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  1. Taygibay

    US shift to India : media explosion. Sept. 28 2016

    Today upon waking, as I ran through news sources, my attention was grabbed by google results. For the second day in a row, Pakistan was in the left hand suggestions list and that with nary a terrorist attack or catastrophe in sight. My exact thought was : -What gives? Well, I did well to check...
  2. Taygibay

    Real jet fighter prices : Rafale, F-35 2015-16.

    A lot of folks quote jet prices out of their ... Most posters find one mention of an extreme that fits their views, i.e. very low if they like the aircraft and very high if they don't and go with that as proof hence. At best the mention is from an uninformed journalist and at worst from a...
  3. Taygibay

    Caught red handed : bad propaganda passing as news about Rafale in UAE.

    This may very well be the simplest way to show some gullible members how to avoid being fooled by unscrupulous if not paid to lie journalists and their agenda. Today, Saturday February 27th 2016, a shitty news agency came out with this piece UAE says Rafale proposal "unworkable" | Terra...
  4. Taygibay

    Pakistan FIA unit catches world class hacker.

    The Inside Story Of How Pakistan Took Down The FBI’s Most-Wanted Cybercriminal The above link tells the full story of the arrest of Noor Aziz Uddin by Pakistan's FIA unit NR3C. Uddin was on the FBI's most wanted list of cyber criminals. The article includes safety tips on e-mail and cell...
  5. Taygibay

    Suggestion for a sub-forum on Imaginary or Future war fare scenarii.

    Hello all, I am here to offer a tool to help clean PDF from stupid useless discussions without hindering its popularity or diminishing visitors statistics. ( Possibly improving them even. ) There are a lot of threads currently being opened by members about options for acquisitions that are...
  6. Taygibay

    The Rafale vs F22 video that the web is abuzz on! From ATLC 2010.

    Simple repost from a video leaked in France yesterday and that shows the exercises from the AL-Dhafra 2009 ( sorry for error in the title ) exercise that was discussed at length then. It's real as evidenced by the grainy definition. This is where the pics we got at the time where extracted from...
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