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  1. cloneman

    PLA troops arrived in Pakistan for YouYi 2011 drill

    The PLA troops for "Friendship 2011" drill with the Pakistan army in Kasmi re near India border had arrived in Pakistan in Oct.15,2011.
  2. cloneman

    China to launch Shenzhou-8 early November

    JIUQUAN, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- China will launch the spacecraft Shenzhou-8 in early November at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest deseart area. The unmanned spacecraft is expected to perform China's first space docking with Tiangong-1, or Heavenly Palace-1, a space lab module...
  3. cloneman

    VT-1A MBT for export

    cctv released the interview of the biggest Chinese tank builder in Baotou.
  4. cloneman

    PLAN is firing the arms

  5. cloneman

    China’s First Space Station Module Readies for Liftoff

    By Space News Staff As China pushes ahead with plans to launch its first space station module later this summer, the country’s first astronaut is openly discussing the prospect of China’s future engagement with the international space station (ISS). The 8.5-ton Tiangong 1 module, the first...
  6. cloneman

    China and Pak,frendship and cooperation

    China, Pakistan reiterate fortified friendship, enhanced cooperation http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90776/90883/6951695.html Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1951, China and Pakistan have witnessed robust growth in terms of bilateral ties and economic cooperation...
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