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12 FA/50 Aircraft for Philippine AF

FA-50 Buy Puts Manila Back in the Fighter Jet Business

FA-50 buy puts Manila back in the jet business - 3/28/2014 - Flight Global

By: Greg Waldron
Singapore Source: Flightglobal.com

The Philippines has signed a contract for 12 Korea Aerospace Industries FA-50 fighter aircraft.The deal is worth $420 million, with all aircraft to be delivered within 38 months after the contract goes into effect, says KAI in a statementThe long-awaited deal was signed between the governments of the Philippines and South Korea, KAI adds.The announcement marks an important step for Manila, which has no operational fighter aircraft after it retired its Northrop F-5s in 2004. During the 2000s its focus was primarily on counterinsurgency missions in the southern Philippines, but Chinas increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea has prompted Manila to rethink its conventional capabilities.The FA-50 is a logical choice for Manila because the aircraft, based on the T-50 advanced jet trainer, can serve in both training and light combat roles.Powered by a single General Electric F404 engine with afterburner, the FA-50 is entering service with the South Korean air force, and in late December Iraq signed a $1.1 billion contract for 24 aircraft. In 2011, Jakarta signed a $400 million deal for 16 T-50s, which is designated the T-50i in Indonesian service.


Can Jordan, Oman, KSA and UAE join in this FA-50 program and also to develop a new version of it with a single seat having composites, IFR, FLIR and IRST Pod embeded like on UAVs and new engine from GE.
Some one must set the rules to differentiate between Pak Air force and phil Air force and so on. this is really bad way to get confused and waste time on thread that has no interest for one,
Some one must set the rules to differentiate between Pak Air force and phil Air force and so on. this is really bad way to get confused and waste time on thread that has no interest for one,

Thread on PAF started by *ManilaBoy*. Think he context speaks for itself.
Rule is simple: PAF is ambiguous. Pakistan AF/Philippines AF is not so ignore all PAF threads
unless they are in the Pakistani specific parts of the forum, since you risk wasting your time:taz:.

A lot of postings will still be a waste of time :blah:.
Not Really , PAF is the Abbreviation of the Philippines Air Force since 1947...

PAF (Pakistan Airforce) is older than 47... in 47 PAF became independent... before that it was part of the British Airforce... n this is a Pakistani forum?
hahaha...to be more precise... i suggest u @ManilaBoy45 to use phil air force or philipines air forces,since this forum belong to pakistani defence, if ur not,it will cause some ambigu for everyone, to understand the acronyim of PAF... Indonesia to prefer their airforce use Indonesian Air forces or TNI-AU rather than IAF,so it's clear for everyone to understand . just my 2cents btw goodlcuk for your new planes ;)
This jet is not anti-ship capable. The Phil might as well go for 8 Su30 instead of 12 T-50
President Benigno S. Aquino III inspects the FA-50 before leaving South Korea after taking part in the 25th ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit. The Philippines purchased 12 FA-50 fighter/attack jet aircraft and transport equipments from the Republic of South Korea.


FA-50 Buy Puts Manila Back in the Fighter Jet Business

FA-50 buy puts Manila back in the jet business - 3/28/2014 - Flight Global

By: Greg Waldron
Singapore Source: Flightglobal.com

The Philippines has signed a contract for 12 Korea Aerospace Industries FA-50 fighter aircraft.The deal is worth $420 million, with all aircraft to be delivered within 38 months after the contract goes into effect, says KAI in a statementThe long-awaited deal was signed between the governments of the Philippines and South Korea, KAI adds.The announcement marks an important step for Manila, which has no operational fighter aircraft after it retired its Northrop F-5s in 2004. During the 2000s its focus was primarily on counterinsurgency missions in the southern Philippines, but Chinas increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea has prompted Manila to rethink its conventional capabilities.The FA-50 is a logical choice for Manila because the aircraft, based on the T-50 advanced jet trainer, can serve in both training and light combat roles.Powered by a single General Electric F404 engine with afterburner, the FA-50 is entering service with the South Korean air force, and in late December Iraq signed a $1.1 billion contract for 24 aircraft. In 2011, Jakarta signed a $400 million deal for 16 T-50s, which is designated the T-50i in Indonesian service.

woah that looks like a two seater variant of the Jf 17
F/A-50 First Philippine Military Aircraft with ECM

F/A-50s first Philippine military aircraft with ECM ~ ASEAN Military Defense Review


PUERTO PRINCESA, -- With the arrival of the South Korean-made F/A-50 "Fighting Eagle" by the last quarter of this year, the Philippine Air Force (PAF) will be at last fielding aircraft with "electronic countermeasures" (ECM) capability.It is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar or other detection systems, like infrared or lasers.ECM may be used both offensively and defensively to deny targeting information to an enemy.Col. Enrico Canaya, PAF spokesperson, said this will allow F/A-50 pilots to determine whether they are being targeted by hostile fire control radars.With the "Fighting Eagle" having this capability, he added that pilots can evade or launch countermeasures that that can deceive or "spoof" enemy radars, thus ensuring their survival.

The PAF earlier said relatively updated radar systems onboard, the soon-to-be commissioned F/A-50s is able to do autonomous air patrols without relying too much on ground based surveillance systems."(The F/A-50s) has its own onboard radar systems so it can detect (any hostile air threats) while on patrol," it added.The PAF declined to give the specifics of the F/A-50's radar systems for security reasons but stressed that it is quite adequate for air patrol work.Sources said this feature of the South Korean made jet fighter has greatly boosted the air defense capabilities of the PAF which was greatly reduced with the decommissioning of its Northrop F-5 "Tiger" jet fighter squadrons and Vought F-8 "Crusader" fleet, in 2005 and 1988, respectively.
Philippines Receives First 2 FA-50 Light Fighter Aircraft

Marina Malenic, Washington, DC
- IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
01 December 2015

Philippines receives first two FA-50s | IHS Jane's 360


Angeles (Philippines), 27/11/2015.- South Korean made FA-50PH fighter jets stand at their parking position after landing at a military air base in Angeles city, north of Manila, Philippines, 28 November 2015. The fighters, built by Korea Aerospace Industries, are part of a 12-aircraft order by the Philippines worth 420 million US dollars.


Blessing Ceremony of All New Philippine Air Force Aircraft @ Villamor Air Base Which Includes 2 FA-50 Fighter Jets, 6 AW-109 Attack Helicopters and 3 C-295M Medium Lift Aircraft
now Philippines needs a dozen of these with a couple dozen Harpoon missiles

OT: I believed the JAS-39 Gripen will be the next fighter jet aircraft acquisition for the PAF after the FA-50 ...

JAS Gripen_zpshz8or9vi.jpg
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