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  1. Chauvinist

    Genetically modified skin grown from stem cells saved a 7-year-old boy’s life

    Scientists reported Wednesday that they genetically modified stem cells to grow skin that they successfully grafted over nearly all of a child's body — a remarkable achievement that could revolutionize treatment of burn victims and people with skin diseases. The research, published in the...
  2. Chauvinist

    Why ?? Just Why???

    My religion didn't allow me to even burn the trees in the war.. My prophet even prayed for the person who tried to kill him.. I was asked to be the kind even to the animals... So How Can I?? Who Am I to kill a "person" in the name of respect when even the news isn't verified ?? Wasn't I...
  3. Chauvinist

    First ever snow fall of my life in ravishing Quetta

    @WAJsal @Indus Falcon @User @Zaki @Nilgiri
  4. Chauvinist

    The economics of CPEC

    IN a country where negativity and cynicism reign supreme, critics and detractors of all kinds are revered, and emotional outbursts and fabricated stories dominate the air waves and social media, it is difficult to present a dispassionate analysis of national issues. Since China announced the...
  5. Chauvinist

    20 litres of aftershave lotion used to brew liquor

    LAHORE - Police investigations have revealed that the makers used “at least 20 litres of aftershave lotion” to brew liquor that killed more than 44 people in Toba Tek Singh this week. Some makers were also among the victims who had consumed liquor in revelry to celebrate the event. The...
  6. Chauvinist

    Everything you need to know about Chikungunya fever

    After 2014-2016 Ebola virus epidemics in West Africa, 2015-2016 Zika virus epidemic in USA, and 2011 dengue outbreak in Pakistan which continues to surface every year, we are now being threatened by another rapscallion of microbiological world – Chikungunya virus. Though it was only recently...
  7. Chauvinist

    Jinnah and Ruttie: When love is not enough

    Going by official records December 25 is the 140th birthday of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, also known as the Quaid-a-Azam (The Great Leader). While we can call Jinnah controversial, there is no denying his immense popularity and the impact he had on the history of Indian sub-continent, if not the...
  8. Chauvinist

    Taliban are my children, says Sami ul Haq

    LAHORE: Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-S (JUI-S) Chief Maulana Sami ul Haq on Sunday proclaimed Taliban as his offspring and said they were fighting a war for freedom of their country, ARY News reported. Addressing Ulema and Madaris Protection Convention in Lahore, he said, “Taliban are my children. We...
  9. Chauvinist

    PIA ‘sacrifices black goat’ before flying ATR plane

    ISLAMABAD: The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) may have cleared the ATR planes for flying operations, but mere clearance seemed a half-job done for the authorities as they resorted to slaughter black goat to ward off any ‘untoward happening’ in view of looming fear, ARY News reported. According...
  10. Chauvinist

    The True Hero..!!!

    باطل سے دبنے والے، اے آسماں نہیں ہم سو بار کر چکا ہے، تو امتحاں ہمارا
  11. Chauvinist

    Two events in history which put flourishing Islamic world into reverse gear

    Here’s an interesting comparison. Despite making up 23% of the world’s population, there are only 12 Muslim noble laureates while Jews make up less than 0.2% of the global population, they have 185 noble laureates. The figures are in addition to the wide perception that Muslims are resistant to...
  12. Chauvinist

    December 1971 to December 2016

    Today is December 3, 2016. On this day, 45 years ago, India openly launched aggression against East Pakistan to finally cut Pakistan to size. This foray now has a fresh start within a jigsaw of individual desires and international intrigues. This jigsaw is framed by a host of contending...
  13. Chauvinist

    Dear Pakistanis, why do you think single women are a joke?

    A couple of days ago, my sister laughingly turned her phone around to show me a post on Facebook. A single friend of ours had been 'tagged' in a post about a matrimonial meet-up event that is taking place at the Islamabad Club on December 10th. “DONT HAVE TIME TO FIND YOUR PARTNER?" it read...
  14. Chauvinist

    Feto a threat to Pakistan's security': Turkey's Erdogan rails against 'coup plotter' Gulen in ISL

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan while addressing a joint press conference in Islamabad alongside Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday announced the Turkish government is determinedly taking on what he termed the Fethullah Terror Organisation (Feto). He said, "We are in the process of...
  15. Chauvinist

    Visiting expat family ‘robbed, sexually assaulted’ by cops in Islamabad

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistani police officials have lived up to their reputation after members of a Pakistani-American family, visiting their home after spending 16 years abroad, were illegally confined, robbed, and sexually assaulted at a police checkpoint in Islamabad on Sunday. The family was...
  16. Chauvinist

    Spectacular view of super moon

    1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7:
  17. Chauvinist

    13 Manhoos Moments Every Desi Has To Survive At Least Once!!

  18. Chauvinist

    Trump and Modi will be 'best friends': Trump adviser

    President-elect of the United States Donald Trump will be ‘best friends’ with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, an adviser to the Republican claimed on Thursday. Speaking to Reuters in an exclusive interview, US-based businessman Shalabh Kumar who is also Trump’s adviser on Indian-American...
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