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096 submarine news


Jul 21, 2021
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The full load displacement of 096 nuclear submarine is about 18000 tons, the max underwater speed reaches 35 knots, and the noise during underwater navigation does not exceed 95 dB. Jl3 submarine launched ballistic missile has a max range of 12500 km.
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The full load displacement of 096 nuclear submarine is about 16000 tons, the max underwater speed reaches 35 knots, and the noise during underwater navigation does not exceed 100 dB. Jl3 submarine launched ballistic missile has a max range of 12000 km.
How many JL3 can it carry?
How many JL3 can it carry?
096 carries 16 JL3, each JL3 has 6 sub warheads, and 096 can attack 96 targets at a time.

China plans to service one 096 every year, build a total of 12, and carry 1152 warheads. The USA wants China to participate in nuclear arms control negotiations. So we will soon build the same number of nuclear bombs as the USA, and then negotiate.

Three important technologies of nuclear submarine: pressure hull, silent propulsion and reactor

1, China has the world's largest forging press and plate bending machine.
2, China has shaftless pump jet electromagnetic propulsion technology (Our technology is ahead of the USA).
3, We have nuclear submarine reactor technology.

We are the world's leading level in the 3 technologies. Of course, we can make high-tech nuclear submarines like the Ohio class.
096 will surprise the world, just like 055.
096 carries 16 JL3, each JL3 has 6 sub warheads, and 096 can attack 96 targets at a time.

China plans to service one 096 every year, build a total of 12, and carry 1152 warheads. The USA wants China to participate in nuclear arms control negotiations. So we will soon build the same number of nuclear bombs as the USA, and then negotiate.

Three important technologies of nuclear submarine: pressure hull, silent propulsion and reactor

1, China has the world's largest forging press and plate bending machine.
2, China has shaftless pump jet electromagnetic propulsion technology (Our technology is ahead of the USA).
3, We have nuclear submarine reactor technology.

We are the world's leading level in the 3 technologies. Of course, we can make high-tech nuclear submarines like the Ohio class.
096 will surprise the world, just like 055.

Why only 16 tubes and not 24 tubes?
096 carries 16 JL3, each JL3 has 6 sub warheads, and 096 can attack 96 targets at a time.

China plans to service one 096 every year, build a total of 12, and carry 1152 warheads. The USA wants China to participate in nuclear arms control negotiations. So we will soon build the same number of nuclear bombs as the USA, and then negotiate.

Three important technologies of nuclear submarine: pressure hull, silent propulsion and reactor

1, China has the world's largest forging press and plate bending machine.
2, China has shaftless pump jet electromagnetic propulsion technology (Our technology is ahead of the USA).
3, We have nuclear submarine reactor technology.

We are the world's leading level in the 3 technologies. Of course, we can make high-tech nuclear submarines like the Ohio class.
096 will surprise the world, just like 055.

what is the weight of each sub warhead? How many kilograms? Are these the same warheads used on the DF-41? And if so, how many warheads can the DF-41 carry? Does China use penetration aids or decoy warheads on the JL-3 and/or DF-41?
We still will need to wait and see if 096 and also 095 will use shaftless EM drive. But the plan is for that and three years ago or so they already said very confidently this shaftless EM drive is pretty much ready.

The missile for 096 is also been tested several times already. New long range missiles hint to use HGV warhead. Can carry many MIRV which can also turn or fewer but several HGV. This is for all Chinese long range missiles.

But our nuclear reactor for submarine is behind Americans and Russians. Quite possibly even behind France and UK.

The whole aim for 096 and 095 is not to make third generation nuclear submarines equal to latest Ohio and Virginia but try and have some advantage using shaftless EM drive which will be the next generation's focus for sound. Deep sea communication is the most sophisticated part of current Chinese submarine technology but nuclear reactor is known as weakest part. Civilian side developments have shown the learning from French and Russian designs in 1990s is paying off. We have both their nuclear technologies, we have plutonium reactor fuel technology and we now the first to start building civilian commercial thorium reactor which is beyond lab testing something everyone was playing with.

Indians were so proud they were playing with thorium reactors and talking so loud. We started playing with thorium reactor before them and done much more without bragging. Now we are building commercial level thorium reactor basically 30 years at least ahead of them. I bet in even 50 years they do not go anywhere with this. These bastards finish question 2 and done it wrong then brag about it while we are finishing the test with 90%.

Submarine reactor has many different challenges are were not the most important nuclear projects so they were slow but the aim of 095 and 096 was to totally catch up to latest American and Russian level which they already achieved by 2000s and Russian recently. This is for nuclear reactor. For propeller it is to leap over them. Weapons systems and communications will depend on electronics and software and communications technology which Russia lags a little bit.

Pressured water reactor or new type is unknown and how it powers propeller is also secret. Could be some improvements or just to catch up in those fields. Civilian nuclear technology is separate mostly. So I would not be confident about your point 3 with reactor being better. I think probably just about the same as what they now have.
16 tubes is already improvement on current 12 tubes from Type 094. Not bad for such long range missiles anyway.

It has to balance so many factors.

Single unit holding too many of the countries finite number of JL-3 or more missile tubes but greater loss of missiles if the submarine is intercepted.

Weight and mobility of submarine.

How fast the building of submarine is.

What is performance of missile launch and survival for each missile carried in case of nuclear war.

The technology required to increase size of submarine to hold 24 missiles.

How many nuclear targets China has in nuclear war scenario. USA and Russia both hold total policy where they can cover every country at least one time. China just needs to cover USA and maybe some countries in Europe.
Considering the massive capacity expansion program in Huludao, why the building rate could be that slow?

1 096 per year is unbelievably fast. I think it will be something like 1 every 2 to 3 years.

Remember they will also be building Type 095 as well at the same speed.
But what you said is "serve one 096 every year", that is different to "build 096 in one year".

I think you mean someone else. I never said they can build one 096 per year. Not commissioning.

I disagree with MH Yang's idea that 096 can be "serviced" as in built or commissioned at one submarine every year.

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