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  1. dabong1

    Saudi Hires Pro Occupation Company For Hajj

    This year, the mandatory Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, or hajj, will compound the Palestinians’ woes. Palestinian pilgrims will be greeted by a company that assists in their repression – and even torture – under the Israeli occupation regime. Indeed, hajj this year will be brought to you by none...
  2. dabong1

    Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

    By Dale Gavlak and Yahya Ababneh Dale Gavlak assisted in the research and writing process of this article, but was not on the ground in Syria. Reporter Yahya Ababneh, with whom the report was written in collaboration, was the correspondent on the ground in Ghouta who spoke directly with the...
  3. dabong1

    Give Hagia Sophia back to Christianity?

    Came across an interesting article and just wondered what the thoughts of the turkish members would be on this issue. I do think however that it would be a deft move by the turks-muslims to hand back the Hagia Sophia to the eastern orthodox church as this would strengthen relations with...
  4. dabong1

    Chechen President Pledges to Kill all Chechen Salafi-wahabi Terrorists

    Chechen President Pledges to Kill all Chechen Salafi Terrorists if they Return from Syria - YouTube
  5. dabong1

    excellent operation carried out by the syrain army

    Syrian Arab Army Fight Terrorist Groups - Anna News Qaboun July 14 Part 1 - YouTube The guy at command is great
  6. dabong1

    Murder By Law

    On March 9, hundreds of houses of poor and helpless Christians were once again burnt down in the so-called ‘citadel of Islam’ – Pakistan. This bestial crime was committed in the name of ‘love’ for the Prophet (PBUH) and to protect his ‘honour’ by thousands of frenzied Islamists who call...
  7. dabong1


    I have uploaded a few pics and it said it was waiting for approval but now i just have a load of blank black spaces where my pics should be. It keeps asking if my albums are enabled.....how do i enable albums?:mod:
  8. dabong1

    Cable car to cousins

    Khuiratta = Dhanna cable Car = Azad Kashmir - by Ch Zaheer aBBAS - YouTube Went to visit my cousins and had to cross over in this "cable car" to get to the village or otherwise spend half an hour driving up and down a mountainside to get there. (Its not me in the video) video starts at 35...
  9. dabong1

    The myth of Tribal Invasion

    The reality is shrouded under lies and half truths. To understand the truth we need to seek help from history, comments Mian Mianzoor Ahmad Distortion of history leads to the distortion of the nations. Same has been done with the State of Jammu Kashmir right from uprising of 1931, changing of...
  10. dabong1

    Now is the time for a solution in Kashmir By Shubh Mathur

    Now is the time for a solution in Kashmir By Shubh Mathur There has never been a better time for a comprehensive solution to the Kashmir conflict. The convergence of multiple factors points to the urgent need for a resolution, and also the direction this might take. Increased repression in...
  11. dabong1

    Sorry, Personal Albums are not enabled.

    Anyone know how i enable the albums? I cant find my pics and the pics i have tried to upload "pending".
  12. dabong1

    How do you get to your photo albums?

    Been trying to get to my albums but cant seem to find the them....anyone know how to find them? just found out how to do it.......
  13. dabong1

    Debating the Failed States Index

    By Nadeem Hotiana To paraphrase Mark Twain, the news of Pakistan's failure has been greatly exaggerated. We take exception to Pakistan's placement on the Failed States Index published in Foreign Policy magazine. The methodology fails to capture Pakistan's myriad strengths, while exaggerating...
  14. dabong1


    At last year’s Paris Air Show, some of the hottest aircraft were the autonomous unmanned helicopters—a few of them small enough to carry in one hand—that would allow military buyers to put a camera in the sky anywhere, anytime. Manufactured by major defense contractors, and ranging in design...
  15. dabong1

    US spy drone 'tricked' into Iran landing by GPS spoofing

    Electronic warfare experts used GPS spoofing techniques to snag drone, according to a report By Jaikumar Vijayan | Computerworld US | Published: 17:54, 16 December 2011 The US RQ-170 Sentinel spy drone that was recently captured and displayed by Iranian authorities may have...
  16. dabong1

    Bin Laden's commitment to the covenant

    Among the more interesting revelations from the documents recovered during the raid on Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad compound was bin Laden's angry reaction to Faysal Shahzad's effort to detonate a bomb in Times Square on May 1, 2010, based on the notion that Shahzad had violated the oath of...
  17. dabong1

    Pakistan and Israel Moshe Yegar

    Since Israel's establishment in May 1948, Pakistan, being a Muslim country, has refused to establish diplomatic relations with it. The agreements that Israel signed with Egypt in 1978, the PLO in 1993, and Jordan in 1994 brought no change in Pakistan's policy. However, Israeli and Pakistani...
  18. dabong1

    1421: The Year China Discovered America?

    1421: The Year China Discovered America? | Watch Free Documentary Online This fascinating documentary examines the mystery surrounding the sailing exploits of the legendary Admiral Zheng and his 30 year command of a gigantic Ming fleet. The Chinese court burned all records of Admiral...
  19. dabong1

    US Role in Arab Spring

    I have been increasingly skeptical of the authenticity of the “Arab Spring” revolutions — especially in Egypt (where the outcome is a military junta) and Libya (which, like Iraq , has been bombed back to the Middle Ages). Last February, a few blogs mentioned a 2009 meeting...
  20. dabong1

    Sikh martial art

    BBC News - The only living master of a dying martial art
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