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  1. M

    India's Iran policy: designed for ‘domestic consumption'?

    Indian Ambassador quoted as saying Iran was suspicious of Congress for its perceived pro-U.S. leanings. The U.S. administration believes that India's Iran policy is meant for “public consumption,'' mostly to please the “domestic Muslim and Non-Aligned Movement audience,'' according to...
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    Indian cos take Bt cotton to Pakistan

    With Islamabad opening up its doors to genetically-modified Bt cotton, Indian agri-firms are making a beeline for Pakistan with their Bt cotton hybrids hoping to replicate the same success story, achieved in India in the last decade. After Pakistan approved commercial release of eight...
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    Japan Builds Up Military

    With Its Eye on China, Japan Builds Up Military By MARTIN FACKLER Published: February 28, 2011 NAHA AIR BASE, Japan — This sun-baked airfield was built atop Okinawa’s rocky coral by Americans during the cold war, but these days its roaring jets proudly display the red sun of Japan. The...
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    Stealth plane

    By Harsh V Pant (The Author holds a Masters degree in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University and a PhD from the University of Notre Dame (USA). He is currently with the Department of Defence Studies at King's College London.) As Chinese President Hu Jintao visits...
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    Stealth plane

    By Harsh V Pant (Harsh V. Pant holds a Masters degree in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University and a PhD from the University of Notre Dame (USA). He is currently with the Department of Defence Studies at King's College London. As Chinese President Hu Jintao visits...
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    Nabbed Somali pirate says he loves India and Bollywood

    Nabbed Somali pirate says he loves India and Bollywood One of the Somalian brigands, caught in the second anti-piracy strike by the Indian Navy and Coast Guard off Lakshadweep islands last Sunday, says he hopes to fulfill just one dream after his release: tour India. "I love India," he...
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    India to meet Pakistan 7 times in next 3 months

    India and Pakistan are set to announce a set of seven conversations under a renewed engagement process resembling the composite dialogue. This will signal the resumption of talks on all outstanding issues, including Kashmir, that had been frozen after the 26/11 attacks. These talks will...
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    Slandering Karmapa

    Karmapa’s office may be guilty of financial mishandling, but to accuse him of being China’s agent is unethical. What intrigues me about the controversy over the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, is whether home ministry officials suspect him of being a Chinese agent or of financial...
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    IRC for PDF

    hi, I was thinking if the website admins could add a IRC (internet relay chat) feature for this forum. It would be easier to discuss matters. If not IRC you could try ,WebChat Please, please, please try to include IRC :pdf:
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    Muslim girl killed for loving affair with Hindu boy

    A Muslim man has been arrested for killing his teenaged daughter who was in love with a Hindu youth from the same village, police said on Thursday. Mushtakeem, a resident of Mawaithakuran village, strangled his 18-year-old daughter Rehana Parveen after she insisted on marrying her lover...
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    How the tables have turned

    Obama has promised to help India get admission into four technology control regimes- the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), Wassenaar Arrangement and Australia Group Three of them were set up to deny technology to India. NSG May 1974: India conducts...
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    The hype about Obama's visit to India

    Hi, Everyone knows that Obama's going to visit India this Saturday(or Sunday). But look at the hype around it. For Obama's visit here to Bombay, the streets are being cleaned, potholes in roads are filled, street lamps are being fixed, shops are being closed and that too during a...
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    It’s not cold on the borders with China, Pak

    The Sino-Indian border and Indo-Pakistan border politics may be full of sound and fury but everyday face-to-face interaction between the ‘guardian angels’ in uniform on either sides of the lines of control is not all that ''un-friendly''. The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), the...
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