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  1. pmukherjee

    Syria, Al Qaeda, and cognitive dissonance for fans of intervention

    Syria, Al Qaeda, and cognitive dissonance for fans of intervention Want Bashar al-Assad out of power in Syria? Al Qaeda's on your team. By Dan Murphy, Staff writer / February 17, 2012 Syrians chant anti-Bashar al-Assad slogans during a protest in front of the Syrian embassy in Amman, Jordan...
  2. pmukherjee

    China’s Fight For Supremacy And India’s Subtle Rise – Analysis

    China’s Fight For Supremacy And India’s Subtle Rise – Analysis Written by: World Security Network December 4, 2011 By Annemarie Ulbrich In recent years, there has been a battle for supremacy between the US and China, both states trying to strengthen their influence not only in economics...
  3. pmukherjee

    Pakistani Nuclear Forces 2011

    Pakistani Nuclear Forces 2011 By Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris The latest Nuclear Notebook on Pakistan’s nuclear forces is available on the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists web site. Since our previous Notebook on Pakistan in 2009 there have been several important...
  4. pmukherjee

    China objects to oil hunt, India says back off

    China objects to oil hunt, India says back off Beijing’s bid to thwart oil and natural gas exploration in two Vietnamese blocks in the South China Sea by India’s ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) has been rebuffed by New Delhi. India’s ministry of external affairs (MEA) said China’s objections have...
  5. pmukherjee

    'Bangladesh Dawood's new base'

    We have suspected this for long. It is well known that most of the Islamist terrorist groups operating in South Asia including Ai Quaida have established bases and networks in BD. That the crime-mafia-terrorist syndicate of Dawood Ibrahim which operates in sync with many of these groups, has...
  6. pmukherjee

    COIN Operations in Pakistan

    A very succinct and comprehensive analysis of the COIN operations in Pakistan bereft of all the customary religious/nationalistic embelishments. Please post your valuable comments. Regards. The Counterinsurgency in Pakistan‏ From STRATFOR, 13 August 2009 By Kamran Bokhari and...
  7. pmukherjee

    The Dragon's Rumble

    Guys this is an article I picked up from the Indian Express. The author seems to have taken pains to analyse the situation from an Indian perspective. I would request you to endorse your views. And yes, trollers and flamers please excuse. By Pratap Bhanu Mehta Posted: Friday , Aug...
  8. pmukherjee

    War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century

    Posting the text of a speech by Chi Haotian, Minster of Defense and vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission. An accurate insight into China's imperialistic ambitions, racist credentials and expansionist designs from the 'Horse's mouth', shall we say. Here it is The Epoch Times |...
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