyred soldiers had proper backup and support aka armored vehicles, drones, choppers etc? Most likely NO.

I have said this many a times before, generals intentionally leave these foot soldiers vulnerable in slaughter house aka remote areas of Baluchistan because they want these sacrifices every now and then to keep the business running. They feed on the blood of these foot soldiers and were masterfully able to use these incidents to fool millions of us. All the armored vehicles are used by generals for personal security that too in peaceful cities while these foot soldiers roam around in hostile areas in toyota tin canes without any protection or backup support.

Rest in Peace.
But the ultimate blame lies with the snakes sitting in GHQ who have for decades ignored the plight of soldiers on the frontlines while they themselves live in luxury. These martyrs are nothing more than numbers to them.

Yes, it's just an opportunity for top brass to attend funerals for photo ops and free PR.

Around 16 soldiers martyred and 40 injured in an attack on soldiers in Qila Saifullah. While priorities of our agencies is quite clear for past few days.

Taking advantage of the futile situation back home in Punjab, KPK, Karachi. These miscreants are taking advantage . So sad. Pakistan Army is brave must retaliate.
Can we turn the border between A-Stan and Pak a no mans land and mine it heavily?
Rest in peace our brothers and Allah give there families peace for the great loss. Elections or no elections, IK or any other whoever becomes our next PM of the country but all these generals must be held accountable for breaking the law and putting gun to the country awam. Far too many times country have looked the other way for the damage they have done to the country prosperity and the integrity.
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