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  1. Madali

    Video showing an SAA member captured on December 11th, that was found executed this morning.

    Links are here: https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/comments/5jzw1o/nsfw_video_showing_an_saa_member_captured_on/ I agree with this user's post, "So the rebels claim SAA was going house to house killing people and burning people alive, Hezbollah pulling civilians from buses and executing...
  2. Madali

    Reuters: Rebels pollute Damascus water supply with diesel

    The more rebels lose, the more they show their true colors. http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-mideast-crisis-syria-water-idUKKBN14C20K The Damascus water authority has been forced to cut supplies coming into the Syrian capital for a few days and use reserves instead after rebels polluted the...
  3. Madali

    Joint Statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey

    Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministers of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey on agreed steps to revitalize the political process to end the Syrian conflict, Moscow, 20 December 2016 The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran...
  4. Madali

    Syrian Ambassador to U.N. in statement "many foreign intelligence and military officers" trapped

    He reads the names of some of the foreigners,
  5. Madali

    "Rebels" burn evacuation buses in Syria

    Quick summary. SAA gov made a dealt with the Aleppo rebels to let them get away freely in exchange for the sick and elderly loyalists in cities of Foah and Kefraya who are besieged. The deal was agreed but the rebels burnt all the buses that were sent to free the elderly and sick in Foah and...
  6. Madali

    Terrorist attack in Damascus using an 8 year old girl

    This is the sort of monster acts that are being done by terrorists. News articles about it, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-damascus-idUSKBN14520X https://www.rt.com/news/370552-damascus-terror-bombing-police/
  7. Madali

    Google's doodle celebrates Iranian & Muslim scientist

    http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/5/35/251510/Arts--Culture/Stage--Street/Google-Doodle-celebrates-Persian-astronomer-Azophi.aspx Google doodle celebrates Persian astronomer Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sufi known in the West as Azophi and Azophi Arabus, with a representation of the constellation...
  8. Madali

    Donald Trump signifies he will end US support for Syrian rebels despite their pleas to him for help

    What an absolutely strange world we live in. Now, it is the conservative, hardline republicans who are willing to work the "Axis of Evil" to end war? Of course, let's wait and see. We can't trust what a politician says, and have to wait and see for ourselves the actions that they do...
  9. Madali

    Telegraph: 'we Were Living A Real Tragedy In East Aleppo'

    The Telegraph reports on how people are held hostage in Aleppo by the rebels: But slowly and with great deliberation, Khaled Kadoura describes how hundreds of east Aleppo militiamen prevented at rifle-point thousands of civilians from fleeing their enclave over the past two weeks, how they shot...
  10. Madali

    Nusra’s “mobilize” Campaign To Recruit Children

    http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/syriasource/nusra-s-mobilize-campaign-to-recruit-children In April of last year, the Nusra Front—now called Jabhat Fateh al-Sham—launched a campaign they called, “Mobilize,” in northern Syria, intended to recruit children. The campaign was conducted by 300...
  11. Madali

    Iranian Politicians Hail Election Of Lebanon’s New President

    Iranian politicians hail election of Lebanon’s new president Iranian politicians from across the spectrum have praised the election of a new president in Lebanon. The Lebanese parliament elected Michel Aoun Oct. 31, ending a more than two-year presidential vacuum in the country. Summary⎙ Print...
  12. Madali

    Reporters Without Borders: How Saudi Arabia manipulates foreign media outlets

    Thanks to WikiLeaks, Reporters Without Borders is able to expose how Saudi Arabia’s government, which has suppressed all media freedom domestically, tries to co-opt foreign media outlets in order to project a positive image of the kingdom internationally. Its methods are revealed in leaked...
  13. Madali

    Pentagon Paid for Fake ‘Al Qaeda’ Videos

    A very interesting but ultimately, not surprising article. People always talk about propaganda from eastern nations, but the mass media propaganda that the west does is nothing like no other. Summary: USA paid billions to make fake Al Qaeda videos. Imagine how many media and videos we see in...
  14. Madali

    Iran welcomes Syria deal, urges political solution

    Iran, a close ally and military backer of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, welcomed a U.S.-Russian deal for a truce in Syria, saying on Sunday the conflict should be ended through politics. The agreement, by the powers that back opposing sides in the five-year-old war, promises a nationwide...
  15. Madali

    Syria conflict: Grim prospect of 10 more years of war

    Colleagues who nodded agreement surrounded one of them, an articulate man in his mid-20s. "We had to be fighters," he said, "because we didn't find any other job. If you want to stay inside you need to be a part of the FSA [Free Syrian Army, the group that has closest relations with the West]...
  16. Madali

    Middle East in the Olympics

    In the spirit of the Olympics, I made this thread to hopefully celebrate the success of the athletes from the middle eastern countries. Good luck to all 17 countries in the M.E. I'm posting the countries below plus titbits of info from various news sources. I didn't link all the sources because...
  17. Madali

    A review of Belgium fighters in Syria and Iraq

    To those that claim that Syria war was homegrown... https://pietervanostaeyen.com/2016/08/03/belgian-fighters-in-syria-and-iraq-an-important-review-of-our-data/ Remember, this is just one minor country. If so many people joined from Belgium, imagine how many joined from Muslims countries or...
  18. Madali

    FBI director warns of ‘terrorist diaspora out of Syria like we’ve never seen before’

    Also this support of terrorists by so many intl countries for their own political gains is going to come bite everyone in their asses. As terrorists are being defeated in Syria and Iraq, these thousands of battle hardened fighters (who have zero practical skills otherwise) are going to be...
  19. Madali

    Opposition Party Storms Police Station, Takes Hostages In Armenia

    Wait, what? Armenia? http://www.carbonated.tv/news/armenia-hostage-situation
  20. Madali

    Good Guy Erdogan - Is Turkey Returning to Zero-Problems with Everyone?

    RT claims that Endogan apologized for the pilot incident, https://www.rt.com/news/348562-putin-erdogan-turkey-pilot/ "Russian President Vladimir Putin has received a letter in which his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan apologized for the death of the pilot who was killed when a Russian...
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