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  1. G

    India should settle Kashmir dispute or attack Pakistan: Ex ISI chief Hameed Gul

    This is the reasoning of a child. I hope my countrymen don't think all think like this. Most of us want to be successful and happy in our own lives, not get involved in an apocalyptic nuclear war. When you're dying of radiation poisoning with the rest of your family, you really think it's going...
  2. G

    A Pakistani teen made $200,000 in E-Sports

    Just yesterday EG made the semi finals, so he is gauranteed at least $200K more. If EG wins the whole tournament, Sumail will be sitting on 2 million dollars of prize money.
  3. G

    Indian Military Picture Thread

    Are there no women in any roles in the IAF? I would be very surprised.
  4. G

    NADRA Launchs online system for the renewal of ID cards.

    haha damn it, i JUST got it renewed "manually".
  5. G

    Activists seek to reunite Indian girl with family

    A good step even if its really late, and a well written, positive piece.
  6. G

    This Table will Hurt Much But is needed for "Constructive" Talk

    Agreed. The idea of all out war does not fit in the new global interconnectedness, and there is no place for it between nuclear powers.
  7. G

    Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

    To move on with our lives is natural, but we need to keep a corner of our heart forever broken and raging. We owe them that much, that outrage, that need to avenge them and to spare others their fate.

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