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  1. S

    Yes, U R right . We need cooperate with each other
  2. S

    SAC to deliver new J-11B jets

    Although i'm a Chinese, but i dont like J-11
  3. S

    I'm come from Zhejiang ,
  4. S

    Sorry for making you feel misunderstand, I dont mean it, I understand your meaning , As to JAP, I neither hate it nor love it. I'm keep neutralism.
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    But why would you put a Jap flag ? what do you want to express to other people ? or you love Jap ?
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    。。。。。mao si ye zhiyou zhongguo ren neng kan dong SB shi shenma yisi le ....兄弟哪里的啊?
  7. S

    Thank you ~~~ I'm very curious about your nationality, JP or CN? I saw this : A hungry man is not a free man. ~ Adlai E. Stevenson 中华人民共和国万岁 Long live the People's Republic of China , so i think you might be chinese , but why...
  8. S

    China sends patrol ship into disputed South China Sea

    Why always some people stick this ?
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    nobody can understand my meaning ?
  10. S

    RT, 我是个来自中国的朋友, 无意间在谷歌里搜索:tensions between China and Vietnam 时发现这个论坛&#65292...
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